Linux-Hardware Digest #310, Volume #9            Sat, 30 Jan 99 16:13:27 EST

  Free Recipes <Gourmet & Chili> ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Soundblaster: Error Opening /Dev/Audio (Vladimir Florinski)
  Re: Plextor Ultraplex 40 max/wide speed control (Gary Momarison)
  Re: 3COM sells crippled modems (Alan Boritz)
  Re: 3COM sells crippled modems (Alan Boritz)
  Re: IBM ServerRaid Controller ("Atoch Arnaud")
  Re: HELP: jumpersettings TVGA 9200 cxr (Bill)
  Re: Manual Switch boxes, Any hope? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  DMA (Chris Leahy)
  Re: CD-R writer for USB (Dan Nguyen)
  Re: IntelliMouse problem with XFree86 ("John Borges")
  Re: X on AT&T/NCR Globalyst 520 (Tom Herman)
  GRAVAGE AIDEZ-MOI SVP !!!!! (Tristan Israel)
  Re: Ensoniq "Gateway" Sound Card problems (HELP!) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: mouse trouble (Bob)
  key board(backspace in X) (slippy)
  Newbie help with Linux, IBM PS/2 30-286 (Seven)
  Re: mouse (Bob)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Grant Edwards)
  Re: help with modem setup ("naterackers")
  Re: HP 830c deskjet printer (Johnny)
  Re: SCSI DAT and backup (Peter W)
  ASUS P2B-s: Install problems (daniel meredith)
  Newbie vs Linux: How many MB in 1024 cylinders? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: SCSI ZIP drive (Mircea)
  Logitech Tracman mouse problem. (N.C.)
  Re: Netgear FA310TX NIC (Martin Schultz)
  Plextor Ultraplex 40 max/wide speed control (John Hagen)


Subject: Free Recipes <Gourmet & Chili>
Date: Saturday, 30 Jan 1999 12:59:06 -0600


From: Vladimir Florinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Soundblaster: Error Opening /Dev/Audio
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 13:14:54 -0700

> I'm at a loss also.  I've been working with the 2.2.0-pre series of kernels on
> RH 5.2.  I can compile sound into the kernel and it works fine.  If I compile
> it as a module and use "setup" to configure the sound (IRQ 10, DMA 1,6), I get
> the same error - error opening /dev/audio.  setup refuses to write
> /etc/conf.modules.
> John

I have no experience with the new kernel. This applies to the old kernel (and of
course non PnP card):

- make sure you compiled and installed the modules properly during kernel
- your /etc/conf.modules should contain:

alias sound on
options -k sb io=0x220 irq=10 dma=1,6

- RedHat systems install the sound modules at startup according to
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit script (so they are not managed by kerneld). After you
reboot, the driver should be installed ('lsmod' show sb, opl3, etc). If not, try
'modprobe sound'. 




From: Gary Momarison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: Plextor Ultraplex 40 max/wide speed control
Date: 30 Jan 1999 10:33:17 -0800

John Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I know that the max speed of this CD-ROM drive may be controlled with
> Windows software supplied with the drive.
> Is there any way to do the same thing under Linux? I'm looking for an
> Ultra Wide SCSI version of this drive at present and anticipate trouble
> reading scratched/damaged discs or CD-R/CD-RW discs at 40X...

I just saw such a thing (for Plextor) in the last couple days,
but I've forgotten where. Most likely c.o.l.announce.

Maybe or -- or search for it.

Look for Linux info at and in
Gary's Encyclopedia at


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Boritz)
Subject: Re: 3COM sells crippled modems
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 16:36:33 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Spencer Lu) wrote:
>> There are plenty of options, such as buying a REAL modem, like the
>> USR/3COM Courier modem.  It's about $200-$250 almost everywhere.  That's a
>> damn sight more expensive than the $50-$60 a typical Winmodem sells for at
>> retail.  I don't buy analog modems very often any more, but when I do, I
>> buy Couriers.
>I bought a Courier, because I thought it'd be more reliable than a 
>Sportster.  However, if someone just picks up and then hangs up a
>phone (on the same line as the Courier) while I'm online, the Courier
>ALWAYS drops the connection.  I thought it'd be able to deal with
>line noise better than that.  I probably should have just bought the
>less expensive Sportster.

