Linux-Hardware Digest #541, Volume #9             Mon, 1 Mar 99 22:13:39 EST

  Problem with Diamond Viper V550 ("Philippe Maréchal")
  Re: Sound Blaster 128 PCI ??? (Jose Urena)
  Re: Are you new to Linux? Thne read this (John Hopkins)
  Re: Computer locks up when playing 16-bit sound (Vibra16C) (Thomas A. Rice)
  delaying eth0 initialization (Rajat & Papia Goon)
  Re: Reveal SC400 and sbpcd drivers
  pcnet_reset_8390 (Bernie Ott)
  Test (Fred Westphal)
  230k+ serial support? (Travis Johnson)
  Re: cd writer (Ugur Saykili)
  Re: cd writer (Ugur Saykili)
  Motherboards? (Juhani Reissell)
  Re: Computer locks up when playing 16-bit sound (Vibra16C) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Speedstar A50 (Richard Finney)
  Re: Need a 16 meg Video card recommendation w/RedHat 5.2 support. ("Charles and 
Deborah Tewksbury")
  Re: Problem with Diamond Viper V550 (Daniel Carter)
  Re: Com port IRQ problem (root)
  Re: help: X with NVIDIA STB Velocity128 4MB AGP and EV900 Monitor (Eric R. Jorgensen)
  S.u.S.E. 5.3 and Matrox Millenium G200 AGP ("Chan, Siu-Kei")
  Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info (Mircea)
  Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info (Anthony D. Tribelli)
  meminfo numbers don't add up ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info (Anthony D. Tribelli)
  Re: printing on HP 712C (Adam Juda)
  Network Cards ("David Gillette")
  Re: How can we stop the permanently hard disk access under linux (Richard Atterer)
  Re: Printer setup (Adam Juda)


From: "Philippe Maréchal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with Diamond Viper V550
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 20:24:15 +0100

I can't get KDE working with a higher resolution than 320 * 200 with my
Viper V550 (16Mb).
I think it doesn't detect the memory (i have to put virtual resolution to
320*200). Does it exists a driver for my viper or can do something to get it
working ?


From: Jose Urena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sound Blaster 128 PCI ???
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 14:25:22 -0500

All the cards are 16 bits, the difference is in the number of instruments, (I
think they called it voices)

With either card, you might have trouble playing MIDI.instruments
I have no problem playing wave nor raw files using the Ensoniq's PCI 128

I know that the Ensoniq PCI128 & PCI64 play MIDI by using a software loadable
Since the SB PCI128 & PCI64 appears to be the same, (Creative owns Ensoniq) you
might have the same problem.
The AWE64 keeps only 32 instruments in ROM, the other 32 are software

I am still looking around for complete details. so if you find out, please post
to the usenet so I can read about it.

Michael Lee Yohe wrote:

> >Will a Sound Blaster 128 PCI work under Red Hat 5.2? I checked the hardware
> >compatibility guide on Red Hat's webpage, but it was not listed. I am
> >looking to buy a new sound card, and I want a quality card that will work
> >under linux. I have also been looking at the SB AWE 64 Value. It appears to
> >be compatible. I mostly want it for playing games and mp3 files. Any
> >recommendations?
> If you're die-hard on getting rid of ISA cards, then the 128 PCI will work.
> The 128 PCI is nearly the same as the Ensoniq AudioPCI.  Thus, both are
> supported by the new 2.2.x kernel.  However, a good work-horse card (SB
> AWE64 value) is excellent for MP3 and gaming.
> ***************************************************************************
> * Michael Lee Yohe                                   Office:      TH N318 *
> * UAH ASPIRE System Administrator                    Office: 256-890-6904 *
> * UAH CS Assistant Administrator                       Home: 256-828-2667 *
> * Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Web: *
> ***************************************************************************
> Version: PGP 6.0.2
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> Z7309YUAn0kjt7Fmk8S3NEUIwxpyjg2QnEi8AJ9JDqWLNM0dQojTAuh4cG+XuMI4
> fg==
> =Zn1I


From: John Hopkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Are you new to Linux? Thne read this
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 00:50:53 GMT

You must have been reading my mind... thanks!  :)


childsplay wrote:
> Hey there if you rnew to linux like i am, then your going nuts reading
> all the linux
> web pages on the net looking to get started while pulling your hair out.
> Well i think
> I have found the most perfect site for the beginner. I mean the real
> beginner
> this site takes you thru everything step by step will examples and all.
> Anyway check it out and good luck to all you linux newbies.
> --
> Charles "childsplay" VanDyke


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas A. Rice)
Subject: Re: Computer locks up when playing 16-bit sound (Vibra16C)
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 00:53:03 GMT

You're not alone - I also have a Vibra16 which locks up after about 4
seconds of 16bit audio. Don't bother trying different dma or interrupt
settings - I went thru a lot of combinations,  and the only way to stop
the hang was to disable dma16 (not exactly useful).

