Linux-Hardware Digest #248, Volume #10           Sun, 16 May 99 06:13:36 EDT

  Re: CD writer suggestions? (Brandon)
  Re: MAD16 SoundCard with KDE (Kenneth Pinyan)
  Audio Excel CMI 8330 Sound Card Problems (root)
  Re: Amd-k6-2 (Matt)
  Re: /dev/hda1 has reached maximal mount count, check forced ("Ishikawa,Chiaki,remove 
No Spam from the address")
  Re: Quad/Dual Motherboard? (bryan)
  Re: Promise Ultra66 (Andre Hedrick)
  Help with driver for Aztech VGS3D (rosi)
  Help with driver for ATAPI/E-IDE CDROM drive (LTN-nnn) (rosi)
  Re: "soft" modems in emachines (David C. Greig)
  Help with MDP7800-U PCI Modem (rosi)
  Re: Who makes the best cases?? ("Jon Lee")
  Re: Sound Card Problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Adaptec 2940UW PCI problem ("Karl Lewalter")
  Re: Alternative to OSS for Sound Blaster PCI128? ("Madhu")
  Re: Help with Sblive-o.1b.tar: (Jim Zubb)
  How to get Diamond MX300 Sound Card to work? (Ken Salter)
  serial port recommendations? (Bud Rogers)
  SCSI CDROM not working after install ("Yusuf")
  Re: IDE and scsi hard disks on one CPU ("Yusuf")
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (Richard Steiner)
  Re: Warning: IOMEGA Zip on linux 2.2 is not stable (Michael Proto)
  Linux Buying Advice Wanted.... (USA_Guy _)
  Re: Amd-k6-2 (Rod Roark)


Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 00:20:49 -0400
From: Brandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CD writer suggestions?

Shad Van Den Hul wrote:
> Nick Zentena wrote:
> >         Hi,
> >                 Any suggestions on CD writer? I'd like SCSI. Read speed is not an
> > issue. Should Write speed be one? The Pansonic is quite a bit cheaper
> > then the Yahama. Is it any good? Or should I just spend the extra money.
> >
> >         Thanks
> >         Nick
> > --
> > ---------------------
> > Nick Zentena
> > SuSE 6.0 Linux 2.2.7
> > <Don't expect much-)>
> > ---------------------
> Hi,
> I have a Ricoh cd-rw 2x2x6x  MP6200s (scsi).  It works like a charm under X-CD-Roast
> (linux) and Adaptec's Easy CD Creator and Direct CD (Win).  It makes flawless cd's
> even when using the computer in processor intensive applications (such as playing
> games).

I wish the scsi controller that came with my Ricoh was supported under
Linux.  THE drive is i know, but not the controller, that sucks.  Its
called a Sparrow or someting in WIndows, some proprietary thing i think.

> The MP6200 comes in both scsi and ide flavors.  SCSI refurnished direct from Ricoh
> with Adaptec SCSI card runs about $350 (US).  If I was to buy a cd-rw again I think I
> would go with the Ricoh Media Master  (4x4x16x I think) or maybe the new ones from
> Sony or HP 4x2x24x.


"Bill Gates?, I dont know any Bill Gates.  Oh, you mean 'by putting
every conceivable 
 feature into an OPERATING SYSTEM, whether you want it or not, is
innovation' Bill 
 Gates? Yeah, I know the monopolizer"
     For Beginners in Linux, Emulation, Midis, Playstation Info, Virii


From: Kenneth Pinyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MAD16 SoundCard with KDE
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 20:30:21 -0700

Thorsten Müller wrote:

> Hi!
> I´ve a problem configuring my MAD16 compatible NoName soundcard (OPTi
> 82C929 chipset). I went all the way through the HOWTOs and READMEs
> delivered with my SuSE 6.1 and recompiled my kernel and sound-modules
> according to these instructions. My soundcard seems to work (wavplay can
> play wave-sounds, I hear the sounds from my speakers) xmix is able to
> control the playback-volume, but I cannot configure system-sound for
> KDE. In the control-panel, I can set whatever I want to, but KDE play no
> sound. Is there something I should set up?
A similar thing happened to me upon installing KDE for the first time.  If
you just installed KDE, kaudioserver might not be finding your audio
device.  For me the problem was installing in a directory other than KDE's
default /opt/kde location.  Check out their web site (, I
believe) for updated installation directions relating to this.  On the
other hand....