Maybe you should instead concentrate on educating your household on the
benefits of NOT picking up the phone while you're using it, rather than
blaming a manufacturer for YOUR problems?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Boritz)
Subject: Re: 3COM sells crippled modems
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 16:41:28 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi) wrote:
>On Wed, 27 Jan 1999 17:11:26 -0500, Iain Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Following is the entire text of my exchange with 3COM "support", edited
>>only to
>>>remove my e-mail address from the .sigs.  The initial message was
>>transmitted to
>>>them from their web site; the rest is e-mail.  I submitted the web site
>>>on November 29 and their first response was on 9 January.
>>>I hope everyone appreciates the identitification of OS/2 and Linux as
>>Duh, weren't we stupid for buying a Winmodem.  You'll find that if you read
>>the box to your modem that you bought a piece of crap Winmodem.
>       Actually, the disclaimers are getting harder and harder to find...

Even on the packaging, itself. A friend bought a modem, after I made some
suggestions on V.90 choices.  Price was great (found it in Computer Shopper),
box said it was a USR "Viper," with no reference to it being a winmodem.  The
only clue he'd been screwed were the driver disks.  He needed to use it, and
was already aggravated, so it stayed in the machine.


From: "Atoch Arnaud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IBM ServerRaid Controller
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 18:57:56 +0100

There is some SCO drivers for the IBM ServeRaid Conrollers. Is there a way
to use them under linux ?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>IBM's ServeRAID controllers are ALL PowerPC-based cards! There are
>still no drivers available to my knowledge.
> --Eoin
>On Tue, 05 Jan 1999 22:46:14 -0500, Kazin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 10:50:33 -0500
Subject: Re: HELP: jumpersettings TVGA 9200 cxr

Lee Babcock wrote:
> Trident only make the chipset, not the video card, so to get help on
> jumpers, you need to know who actually made the card, usually only
> available from the original documentation and sometimes, not even there!
> If it is an ISA of VLB card, try to find someone with a copy of MicroHouse
> CD software, you may be able to find by comparing the card to the diagrams
> on the CD.  If you can physically describe the card in detail, I can try to
> find it in my MicroHouse.
> Regards, Lee
> Personal Composer wrote:
> > hello reader,
> >
> > I have a video card in my computer but I dont have the manual of it.
> > The card I have is a Trident tvga 9200 cxr and I would like to know how
> > to set the jumpers that are on the card.
> >
> > I you have the such a card at home, could you email me and tell me how
> > to jumper my card?? I'm trying to install linux, you know and the card
> > is not installed the right way.
> >
> > greetings Matthijs

Use the FCCid number on the card to find the Manufacture of the card


Subject: Re: Manual Switch boxes, Any hope?
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 20:57:06 GMT
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux

On Sat, 23 Jan 1999 11:49:29 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed
Blackman) wrote:

>In article <780rgo$mr4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       BL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>the active boxes are THE way to go.  they retime and repeat the video signal
>>AND keep the keybd/mouse alive.
>>even at 1600x1200 (really!) the switchbox is 99.9% transparent.  pretty good,
>>I think!
>>get one - it works.
>Do you have any recomendations for a good but inexpensive active

Check out the Autoview and Switchview boxes are good


From: Chris Leahy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: DMA
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 19:16:01 +0000

Hi all, 

I have recently compiled and installed the 2.2.1 kernel.
I get several messages from the kernel at boot that I cant find an
answer for.

( excerpt )

PCI_IDE: unknown IDE controller on PCI bus 00 device 78, VID=10b9,
PCI_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
PCI_IDE: simplex device:  DMA disabled
ide0: PCI_IDE Bus-Master DMA disabled (BIOS)
PCI_IDE: simplex device:  DMA disabled
ide1: PCI_IDE Bus-Master DMA disabled (BIOS)

I have an ASUS P5A-B motherboard with the Ali 1541 AGP chip and Ali 1543
super I/O controller chip.
I see that the kernel obviously does not support this chipset.
The closest it comes in the configuration is under "other ide chipsets"
Ali 14xx
I tried this but the kernel says
Ali14xx not found.
Not surprising since its the wrong chipset but I thought I'd try it

The question is....

Has anyone else found this problem and is there a soloution
and does anyone know if support for this chipset will be in kernel
releases in the near future?

Thanks for any help
Chris Leahy                         |       2151 Daniel St
Real World Computer Services        |       Trail, B.C.
1-250-364-9965                      |       V1R 4H1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           |       Canada


From: Dan Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CD-R writer for USB
Date: 29 Jan 1999 20:54:56 GMT

Knut Manske <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Has anyone seen a CD-R writer for USB yet?

: I want to write CD-Rs using my notebook which doesn't have a SCSI-port.
: Since the USB should make the bandwidth, I don't want to spend too much
: money in a PC-card SCSI controller if possible.

