Linux-Hardware Digest #649, Volume #9            Sat, 13 Mar 99 14:13:34 EST

  Linux loader and Dynamic drive overlay (jfleblond)
  Re: install exabyte tape drive (John Thompson)
  Re: Linux and 486 ("jwpurple")
  Re: ATI RAGE IIC AGP ("jwpurple")
  Re: Us Robotics Sporster Modem with V90 upgrade ("jwpurple")
  Travan 4 (Patrice DUMAS)
  Redhat5.0 installation on 2nd drive(13.g),(Disk Druid problem) (floyd7)
  Re: Advise please re RedHat 5.2 and my install.... (Martin Gelfand)
  Re: Mounting a Windows formatted LS120 drive ("jwpurple")
  Re: Xserver support for STB 4400 TNT agp (Cory Johnson)
  Can I use a Lexmark 3200 under Linux? ("Paulo César Carvalho")
  Magic TView no sound with bttv ("J. Petters")
  Re: Matrox (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing? (wizard)
  Trident Cyber 9397 (Dimiter Tschawow)
  Advise please re RedHat 5.2 and my install.... ("Gary")
  Re: 2.2.3, ess 1888, & insanity (Michael Taylor)
  Re: aha152x scsi issues (Eric Sobalvarro)
  Re: Hardware Raid Solution ("Daniel W. Halverson")


Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 11:16:31 -0500
From: jfleblond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux loader and Dynamic drive overlay

Hi everyone,

I intend to use my old PC entirely for the use of Linux Red Hat 5.2

HP Vectra 486/66 VL
1.3 GB Seagate HD

There`s a potential problem that I anticipate.

Since this BIOS is old (1992) and it couln`t recognize the hole 1.3GB of
the newer disk that I`ve put it, I installed the Ontrack dynamic drive
overlay software that comes with the hard disk. This utility is working
fine with win95 and previously DOS. I`m wondering though with Linux. I
checked with Seagate and Ontrack and they don`t say anything about this
utility running under Linux.

I did a test: I booted with DOS diskette after DDO loaded and fdisk saw
the hole 1.3 GB, but without DDO it saw only 504MB. Currently this disk
has only one DOS (win95) partition.

Since I`m new to Linux, I don`t know what approach to take.

Would I need a small DOS partition that will load the DDO and after that
load Linux ? I don`t know.
Is that feasable with LILO ?
If not will Loadlin or Syslinux be able to help me or will I be forced
to boot from a diskette ?

Thanks in advance for your input.

J-F Leblond


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.solaris,comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: install exabyte tape drive
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 09:58:16 -0600


> I have an EXB-8200 connected to my PC, but I went ahead and spent the extra
> few bucks to get an external SCSI case.  I marched on over to a local place
> called MC Howard Electronics and got a great deal.  I paid $20 or $25.
> My point?  A bargain on a SCSI enclosure can be had if you go looking.
> Nobody wants to run full-height devices nowadays, so full-height
> enclosures are not in a great deal of demand.

Yes, I picked up an old full-height enclosure here for
US$20, complete with power supply, fan, etc.  And plenty of
room for two half-height devices.  




From: "jwpurple" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux and 486
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 10:34:06 -0500

Go for the P75 if you've got the extra cash.  It should do fine for some
time, while the sx machine is marginal.

While we're bragging about how 'little' a machine linux will run on, I
started with 99.15 on a 386sx25/4meg memory/250Mhd and actually got X
running, but it was slooooow.


TN wrote in message ...
>Will Linux work well on a 486?  I've found a sale on IBM 486sx33/8mb/270hd
>for $79.
>Is this an OK machine for me to try Linux out on or should I get the
>P75/16m/850 for $199?


From: "jwpurple" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 10:40:24 -0500

I had to get a special X server for this card - mine has 4meg.  Don't
remember where i got it (running NT at the moment so I can't look it up). If
you haven't figured it out yet I'd be glad to let you know. I think I found
the info in the X docs, though.

Martyn Beer wrote in message
<7c91ns$73q$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I'm a newbie with Linux, and I  cannot get X to work with the above card
>a CTX 1569SE monitor-  the best I can achieve is a very wobbly 1024x768
>resolution with duplicated menus which is completely unusable. Every other
>res is always black. When I exit the server there are no obvious errors in
>the server output apart from deleting unsupported modes. The only other
>anomaly I can see is that Windows reports 2mb of RAM for this card, whereas
>X always shows 4mb.
>I would be extremely grateful if anyone could help me resolve this issue.