> conf.modules contains the following lines:
> alias mixer0 mad16
> alais audio0 mad16
> alias midi0 mad16
> alias synth0 opl3
> options sb  mad16=1
> options mad16  io=0x530 irq=11 dma=0 dma16=1 mpu_irq=9 mpu_io=0x330
> joystick=1 cdtype=0
> options opl3  io=0x388
> cat /dev/sndstat says, there is no synth-device loaded.

But this indicates that opl3 module is not loaded...  Run 'cat
/proc/modules'.  My listing reads

opl3                   10244   0
mad16                   6564   0
uart401                 5588   0 [mad16]
ad1848                 15104   0 [mad16]
sound                  54504   0 [opl3 mad16 uart401 ad1848]
soundcore               2100   6 [sound]

You should have a similar listing.  If not, check /etc/rc.d/rc.modules.
You might be missing a 'modprobe opl3'.

Hope this helps.

Ken Pinyan


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Audio Excel CMI 8330 Sound Card Problems
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 08:40:07 +0800

Hi, I hope u can help me.

I have a PNP Audio Excel Sound Card (CMI8330 Chip) installed in my Linux
Box.  Problem is I can not hear audio CDs being played.  I am able to
hear .wav files though.  I have checked the cd-rom cables and also the
sound mixer panel.  There seems to be nothing wrong with them.

I would appreciate your help.


Holden Hao


Subject: Re: Amd-k6-2
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 22:20:00 -0500

> > Sorry but I miss the leading posting from this thread. Is it about K6-2 random
> > lockups under Linux? If so I am desesperately seeking a solution to this

If you are overclocking then your memory timings are to 'hot' back them off.
If you are not overclocking, then get familiar with your BIOS as this is probably
where your troubles are.
I have just set up my sons new computer with a K6-2 (350 Mhz) overclocked to 392Mhz
and the memory at 112Mhz. It is completley stable in Win98 & Caldera 2.2. But I DID
have to tweak the BIOS else it would suffer random lockups.  Baring all this news.
You may want to have your memory checked if running 100Mhz FSB. Also, Seems like
most folks do not know how to apply heatsinks correctly. The K6 will shutdown on
overtemp, which it can acheive in an eyeblink under the right conditions.
Good Luck


From: "Ishikawa,Chiaki,remove No Spam from the 
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: /dev/hda1 has reached maximal mount count, check forced
Date: 10 May 1999 21:27:12 +0900

> I know of no other UNIX doing this. 

If I recall correctly, Digtal UNIX on MIPS platform such as ds5200
did this.

I think the trigger for fsck was
 - either the max count reached, or
 - some pre-determined elapsed time since last fsck was reached.

But it was 5 or 6 years ago that I used the machine and so my memory
is hazy.

     Ishikawa, Chiaki        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or         
 (family name, given name) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Personal Media Corp.      ** Remove .NoSpam at the end before use **     
  Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan 142-0051


From: bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Quad/Dual Motherboard?
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 04:38:20 GMT

if you can afford it, with xeon you can go 4-way.  probably even 8-way.

Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: If you want duel you have the choice of pentium Pro , normal Pentium or
: Pentium II

: if you are after more then you can (AFAIK) only go the Pro route

: Tony

: Gavin McCord wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
: >Rather than buy a single expensive superfast PII on a single mainboard, I'd
: >like to go dual/quad motherboard with cheaper processors i.e. 266-300MHz
: >
: >Any recommendations on boards to buy?
: >
: >
: >--
: >"I'm Keyser Soze. No, I'm Keyser Soze. I'm Keyser Soze and so's
: >my wife..."
: >-Monty Python plays The Usual Suspects



From: Andre Hedrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Promise Ultra66
Date: 14 May 1999 00:30:54 GMT

Rupert Hair wrote:
> I have just bought a Promice Ultra66 IDE controler card for my linux box. 
> I bought a new HDD which had support for 66 Mb/S and so I thought that
> this card might improve performance.  I have performed some tests on it
> and my disk read speeds have gone down from ~9 to ~4.  I had to use some
> kernel params to get it to work at all (ide2=0x6000,0x6102).