The kernel doesn't have USB support currently, but it should appear in
the early 2.3 kernels (don't quote me on that).  

           Dan Nguyen            | There is only one happiness in
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |   life, to love and be loved. |                   -George Sand


From: "John Borges" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: IntelliMouse problem with XFree86
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 16:18:26 -0500

Also, dont forget to disable the "Emulate 3rd Button" option in XF86Config


From: Tom Herman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X on AT&T/NCR Globalyst 520
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 21:38:56 GMT

HOWTO config your X display:
  X -showconfig
  X -probeonly


> Hi,
> > I'm using a Globalyst 590 w/ ATI Mach 32 card.  Works great!
> > There's an X utility in the X server software.  It's named
> > something like xconfig or vgaconfig.  There's also a
> > '-probeonly' switch when starting X.
> I know it too. But I might have missed it while installing the system. I
> couldn't find anything close with 'find / | grep -i x | grep -i config |
> more'.
> Thanx
> John-Luc
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

The views expressed are the author's and do not necessarily
reflect the official position of GTE or any of its subsidiaries


Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 20:01:46 +0100
From: Tristan Israel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Voilà, j'ai une carte SCSI Advansys ISA PNP (ABP5140) et un graveur
Philipps CDR-2600 (SCSI Interne)
J'utilise un lecteur de CD PIONEER 12x.

J'ai réussi à graver qq CD sous Win'95 mais j'en grave un sur 3 ou 4.

Sous Linux, aucun pour l'instant et avec XCDRoast 0.96e, j'obtiens les
messages d'erreur suivants :

write_g0: scsi sencmd: retryable error
Unknown error: flush cache: retryable error
J'avais des pbls de TOC etc... que je n'ai plus depuis peu de temps
(qqes manips dans le BIOS SCSI) puis j'ai désactivé le BIOS SCSI et
toujours rien...

Je vous en prie aidez moi (20 CD bousillés)

Ma config : AMD K6 - 300
                     DD UDMA 3.2 Go
                      Win'95 ou Linux Redhat 5.2
                    XCDRoast 0.96e pour Redhat 5.2

Je préfère les réponses à [EMAIL PROTECTED] mais je consulterai
régulièrement ce groupe de news



Subject: Re: Ensoniq "Gateway" Sound Card problems (HELP!)
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 21:55:01 GMT

In article <6Yls2.58$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "test" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
> <78rbot$ipa$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >In article <1A2s2.21$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >  "test" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Just loaded the RedHat Linux 5.2 (kernel 2.0.36). Everything works great
> >> except the
> >> sound card. It the Ensoniq S3016 Sound card, the special make from
> gateway.
> >> While
> >> Gateway will provide the drivers for WNT and WIN-95/98, the sound card
> just
> >> doesn't
> >> want to work with the "legacy" drivers.
> >>
> >> Has anyone got this card to work?? Even though its a PnP version, I have
> >> tried booting
> >> into DOS, setting the card with SSINIT /I, and still I can't get it to
> work.
> >>
> >> Worst case, I can just get my hands on a Sound Blaster nonPNP but I would
> >> like to get
> >> this working.
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >> Carl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  <Guess what you have to remove to
> reply
> >> 8-) >
> >>
> >>
> >
> >is it an ensoniq soundscape? a vivo 90? or a PCI? do you have a gateway
> >specific part numger?
> >
> >Ray
> The card is the Ensoniq S3016 Card. Gateway called it the SNDCRD006ABWW.
> It the card thats half Legacy (the one that DOES work, I have it at home)
> and half PNP. It has that wonderful COW (Gateway) chip on it that
> is causing me the problems. Its not the VIVO or the PCI (its an ISA
> card).
> Since this card is the Bastardized version of the Legacy card, unless
> some luck person has already figured a way to get to work, I'm just
> gonna dump it for a SB nonPNP.
> Thanks!
> Carl    ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) <guess what you get to remove to
> reply>

Ok, from what I remember with this card, it had a lot of problems with ICU in
dos, and so was unusable except for windows.  there have been a couple of
revisions to this particular card, so that it *MAY* work with ICU.  possibly
the same problem with isapnp tools in Linux.  the acutal chip on the board is
made by Ensoniq, (not sure if it is a propietary chip made exclusively for
gateway) it is essentially the same chip as the soundscape I dont know if
this info is useful, but hope it helps!! :)


============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Subject: Re: mouse trouble
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 17:25:17 -0500

James Jones wrote:

> Besides, this wouldn't explain why gpm doesn't work.
> Thanks for your help.
> James

I have the same hardware as you. There is a lot of gpm
config in /etc/vga/libvga.config on mine.