From: "jwpurple" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Us Robotics Sporster Modem with V90 upgrade
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 10:46:42 -0500

The newer kernels have support for 115200 (and higher), and you should use
this for V90 because of the compression factor.

I have found (on a 486/133 machine) that disk access will really mess up
serial transfer at high speeds, forcing retransmission, etc.  So optimizing
disk blocking factors is important if you want fast downloads.  Web pages
don't transfer that much data so you don't notice it as much.


James Kosin wrote in message ...
>Dear Thierry Francais,
>It sould be as easy as setting up the serial port to use a faster
>settings.  I think after 38400 is 57600.  Of course your modem and
>serial port [if external] will have to support these baud rates.


Subject: Travan 4
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 18:01:03 +0100

I plan to buy a streamer.
Does all TRAVAN 4 SCSI streamers works with Linux?
(HP T4i, ... )

Thank you for your answers,



From: floyd7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: Redhat5.0 installation on 2nd drive(13.g),(Disk Druid problem)
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 10:41:43 -0700

Well, here's the problem that I have, I want to install RedHat5.0 on on
my second harddrive(hdb9/10), but the installation program uses 2
program to access the drive and make partitions. When I use Disk Druid,
it says it cannot access my 2nd drive and if it did all data will be
lost and also says the same thing with my 3rd drive(hdc), but when I use
fdisk is follows with the same saying on my 2nd drive, but my 3rd drive
is fine, that's were I put my swapfile(128mb). So, here is what I think
is happening, either the version of the kernel (2.0.31) that comes with
RedHat5.0 isn't able to detect my 2nd drive(13.0g) and I need to update
the kernel to at least 2.1.x or the new 2.2.0 and see what happen, but
if I do this how can I get my (/usr) and other to use those partition on
the 2nd drive if I already have them on the 1st drive with the boot
partition OR update to the new 2.2.0 kernel and then make a boot disk to
replace the one that came with my RedHat5.0 so it can detect that 2nd
drive during normal installation, then I won't have to stick my (/usr)
partiton on the 1st drive and use the space on the 2nd drive, I think
this will work, but I'm not familiar with making a bootdisk to replace
the redhat bootdisk, I do know how to update the kernel so far, but what
good is it going to do if I can't accomplish what I intend to do. Can
anyone help me or have any idea to this problem. I do have linux loaded
now, as you will see by my drive layout below:


                       1st drive:hda:4.0g

             hda2  WIN95B(fat16)-----------------2.0g
                         FREE              -----------------1.0g
logical-hda5          /       (ext2)---------------- 130mb (boot part
w/lilo installed here)
logical-hda6      /usr      (ext2)-----------------1.0g    (trying to
move off this drive)

                       2nd drive:hdb:13.0g
logical-hdb5   FAKE        (hpfs)----------------7.8mb
logical-hdb6   OS/2           (hpfs)----------------400mb
logical-hdb7   OS/2APPS (hpfs)----------------3.0g
logical-hdb8   OS/2DATA(hpfs)----------------3.0g
logical-hdb9    ???????     (ext2)----------------3.0g  (This is where I
would like to put
logical-hdb10  ???????     (ext2)----------------3.0g   my /usr and some
other here)

                       3rd drive:hdc:5.0g
             hdc1  Games     (fat32)-----------------4.0g
             hdc2   free                    -----------------870mb
logical-hdc5    swap part(linux)---------------128mb

There is the layout can anyone help me on this, I really love linux and
have always been interested with it, I really hate to say this, but I'm
slowly but surely moving away from OS/2 which I love to deaf and moving
in the linux direction which I can see how much more powerful it is
compared to OS/2, and Windows, well that can take dive anytime.