The kernel does not know to allow UDMA-4.
I just resolved these promblems last week.
Get a pack from the URL below.

> The Ultra DMA howto seems to say that the kernel should have built in
> support for UDMA 33 and I wonderd if it has / will have any support for 
> the new standard.


BTW...Three Promise Ultra33's plus a PIIX4 for a total of 16 drives is 
supported in the 2.3.1-5 and 2.2.8 with a patch.  Read comments in

Andre Hedrick
The Linux IDE guy

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: rosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help with driver for Aztech VGS3D
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 00:53:57 -0400

Anyone has been successful with Aztech Lab's VGS3D 2D/3D card. I have
old Rad Hat 4.0 which does not (I believe) have a driver for it. Does
Red Hat 5.2 or 6.0 have support for it? Or where can I get a driver for



From: rosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help with driver for ATAPI/E-IDE CDROM drive (LTN-nnn)
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 00:59:15 -0400

Where can I get the driver for LITE-ON Technology International Inc.'s
CD-ROM drive for the following models: LTN-302, LTN-342, LTN-362,



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David C. Greig)
Subject: Re: "soft" modems in emachines
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 12:37:05 GMT

On Fri, 07 May 1999 17:54:24 GMT, "David Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Take this modem outside and run over it about 4 times with your car or
>truck.  Then pour gasoline on it and light it on fire.  Then, beat it with
>a hammer, then send it back to whatever asshole company produced such a
>piece of crap!  Then go to whoever bundled that with your system and demand
>a refund for the cost of that modem (Probably $5) and put that towards a
>real modem! Win-modems, soft-modems, etc... they aren't real modems and
>thus don't work on real operating systems.
>> I'm wondering if I'd be better off just buying a cheap modem.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> David Greig

Thanks for the recommendation.  I think, rather than waste gas on this
thing, I'll just use it as a reminder to not trust anything that comes
from Best Buy.  This "modem" was actually preinstalled in one of the
eMachines I got for use as a firewall.  I ended up finding  another
old modem lying around and stuck that in.  Things are happy now.

Considering Best Buy's moronic statement that you can't bring anything
back for repairs/exchanges/complaints after you open the case, I don't
think I'll be visiting them again.



From: rosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help with MDP7800-U PCI Modem
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 01:03:18 -0400

Where can I get a driver for this card to work under linux? Or does the
newer kernel in Red Hat 5.2 or 6.0 support it?



From: "Jon Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Who makes the best cases??
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 02:34:25 -0400

>I like PC Power and Cooling cases.
>Darin Sugioka

California PC Products ( is the OEM for PC Power &
Cooling cases...although you can't get the same cases from calpc, you'll
find various other (IMHO, cooler looking) cases.  I especially like the
large server chassis (; it can
take two motherboards/two hot-swap power supplies.

Sliger Designs ( also makes some really high-quality
rackmount and tower chassis (these are more expensive than calpc though).



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Sound Card Problems
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 05:31:20 GMT

I'm curious if this problem has been resolved.
I'm having _exactly_ the same symptoms with
RH6.0, and am about to dig into solving it.

--== Sent via ==--
---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---


From: "Karl Lewalter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940UW PCI problem
Date: 15 May 1999 22:03:35 GMT


i run Suse Linux 6.1 and got the same error. You can fix this by adding the
"no_reset" parameter to your kernel. I don´t know how this works with Red
Hat, but with Suse you got a command prompt before booting where you can
enter it.  :-)


From: "Madhu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Alternative to OSS for Sound Blaster PCI128?
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 11:16:06 +0530

    What is OSS? I am not able to even get my Aztech PCI-338 A3D card to
work. Do you know how to get my old ISA card Yamaha OPL3SAx card work? Pls
reply soon, i'm really keen to get my system running. I am fairly a novice.