I'm trying to figure out why upgrading software caused
my mouse cursor to only move in the top half of my
screen in textmode.



From: slippy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: key board(backspace in X)
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 16:31:50 -0600


in some of apps  in X the backspace  deletes the character to the right
instead of to the left
netscape,corel,xwpe it is a huge pain


Subject: Newbie help with Linux, IBM PS/2 30-286
Date: 29 Jan 1999 22:05:55 GMT

Hello to all.

A friend of mine gave me a Caldera OpenLinux 1.3 CD. He is insisting that
I check out Linux as it is the future. I recently had a friend give me a
IBM PS/2 model 30-286 PC and I wish to run Linux on this. In case you
don't know or remember the specs of this ancient box, it has a 20 MB hard
drive. I know Linux cannot run on a 286, however I have a chance to
purchase an IBM PS/2 M30-286 Motherboard Upgrade w/486/66 and 8MB RAM.
What I want to know is if this upgrade would be worth it to do as the hard
drive is still only 20MB? I think the minimal installation for Linux is
10MB and that you can't do squat with that. So how much better would 20MB
be for Linux? If not, what hard drive would work in there and how much
storage would I need to "get my hands dirty" with Linux? Or is it
even worth it?

Also, I would like to network this computer with my Dell Dimension XPS
R350 as my friend is telling me that I should learn the networking
capabilities of Linux. Does the motherboard upgrade have an ISA slot for
an Ethernet card?

Finally, if I DO go this route, how would I install the CD onto the IBM
PS/2 (no CD-ROM drive)? Can I copy the files onto floppies and then
install? If so, which files would that be?

I guess I am looking for advice on what to do as much as what NOT to do.



Subject: Re: mouse
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 17:29:12 -0500

Francois Patte wrote:

> Bonjour,
> I just bought a Gateway portable computer Solo 5150 and installed Linux
> RedHat 5.2. I would like to use external keyboard and mouse and need to
> connect the mouse to serie port. Is this possible? and how?
> Does anybody know the complete caracteristics of the screen for this
> computer?
> Thank you very much.

ls -l /dev/mouse

Is it a link to /dev/ttyS0?

That's the default, com 1 for a mouse.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 16:53:06 GMT

Gabor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: That is utterly ridiculous, IMHO.  The capitalization isn't random, it
: signifies the beginning of a new sentence.  Why use punctuation, by
: your rationalization, it's also a bad idea.


Grant Edwards



From: "naterackers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: help with modem setup
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 22:13:13 GMT

All you have to do is find out what com port the modem is on and
probably what irq if you can.  Whatever com port determines what device
in Linux (like /dev/cua3 = com 4 cua2 = com3...
After you find out just use the setserial command
setserial /dev/cua3 irq 4 autoconfig

this command would set the device to irq 4 and most likely autoconfig
everything else ok.
Surf Usenet at home, on the road, and by email -- always at Talkway.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Johnny)
Subject: Re: HP 830c deskjet printer
Date: 29 Jan 1999 14:28:01 PST

Thanks for the info I guess I made a typeO...My printer is a HP 820 cxi. 
Didn't see the article on Hp 820 mybe they will repost....Johnny

>Johnny Hutto wrote:
>> Anyone having luck with this printer with RedHAT 5.2?
>> Thanks
>> Johnny
>Saw a post here about the 820 so I visited HP's web site (now  is much
>more user-friendly I might add)  and saw that it was "designed to work
>with Windows" or something like that. Don't  know about 830.


Subject: Re: SCSI DAT and backup
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 13:32:16 -0500

Simone Piccardi wrote:

> I have a SCSI dat that I wold like to use for backup

> My questions are:
> 1) should I use /dev/st0 or /dev/nst0 ?

st0 will rewind after each operation; nst0 will not. So if you want to write
more than one data set to the tape you have to use nst0. Read the "mt" man page
for more info.

> 2) I have 2Gb DAT cartridges and a 12Gb HD, there are backup utilities
> that can do multivolume backups?

BRU 2000 can do this, probably other tools as well. Caldera Open Linux (maybe
other dists, too) come with BRU 2000 Personal Edition. See for more information. And don't use the GUI for backups:
it's slow!  (I like the command-line BRU tools, and the GUI is nice for
inspecting tapes for restore jobs.)


Is Big Brother watching you? Intel is planning on it.
As of January 28th, Intel still refuses to back down. Act now.