I was suspecting either the sound card or the dma controller.
However, you're system is otherwise quite different from mine,
which leaves the sound card.
Franck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hi all,
>I've browsed through all previous threads on this topic, and found no
>I have a Sound Blaster Vibra16C PnP (Model CT 4180). I'm running RedHat
>kernel 2.0.36-1, with module support. I'm using isapnp to configure the
>Everything seems to run smootly, the card is correctly detected,
>configured, and the sound drivers are loaded without any problem. I can
>play 8-bit sounds. BUT any time I play a 16-bit sound (with "play"), the
>computer locks up. Usually, I can hear the beginning of the sound, and
>then ... nothing. :-(
>I've read that the Vibra16X was not a real 16-bit card, but I have a
>Vibra16C !


From: Rajat & Papia Goon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: delaying eth0 initialization
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 14:17:49 -0600

> Hi all,
>     I am trying to set up a  mini LAN at my home. I have a Linux box which
> is
> running Red Hat 5.2
> and I am using SMC9194 Ethernet (PCI)card. The card is detected by PCI
> probe
> and assign IRQ
> 11 and address 0xe800. But at the booting screen I am getting  "in
> smc9198.o
> init_module the device
> is busy"  the next line "Delaying eth0 initialization". And also in the
> Kernel Id section there was two entries
> one is type : eth0 , another is type smc9194. Which I think is not
> correct.
> So I was trying to delete the line
> where type is smc9194 but it is deleteing and again resetting. Can anyone
> help me to solve this problem.
> Thanks in advance,
> -Rajat.


Subject: Re: Reveal SC400 and sbpcd drivers
Date: 1 Mar 1999 20:26:48 GMT

try 0x630,LaserMate
I used to use that before I got an ide cdrom. Let me know if it works for
you, I am trying to set it up on another box with Caldera OpenLinuxLite and
it finds it but when I try to mount it I get io errors.
Paradox wrote:
> I have a reveal SC400 sound card with a panasonic interface CDROM on it,
> the sbpcd driver won't probe it, i don't know the baseport io of the
> panasonic controler or if it needs software to enable the panasonic
> controler. I have a teac 8bit panasonic controler that i get running
> fine, it finds it no prob, however, it won't find the one on the SC400
> (i have a stack-o-cdroms that i'm gonna put in it). Has anyone gotten
> sbpcd cdroms to work with the SC400 card?
> thanks
> Dave

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: Bernie Ott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: pcnet_reset_8390
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 00:59:35 GMT


I've got a laptop with a PCMCIA network adapter.
DE-660 by DLINK.
Running RedHat 5.2  (2.0.36 kernel)

I had some problems recently, then got the card working for one
day, even through a few reboots, after I installed PCMCIA Services 3.0.9

Now, EVERY TIME I start the machine I get:

     pcnet_reset_8390()  did not complete
     timeout waiting for Tx RDC.

This happens after:

      insmod /lib/modules/preferred/net/8390.o
      insmod ........./pcnet_cs.o

This thing works perfectly fine under Windows 98, but I DON'T want
to go there today!

I've even tried re-installing Linux... No success.
I've now tried PCMCIA Service 3.05 and 3.09.




Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 19:56:37 -0500
From: Fred Westphal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Test



From: Travis Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 230k+ serial support?
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 19:54:22 GMT

I am trying to use an external ISDN adapter at 230k with computer that
has 16550A UART with rh5.2.  The I/O chipset is a SMC37C669FR which
supports up to 460k on the serial ports.  After setting the baud_base to
230400 with setserial I am still unable to communicate with the terminal
adapter at this speed.  I have applied the shsmod over115k patch
( Win95 and can
succesfully send commands and use PPP with the TA at 230k.  They have a
Linux patch on the over115k site, but I can't unarchive the tar file
(this might be a Locale problem since the author is Japanese, but I have
never worked with different Locales under Linux so I really don't know).