Spotillius Maximus aka "Spot" <*****> wrote in message
<7hfsl2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>What are my options for running a SB PCI128 sound card?  I'm using OSS now
>and it seems to be OK, but I'm curious if there are alternatives that will
>work better.  I copied all my sound themes over from Win98 and only half of
>them work, the other half don't play.  I think this is a problem in OSS
>since they are all *.wav format.  Thanks.
>                                                                    Ed


From: Jim Zubb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help with Sblive-o.1b.tar:
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 02:40:17 +0000

> On Sat, 15 May 1999 23:37:15 +1000, Tom Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >David Leathers wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi
> >> I have just installed red  hat 6.0.  I have a sound blaster live value sound
> >> card.  I found and downloaded the file sblive-o.1b.tar which is the Linux
> >> drivers for the card.
> >>
> >> My problem is that I have no idea how to install these drivers.  Could
> >> someone point me in the right direction on this installation.
> >>
> >> Thanks:
> >
> >David,
> >       tar -xvf sblive-0.1b.tar will unpack the file, creating a directory
> >named 'package'. There are installation instructions in there.
> >
> >       Having said that, has anyone had any success with this driver? I can
> >get it to (apparently) install OK, but x11amp (for instance) doesn't
> >manage to produce any sound...
> >
> >Tom
> Hi Tom,
> On my Redhat 6 system (custom kernel) with a SBLive value card x11amp
> plays for about a second and then screws up badly with slow sounds and
> noise. The sounds in gnome are fine and CD music plays great.
> Hopefully it won't be much longer until creative get a new version
> out!

Esound does not work with the current drivers.  Disable
sound in Gnome and X11amp should work.

If this is not your problem, beats me...

Jim Zubb


Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 06:52:31 +0000
From: Ken Salter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: How to get Diamond MX300 Sound Card to work?

I have a Diamond MX300 Sound Card (Aureal 2.0 Chip) and I would like to
get it to work with Linux.  This is the last piece of hardware I have
that doesn't work with Linux.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

Ken Salter


From: Bud Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: serial port recommendations?
Date: 14 May 1999 14:28:15 -0500

OK, this is not strictly on-topic for the group, but it's at least hardware 
related.  My better half just bought herself a graphics tablet for her W95
box.  The tablet needs a serial port and IRQ for itself.  Turns out with
all the other junk she already has in that box, every IRQ is taken.

Looks like I'll have to rip out her internal modem and put in a multi-port
serial card to get around the IRQ shortage.  Anyone have any
recommendations of what to look for or avoid?


  Linux twocups 2.0.36 #5 Mon Mar 15 21:01:56 CST 1999 i686 unknown
  2:23pm  up 4 days, 13:44,  4 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.10, 0.06


From: "Yusuf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SCSI CDROM not working after install
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 01:11:57 -0700

I am using an IN-2000 SCSI card with a Pioneer SCSI CD-ROM. During boot, I
sometimes get a "spurious FIFO interrupt" message when Linux boots. I am
using IRQ 15, I/O 220, which, under DOS, shows no hardware conflicts.

I have installed Linux from this very SCSI host and device combo several
times, and have used every combo of IRQ and I/O it offers, and have only on
a couple of occasions been able to get the CD-ROM to work once the system
has rebooted from the install.

A cd /mnt/cdrom works, but a dir produces nothing. A umount tells me the
device is not mounted, and a mount says the device is already mounted or is

I am very new to Linux (using RedHat 5.1) and this is very frustrating. I
have in six installs only managed to get the X windows to work properly
once. I wanted to load an application from the Apps CD in the RedHat retail
package, but then the CD would not work as described above.

At any rate, perhaps if someone could shed some light on where to possibly
look for a conflict, I'd appreciate any input. I have reviewed all of my
current settings for all installed hardware, and cannot find any IRQ or I/O

The box itself is an old AST 486 66Mhz Bravo MT with a single IDE channel.
It has 2 IDE drives (Maxtors - 1.2 GB and 340 MB). It does not have a NIC or
any ISA slot cards except the SCSI host. The video is an ATI 32 (it is
listed in the drivers list). Pretty simple but barebones setup with no real
unusual stuff that does not have a driver listed in the install program.




From: "Yusuf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IDE and scsi hard disks on one CPU
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 01:43:49 -0700

In a mixed environ of IDE and SCSI, you will NOT be able to boot from the
SCSI. To boot from the SCSI, you would have to to disable the IDE.