YOU CAN EMAIL AT either of the following:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Gelfand)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.networking,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Advise please re RedHat 5.2 and my install....
Date: 13 Mar 1999 10:31:15 -0700

In article <GBwG2.22$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Gary" 
>I have purchased from my local OfficeMax a RedHat 5.2 Linux software box...
>which I'm about to unseal...however before unsealing... I have a few
>questions about it... and would appreciate some constructive comments to
>assist me in making sure Linux is right for me....
>First, the computer I would like to install on is a dual processor PII
>system... is that a problem for RedHat... I don't see it discussed on the
>box, and was wondering if the shipping product handled dual processors well?
  None of the standard distributions supply an SMP-enabled kernel 
out-of-the-box.  You will need to install the kernel source RPMs,
and playing usual the usual kernel configuration game, uncomment the 
line SMP=1 in the top-level Makefile.  Compile kernel and modules,
install kernel and modules. If the modules are installed into
a different directory than your existing modules 
you may need to do a few more things (take a look at /etc/rc/rc.sysinit
and see how it sets a symlink from /lib/modules/preferred to the
directory associated with the kernel you've actually booted).
Edit /etc/lilo.conf and run lilo.  None of this is _too_ difficult,
but if you screw up it can waste a lot of your time.
>Second, I communicate with Internet via a router which talks to all my PC's
>via a NIC... in this case a KNE110TX from Kingston... I noted the vanilla
>"Tulip" drivers don't seem to support this varient as yet... but did find a
>driver over at a Nasa website which seems to support it... my question is,
>how difficult is it to compile, and link in a new network driver?
  Shouldn't be hard at all, since you're going to want to build a
new kernel anyway.  Just replace the source code in 
/usr/etc/linux-<whatever>/drivers/net with the new tulip.c.
(I've not done this, but I don't see why it shouldn't work.)
>Third, I noted a new version of the Linux kernal was announced somewhat
>recently, does 5.2 include it, is it in any way relevent or an issue with my
>install? Should I wait for the new Kernal? Does 5.2 include the newest
>version, or would I download it, what all would be involved with my using it
>if at all?
  It is somewhat relevant to your install, since many of the big differences
between 2.0 and 2.2 kernels are associated with SMP.  RH5.2 does not
ship with the 2.2 kernel, and I can't recall if that distribution is
"2.2 ready" (you need recent versions of certain libraries for your
system to function with a 2.2 kernel).  You should be able to find
out what updates, if any, are necessary (from the RH site, probably).
I have heard that SMP is a configuration option just like any other
in the 2.2 kernels, no need to separately edit the Makefile.
  I have been running dual-processor systems under the 2.0 series kernels
and it works just fine for our applications (large CPU-intensive jobs),
and it may be good enough for you too; it may be more convenient to wait for
RH6.0 (or 6.2!) and do an upgrade to get the 2.2 kernels.

Good luck!
Martin Gelfand
Dept of Physics, Colorado State


From: "jwpurple" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mounting a Windows formatted LS120 drive
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 10:20:42 -0500

Mount /dev/hdd (probably) to /mnt or some other mount point (I use /ls120),
as an msdos filesystem.

I've got mine set up in /etc/fstab and just do mount /ls120.


Bob Crosson wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have successfully used LS120 disks in my Superdisk drive
>when I have fdisk'ed them to have one partition and I've
>built an ext2 file system on that partition.  What I'd
>really like to be able to do is to mount the floppies in
>the format that they have when they come out of the box.
>I assume this is some kind of Windows format.  Fdisk


From: Cory Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Xserver support for STB 4400 TNT agp
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 12:45:25 -0500

The latest distribution of XFree86 ( contains support for nVidia TNT
based hardware.

David Ripton wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tim Shann  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Does anyone know if this card can be made to work?
> Yes.
> Ask for details.
> --
> David Ripton    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> spamgard(tm): To email me, put "geek" in your Subject line.


From: "Paulo César Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can I use a Lexmark 3200 under Linux?
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 18:03:48 +0000

How can I configure my printer?




From: "J. Petters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Magic TView no sound with bttv
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 17:41:55 +0100

recently I got a ASKEY CPH061 Magic TView Card.
This card uses only the bt878 chip, without any additional important
chip on the  card.

The Card works fine with the bttv driver exept there is no

Has anybody a patch for the bttv-driver or can anybody describe a
way how to patch it to the right definitions?



Subject: Re: Matrox
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 13 Mar 1999 11:39:26 -0500

"Void" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am having some difaculty configuring my matrox card to work with linux.
> Ether I have realy low colours or my resolution is tiny.
> Please can somone help!!!!!!!!

have you tried XF86Setup?

btw which video card do you have?  what are the specs for your monitor?