So the questions are:

1) Do I need to patch the serial driver on Linux to run at 230k with a
16550A or is there a setting/program/compile option? somewhere that I
don't know about?

2) If I do need a patch can you please tell me where I can find it?  I
have exhaustively searched the net and haven't been able to find



From: Ugur Saykili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cd writer
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 15:04:04 -0500

Marc Michiels wrote:

> I have two cd-rom , they work fine in lunix .
> One a philips cdd 3610 is a cdwriter , can somebody tell how
> to activate this one under linux
> marc

Check the cd-writing Howto @

p.s. no offense mate but you should really check the how-to
documentation before asking people

there's a pretty good listing of them @



From: Ugur Saykili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cd writer
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 15:01:58 -0500

Marc Michiels wrote:

> I have two cd-rom , they work fine in lunix .
> One a philips cdd 3610 is a cdwriter , can somebody tell how
> to activate this one under linux
> marc

Check the cd-writing Howto @

p.s. no offense mate but you should really check the how-to
documentation before asking people

there's a pretty good listing of them @



From: Juhani Reissell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Motherboards?
Date: 01 Mar 1999 22:29:13 +0200

Just did a DejaNews search on this and didn't find much of
anything. What's the situation with Microstar MSI-6119 and Linux?
Anybody with any problems? Successes? Also, I'd be interested in
experiences with the MSI-6120 with the on-board SCSI (Adaptec 7895

While I'm at it, just for the sake of completion, I assume there's no
problems with the ASUS P2B? And the P2B-S with the on-board SCSI?

Thanks for your time.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Computer locks up when playing 16-bit sound (Vibra16C)
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 01:35:46 GMT

According to Franck  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Everything seems to run smootly, the card is correctly detected,
> configured, and the sound drivers are loaded without any problem. I can
> play 8-bit sounds. BUT any time I play a 16-bit sound (with "play"), the
> computer locks up. Usually, I can hear the beginning of the sound, and
> then ... nothing. :-(
> I've read that the Vibra16X was not a real 16-bit card, but I have a
> Vibra16C !

Have you tried to configure it using just one 8-bit DMA?  I've got the
16X and that's how mine works.  It *does* seem to accept 16-bit
samples just fine through the 8-bot DMA channel.

> Everything works fine under Windows 95. :-(

Have you looked into the hardware controller panel thingie that lists
all the resources that Windows uses to drive the card?  That may give
you a few hints.

You may also want to try the demo version of the commercial OSS, and
see how it autoconfigured your card.  That's how *I* discovered the
proper settings for my 16X, which in turn work fine with the
non-commercial version.



From: Richard Finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Speedstar A50
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 20:38:33 -0500

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Woutur wrote:

> Hello Boys and Girls of another Linux newsgroup!
> I have a Diamond Speedstar A50 and the newest version of XFree86 (with
> support for that card). But it doesn't work! My X-windows are @#$-up. Does
                                       WHAT EXACTLY IS HAPPENING?

> anyone know how I can configure my card so X-windows works?
> Greetinx,
> Woutur


From: "Charles and Deborah Tewksbury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need a 16 meg Video card recommendation w/RedHat 5.2 support.
Date: 2 Mar 1999 01:42:04 GMT

Has anyone tried n STB card?


From: Daniel Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with Diamond Viper V550
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 16:02:53 -0500

Have you tried updating the XFree86 to as well as the SVGA
servers.  Once you do that you should have the drivers for the nVidia TNT
chip which should help you out.