Peter wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I just got this P150, with a scsi controller and HD.  I formerly had an
>IDE disk on an i486.  How can I hook up the IDE hard drive without the
>BIOS thinking it is the primary drive?  Because it has a primary DOS
>partition to load loadlin.  I haven't really tried anything yet just
>thought I would post something so I can do it right the first time.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: All the current OSes are idiotic
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 02:16:37 -0500

Here in comp.os.linux.hardware, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brad BARCLAY)
spake unto us, saying:

>In this case, however, I was talking specifically about moving from OS/2 
>to Intel Linux.  That is a downgrade - about the only thing you actually 
>"upgrade" in such a move is you sense that your now running a "popular"
>OS which gets lots of press rather than one which alot of so-called
>"journalists" erroroniously put down for all the wrong reasons.

I would respectfully suggest, Brad, as a long-time OS/2 and now also a
regular Linux user, that the move from OS/2 to Linux can be an upgrade
(or at least a sidegrade) for many people.

I don't it's fair to map your own preferences to others.  :-)

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>---> Bloomington, MN
    OS/2 + Linux (Slackware+RedHat+SuSE) + FreeBSD + Solaris + BeOS +
    WinNT4 + Win95 + PC/GEOS + MacOS + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven!
              Don't worry.  Baldrick has a cunning plan.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Proto)
Subject: Re: Warning: IOMEGA Zip on linux 2.2 is not stable
Date: 16 May 1999 09:28:08 GMT

On Sat, 15 May 1999 23:07:51 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] muttered:
>RH 6.0, upgraded to kernel 2.27:
>I have now played quite a while with trying to use IOMEGA Zip drives.  I
>have come to the conclusion that the ATAPI version linux driver does not
>work reliably.  Note that the driver nicely recognizes the presence
>of Zip drives during boot time, and assigns a device thereto.  The
>driver just makes mistakes reading and writing from zip disks.

[examples snipped]

>/ivo welch
>--== Sent via ==--
>---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---

I'm using RH 5.1 with kernel 2.2.7 and an internal ATAPI ZIP drive, and it
works fine for ext2, fat, and vfat fs mountings on my box. Granted, I do
get occational i/o errors in /var/log/messages, but it does not affect the
data at all (I can still access and read the transfered files no problem).
I think the problem is that my Zip is a slave on my secondary IDE
controller, whereas my CD-ROM is the master. I'm gonna try switching the
two around (I've heard rumors that CD-ROMs should not be a master on a
controller that also contains a slave) and see what happens.

-] Michael Proto [-
-] MCP [-
-] Happy Linux user since 1997 [-
ERROR: REALITY.SYS Corrupted! Reboot universe? (Y/n)


Subject: Linux Buying Advice Wanted....
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 00:27:50 -0700 (PDT)

I am going to order a low price PC with a Linux OS pre-installed, and I
need some advice.
The primary uses will be to surf the internet, and transfer to images
from my digital cameras to my web-site.
I have never used a Linux system before.   I have a little experience
with Windows 98..... but most of my experience has been with the Berkley
"GEOS" operating system on a Commodore 64..... and..... for the past two
years I have used a WebTV box for my internet connection.
My first question is.......
Which Linux OS should I get...... Caldera or Red-hat ........ or
something else ??
I want a simple and clean-looking screen display..... with largest
possible text and icon options.   I want the easiest and most intuitive
screen interface available.
My second question is........
I see in my research that there are many companies that build PCs with
the Linux OS installed.
I would appreciate recommendations of a some of the most reputable of
these builders.
Any other buying tips would also be appreciated.    Feel free to email
me directly if you'd like.    Thanks all.
~ Guy ~


From: Rod Roark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Amd-k6-2
Date: 16 May 1999 08:13:06 GMT

Ian Nicholls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have replaced the motherboard, tried PC100 SDRAM, bought a new heatsink
>and fan, but it makes no difference.  Error messages often refer to
>segmentation faults or "SIG 11".  Is there really a problem with the newer
>AMD processors?  A solution, or even a believable explanation would be very

No but the one you have may very well be defective.  You should try
to find a way to swap it out at least for testing.  Another
possibility is the motherboard.

>The machine works fine with Windows 95!

Perhaps just silently corrupting your data.

-- Rod
Sunset Systems                           Preconfigured Linux Computers                      and Custom Software



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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