                                           J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
                                           [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                                              Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: wizard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing?
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 10:44:44 -0500

Christopher Browne wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Mar 1999 18:19:36 -0500, wizard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Christopher Browne wrote:
> >> Buying Intel-based boxes might *not* be more economical if you have to
> >> spend an extra million dollars on the land and building to house them...
> >
> >I really can't concieve of any situation were the size of the box is going to
> >make an intel sysytem more competitve.    If that were so Intel would be seling
> >more of there super computers to the goverment.    This is especially true if you
> >are chosing competitve systems from both manufactures.    Not many intel chipsets
> >will allow 8MB of cache or large memory systems for that manner.
> That's pretty fair.  The point I was trying to suggest was not so much
> "Here are the precise reasons to pick Alpha over IA-32," but rather
> "There do exist considerations beyond the baldly sparse issue of
> price."

Couldn't agree more here.    The problem as I see it is the tendency to consider
price and Intel compatiablity as absolute must in making a purchase.    Even for
desktop "office" machines an argument could be made for a little opened
mindedness.      This response is somewhat focused on the "corporate bying
mentality", but I've also seen this type of behaviour from people in the market that
don't have this monkey on thier back.

Of course if individuals and coporation had been opened minded 4 or 5 years ago when
purchasing PCs we would not have the junk that MS sells us today.    MS might control
a large part of the market,but there only competition would not be Linux as it si

> Alphas are really rather a lot faster than IA-32 on FP operations; that
> is an area where they *really* shine.  Which means that if you're doing
> FP-intense work, as was certainly the case for DD's "rendering farm,"
> this makes Alphas "look better." (At least, in comparison with
> applications where FP is unimportant, such as with network routers.)
> *That,* combined with "big cache," and "big memory space," is probably
> the more important reason for Alpha to win out over IA-32 when building
> rendering farms.

Actually the big cache and memory foot print also makes the Alpha a very useful
platform for other applications.



> The "value of real estate" evaluation might be more usefully applied to
> the PalmPilot; anything that makes a PalmPilot larger is very bad, as it
> prevents it from fitting in a shirt pocket.  A few mm of extra length in
> any dimension could have crippling effects on its sales.
> --
> Wow!  Windows now can do everything using shared library DLLs, just
> like Multics did back in the 1960s!  Maybe someday they'll discover
> separate processes and pipes, which came out in the 1970s!


From: Dimiter Tschawow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Trident Cyber 9397
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 16:18:45 +0000

Every time I run the X setup and configure my Hardware everything is
fine exept my Videocard.When linux tries to connect to the Server, the
screen that says Congratulations...... starts at the middle of the
screen and goes over the edge, so I cannot read anything.
Does annybody know the right configuration for the Trident Cyber 9397???


From: "Gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.networking,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Advise please re RedHat 5.2 and my install....
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 11:46:03 -0500

I have purchased from my local OfficeMax a RedHat 5.2 Linux software box...
which I'm about to unseal...however before unsealing... I have a few
questions about it... and would appreciate some constructive comments to
assist me in making sure Linux is right for me....

First, the computer I would like to install on is a dual processor PII
system... is that a problem for RedHat... I don't see it discussed on the
box, and was wondering if the shipping product handled dual processors well?

Second, I communicate with Internet via a router which talks to all my PC's
via a NIC... in this case a KNE110TX from Kingston... I noted the vanilla
"Tulip" drivers don't seem to support this varient as yet... but did find a
driver over at a Nasa website which seems to support it... my question is,
how difficult is it to compile, and link in a new network driver?

Third, I noted a new version of the Linux kernal was announced somewhat
recently, does 5.2 include it, is it in any way relevent or an issue with my
install? Should I wait for the new Kernal? Does 5.2 include the newest
version, or would I download it, what all would be involved with my using it
if at all?

Please pretend I am somewhat computer literate, but a Linux newbie. Replies
about writing my own driver are definately NOT being solicited, constructive
replies certainly are all welcome.