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Philippe Mar=E9chal wrote:

> I can't get KDE working with a higher resolution than 320 * 200 with my
> Viper V550 (16Mb).
> I think it doesn't detect the memory (i have to put virtual resolution to
> 320*200). Does it exists a driver for my viper or can do something to get=
> working ?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (root)
Subject: Re: Com port IRQ problem
Date: 1 Mar 1999 20:59:32 GMT

On Mon, 01 Mar 1999 01:44:52 GMT, mikedelk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm having problems with my PNP modem.  It is configured at com3
>IRQ5 in my Windows98 but when I boot into Linux it is set at com3
>IRQ4.  My question is: How do I change the Linux IRQ for Com3?
>Thanks for the help in advance.
>Mike Delk
To reset the port to the correct IRQ use the setserial command. i.e
setserial /dev/cua2 IRQ 5


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric R. Jorgensen)
Subject: Re: help: X with NVIDIA STB Velocity128 4MB AGP and EV900 Monitor
Date: 2 Mar 1999 00:09:58 GMT

In article <01be602f$ffe9e2c0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
J. Bolze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am new with linux. On my Gateway 2000 G6-266 I installed Red Hat 5.1.
>But I could not run XFree86 3.3.2 with my NVIDIA 4MB STB Velocity128 4MB
>AGP video card and the Gateway2000 EV900 Monitor. Can anybody help?
>Thanks a lot,


I had the same exact problem, only with RH 5.2.  A kind soul here
instructed me to use XFree86 3.3.3, and now it works great.  You can
email if you need more info.


Eric R. Jorgensen                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Colorado, Boulder
"A lot of people may not know this, but I'm pretty famous." -- Sam on Cheers


From: "Chan, Siu-Kei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: S.u.S.E. 5.3 and Matrox Millenium G200 AGP
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 10:26:02 +0800

I currently upgrade my VGA card to Millenium G200 AGP (8MB SGRAM version). I
have S.u.S.E 5.3 installed and I would like anyone who can tell me what do I
need to upgrade. Do I have to download the XFree86 or anything else.
Please tell me what should I need to download and what should I do to
upgrade. It would be great if anyone could tell me in step-by-step process.

Please reply to the newsgroups and me through the e-mail services. Thanks!!!

Chan, Siu-Kei


From: Mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 16:31:57 -0500

Absolutely right. I remember, back in the eighties, about a program in
x86 assembler that I had found in some magazine, and spent a whole
afternoon typing in, that switched the 286 in protected mode, printed a
message on the screen, and went back to real mode, all this w/o any
apparent reboot, although a cpu reset was required to switch from
protected to real mode. This was just a demo for the "new" operating
mode of the 286. Maybe I can find it again in the piles of magazines I


mlw wrote:
> Sorry, you are wrong. OS/2 1/x was a 16 bit protected mode operating
> system. There was an undocumented instruction that is not in most
> assemblers, but can be coded with db or emit. The instruction was put on
> the chip so test program written by Intel could put the processor into
> protected mode and take it back out again.
> It is this instruction that Microsoft used to enable its DOS box in OS/2
> 1.x. I'm pretty sure it is a protected instruction, so a program would
> have to be in an unprotected environment, such as Windows 9x or kernel
> space in NT. The problem with the instruction was that it clobbered some
> range of memory, I think 40H.
> I have to remember where I have seen it. I bet Dr Dobbs has an old piece
> on it.
> --
> Mohawk Software
> Windows 95, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support.
> Visit the Mohawk Software website:


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony D. Tribelli)
Subject: Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 02:33:09 GMT

mlw ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Anthony D. Tribelli wrote:

: > I don't think there was a reset instruction, documented or otherwise. I
: > believe the keyboard microcontroller was asked to reset the main CPU, and
: > BIOS could recongnize a cold or warm boot and possibly jump to a location
: > specified in RAM (to resume where things left off rather than FFFF:FFF0).
: > To expand on your brief mention of 'kernel space', a protected mode OS
: > (WinNT and Linux, maybe Win9x) can prevent user programs from doing this
: > sort of thing.
: Sorry, you are wrong. OS/2 1/x was a 16 bit protected mode operating
: system ...

Read up on the I/O permission bitmap. A protected mode OS can prevent a
user program from accessing particular I/O ports if it wants to (OS/2 and
Win9x may choose not to do so for compatibility reasons). 

: ... There was an undocumented instruction that is not in most
: assemblers, but can be coded with db or emit. The instruction was put on
: the chip so test program written by Intel could put the processor into
: protected mode and take it back out again.

This sounds like someone misunderstood an improved reset method which
involved I/O ports (again prevantable if the OS chooses). This was
supposedly an alternative the the much slower keyboard reset which OS/2
did use. The faster method was not universally available.

I think yet another method involved causing multiple processor faults, and
again an end user program could not do this.