From: daniel meredith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ASUS P2B-s: Install problems
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 14:30:25 -0800

Has anyone managed to get linux to recognize the onboard scsi and then
have it install properly?  I keep getting a device not found at the
install manager.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Newbie vs Linux: How many MB in 1024 cylinders?
Date: 29 Jan 1999 14:37:37 PST

I am trying to figure out how to partition up a harddrive
for a new system.  (Not yet acquired).
What I want is three primary partitions containing
OS/2 bootman, Win95/98, OS/2.  Linux will be in the
first logical drive in the extended partition.  LILO will
 live in the Linux partition and will be called by Bootman.
According to what I have read, this should work.
The killer is that all these partitions need to be bootable for
this to realy work.  That means they have to be within the
first 1024 cylinders.
First question: Is this true for the Linux partition too?
Does the linux boot partition have to begin and end 
within the 1024 cyl. limit?

Next question:  Where does that 1024 limit fall, in Megabytes?
If I understand correctly: THere are 512 bytes per sector,
and up to 64 sectors per cylinder, and 1024 cylinders.
THat gives 32 megs.  Now if I start specifying heads 
that number goes up.  Since most drives have 2, 3, 4 or
5 platters, that gives 4, 6, 8 or 10 heads.  If I've done
my math right that means the limit will fall at 1.28G,
1.92G, 2.56G, or 3.2G,  Depending on how many heads 
there are.  Have I figured this out right or am I compleatly
off Base?

What are the rest of you seeing as the 1024 cyl limit?

Last Question:  How big does the Linux boot partition 
need to be?  And Win95 or Win98?

Thanks in advance.

If I get this figured out, I'll be able to go get that new

Just my $0.02 worth.
Hope this helps,

To reply: replace 'X.bleeb' with 'greeder'.


From: Mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI ZIP drive
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 15:25:17 -0500

Not necessarily true. If you don't have other scsi disks, the zip will
be seen as sda, the scsi id being irrelevant. I have my zip set at id6,
which doesn't prevent it to be sda.


N1ho wrote:
> That assumes that the ZIP drive is at
> SCSI ID0, which I don't recommend -
> I prefer to have my hard drives start at
> 0, and set the other stuff (tape, CDROM,
> ZIP) at higher ID's.


Subject: Logitech Tracman mouse problem.
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 20:37:36 GMT


I installed Linux (Red Hat 5.2) yesterday on an old 486 33Mhz
Everything worked fine except that I couldn't get my trackball
to work :-( I'm using a Logitech Trackman mouse, one of
the first (if not the first) trackball that came out years ago for
I tried all the Logitech and Generic drivers that I could find in
mouseconfig with no luck. I could see the mouse cursor
but if I'd tried to move it around it would act like if I pressed
a button and start selecting text :-(
I even tried it on COM1 AND COM2.
For now I borrowed an old Micro$oft serial mouse from a friend
and it's working fine, but I'd really appreciate if someone could
help me to get rid off this mouse and install my good old

Thanks in advance!


P.S. no e-mail please post is just fine it might help others...


From: Martin Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netgear FA310TX NIC
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 16:45:20 -0500

Martin Schultz wrote:

>   After fighting for about two weeks now with the setup of my Netgear
> FA310TX [...]

... and another couple of hours actually brought the solution: It is the
driver from   that one needs to make it
work. They say it in the HELP.EXE on the floppy, but it is nowhere
mentioned in the booklet. I just recompiled tulip.c, copied the tulip.o
where it belongs, depmod -a, reboot, and it was there!!

It would be nice if 
   (a) the tulip drivers from baynetworks and cesdis could somehow
   (b) the tulip site as cesdis could add a reference to baynetworks for
the netgear card.

Thanks for all your help! 


Dr. Martin Schultz                   
Department for Engineering&Applied Sciences, Harvard University
109 Pierce Hall, 29 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA-02138, USA

phone: (617)-496-8318
fax  : (617)-495-4551



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.periphs.scsi
From: John Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Plextor Ultraplex 40 max/wide speed control
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 22:35:34 GMT

I know that the max speed of this CD-ROM drive may be controlled with
Windows software supplied with the drive.

Is there any way to do the same thing under Linux? I'm looking for an
Ultra Wide SCSI version of this drive at present and anticipate trouble
reading scratched/damaged discs or CD-R/CD-RW discs at 40X...

Are there any Linux users out there who have changed their Ultraplex
drive speed using a driver config file or some other means?

john hagen - [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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