From: Michael Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.2.3, ess 1888, & insanity
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 06:50:01 -0500

I am having the same problem, except that I am trying to get my 1888 to work
under 2.0.36.  How were you able to get yours to work?  I can reboot my machine
and the sound works fine for about 60 seconds playing XGALAGA.  Then it just
dies.  I have been fighting with this for about two weeks now, and can't get any

Herbert Ho wrote:

> i've been having the strangest problems with my sound card (ess 1888) under
> 2.2.3 kernel.  it worked ok (kinda buggy, but worked) under 2.0.36 but refuses
> to work now.
> i've tired compiling as modules and into the kernel.  the best i get is the
> ability to play ONE and ONLY ONE sound file.  then it gives me the error i get
> all the time:
>         dma (output) timeout: IRQ/DRQ conflict?
> i'm sure this isn't a conflict.  my /proc/interrupts:
>            CPU0
>   0:      74022          XT-PIC  timer
>   1:       1706          XT-PIC  keyboard
>   2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
>   3:       2319          XT-PIC  eth0
>   7:          1          XT-PIC  soundblaster
>  12:      30668          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
>  13:          1          XT-PIC  fpu
>  14:      32841          XT-PIC  ide0
>  15:          4          XT-PIC  ide1
> NMI:          0
> in addition, /dev/sndstat gives nothing helpful.  just states the driver as
> the ess 1688 when complied into kernel and the ess 1888 driver when in
> modules
> my /etc/conf.modules (part that pertains to sound):
> # sound information
> alias char-major-14 sb
> options sound dmabuf=1
> options sb io=0x220 irq=7 dma=1 dma16=5 esstype=1888
> the card works fine under win95.  it just won't work under 2.2.3.  in
> addition, after getting the dma timeout message, no program can write/read
> to/from the floppy device. whether its mounted or not.  i end up having to
> reboot to restore use of the device. why is this?
> preusing this newsgroup i've only found a few related posts...and the only
> reply to the few were that the proprietory oss drivers should be used.  but
> the webpage for it doesn't even have support for the ess 1888. it seems only
> people have trouble w/ the ess 1688 and 1868 ...but not this. has ANYONE
> gotten this to work?!?!
> ANY comments would be helpful. thanks in advanced.
> herbert ho
> "Just do me a favor, don't breed."
>         -- Adam Carona, Loveline
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Michael Taylor
Naval Construction and Engineering Program (13A)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


From: Eric Sobalvarro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: aha152x scsi issues
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 23:44:37 GMT

I kinda have the same problem, thoough my card is a pcmcia one.  I have scsi
compiled as a module and I have to do a insmod scsi.o (or whatever the
module's name is) for the pcmcia insertion to work...

  Ruben Safir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That Module is Driving my crazy.  Even without the 2.21
> kernel, I can't get a 1520B or a 1505 to work.
> When I load the module it says the reosurce or device is busy.
> Ruben
> --
> Brooklyn's Home on The World Wide Web

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: "Daniel W. Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hardware Raid Solution
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 12:54:54 -0600

>From what I've seen, the most reliable solution is a SCSI-SCSI Raid
solution.  We're running a DPT SmartRAID IV here.  It has 3 SCSI channels on
it, and we're running 8 drives per channel. (8.7 Gig UWD SCSI)  What we've
seen is that if a drive fails, the DPT will try to reconstruct it.  The
Linux kernel seems to notice it and freak.  The system hangs, we have to do
a forced re-boot into dos and run DPT's storage manager software.  Once re
reconstruct the volume (~3 hours) we have to re-boot into Linux and do file
system checks (~1 hour for "/" and ~4 hours for the rest.)  4 hours of
downtime and 4 hours of non-optimal operation are not good.  Any one else
out there ever worked with the DPT in real disaster recovery mode?



Erik Horn wrote in message ...
>I would like to get a hardware raid solution for a Dell Poweredge 2500. It
>would be nice to be able to use the Dell recommended PERC/2 Raid
>controller. I saw a message that mentioned that there might be a driver
>available but I have been unable to confirm this.
>I have also looked at the mylex and icp-vortex raid controllers. But I
>found that it would cost $1600 for a single U2LVD channel which is a bit
>too expensive.
>All I really need is something to mirror two hard drives. Full raid
>capabilities would be nice for future expansion, but not required. The
>reason that I am looking at hardware raid is that in case of hard drive
>failure, an operator should be able to easily replace the failed drive by
>following simple instructions. From my viewpoint, replacing a failed drive
>while using software would not be trivial enough.
>Please let me know what you think.



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