: It is this instruction that Microsoft used to enable its DOS box in OS/2
: 1.x. I'm pretty sure it is a protected instruction, so a program would
: have to be in an unprotected environment, such as Windows 9x or kernel
: space in NT. The problem with the instruction was that it clobbered some
: range of memory, I think 40H.

I'm still highly skeptical of such an instruction existing. I'd love to 
see a URL, I suspect info got 'mutated' as it passed from one person to 
the next.

Tony Tribelli


Subject: meminfo numbers don't add up
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 21:26:20 GMT

Check out this meminfo:

Mem:  131153920 127864832  3289088 146890752 52068352 43327488
Swap: 133885952   180224 133705728
MemTotal:    128080 kB
MemFree:       3212 kB
MemShared:   143448 kB <------- This doesn't look right
Buffers:      50848 kB
Cached:       42312 kB
SwapTotal:   130748 kB
SwapFree:    130572 kB

Shouldn't these numbers add up?  It's reporting that I have 128080 total
kilobytes of memory, yet it shows 239820K as used or free.  What's the
problem? I using 2.2.0-pre1 on an HP Vectra with 128M RAM.


============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony D. Tribelli)
Subject: Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 02:39:50 GMT

Mircea ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: Absolutely right ...

In end result but not in how to get there. :-)

: ... I remember, back in the eighties, about a program in
: x86 assembler that I had found in some magazine, and spent a whole
: afternoon typing in, that switched the 286 in protected mode, printed a
: message on the screen, and went back to real mode, all this w/o any
: apparent reboot, although a cpu reset was required to switch from
: protected to real mode. This was just a demo for the "new" operating
: mode of the 286. Maybe I can find it again in the piles of magazines I
: have!

Please do so. I don't believe you'll find an undocumented reset
instruction. You will probably find code that sets up BIOS to do a warm
boot and then asks the keyboard controller to reset the CPU. Later methods
used special I/O ports and multiple CPU faults. 

Tony Tribelli


From: Adam Juda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: printing on HP 712C
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 17:06:11 -0500

I had a similar problem with my Epson Stylus 600.  To fix it, I went to
the BIOS menu and turned *OFF* plug and play compatibility.  I haven't
had any problems since (in Windows 95 or Linux) and the printer now
works fine with both.  Hope this helps.


Cliff Stein wrote:
> I have RedHat 5.2 and just got an HP Deskjet 712C.  I can't get
> anything to print, the light on the printer won't even flash.  The
> machine is dual-booktwit prints find from windows, so
> I know the printer is connected, etc.  Has anyone gotten this printer
> to work?
> Thanks for your help.
> Cliff

||    Adam Juda       || PGP Key & Web Page:            ||
|| || ||


From: "David Gillette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Network Cards
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 19:02:09 -0700

I would like input as to the best network card by brand/model number, to use
w/ red hat 5.2.  Preferably a pci card with 10bT coal connectors..  Thanks
for any help.  David Gillette [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Richard Atterer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How can we stop the permanently hard disk access under linux
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 23:53:55 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    crochat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have tried several linux since there but don't pass to have a hard
> drive that could be noiseless. I tried hdparm but could only stop it a
> few second and after 5 second my hard disk began to be woked up. How
> should i proceed to fix this problem

Read the Battery Powered Linux Mini-HOWTO. It contains details on which
programs continually access the drive, and how to make Linux flush less
often than every five seconds.



  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer
  | \/¯|                      raFS V1.15
  ¯ ´` ¯
PGP key fingerprint: C5 59 22 97 80 12 34 C6  6E CE 27 32 2A 44 2C 4A


From: Adam Juda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Printer setup
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 17:11:41 -0500

Youngser Park wrote:

> Hi, all!
> I have exactly the same setup and the same problem.
> When I start the "printtool" to re-configure the printer,
> it says none of the devices are configured. When I tried
> "cp file /dev/lp0, lp1, lp2", it says "/dev/lp?: Device not configured".
> Again, it prints fine in Win98. "lpunlock" didn't help for me.
> Is there any other solution?
> Thanks in advance!

I had a similar problem with my Epson Color Stylus.  All I had to do was
turn *OFF* Plug and Play compatibility in my computer's BIOS. 
Everything worked really well from then on.  (There were no problems
because of this in either Windows or Linux)


||    Adam Juda       || PGP Key & Web Page:            ||
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