Linux-Hardware Digest #670, Volume #9            Mon, 15 Mar 99 23:13:33 EST

  Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?) (Steve)
  Re: Information about HP 695C (Grant Taylor)
  Re: ISDN (DaZZa)
  Re: How do I install my ZIP drive with Linux RedHat 5.2 (Patrick Finnegan 
  Re: cdj890 driver does not work (Grant Taylor)
  Re: Adaptec AIC - 7890 ("Dan")
  Re: Soundblaser hisses under Linux (Jim Shaffer, Jr.)
  3com US Robotics: I can't make a decision! ("omega")
  HELP!- Creative Ensoniq Audio PCI (1371) MIDI (mvrao)
  Another MO question... (Vincent Lai)
  Re: SB16PnP-How? (Patrick Draper)
  Re: two SCSI adaptors? (Ivan Sumner)
  Re: SB16PnP-How? (jas shultz)
  Linux on Compaq ProLian 1850R - any luck? (John Sinnott)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?)
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 03:02:32 GMT

Very well put Steffen!

I guess I let my highly vertical app nature intrude in a somewhat
general discussion.
Allow me to explain.
I do digital audio and the classic question in this field (much like
Linux) is what should I purchase, a Mac or a PC.

Since most DAW's are not used for balancing ones family budget, the
classic answer is, choose your recording software first and then
choose the platform and there are very good arguments for both

I was trying to apply the same logic to the Linux/Win debate, but
applying it only for highly vertical applications like robotics or
file/web server type stuff.

As you point out this theory kind of fails when confronted with
average users who are going to run multitudes of different apps.


On 16 Mar 1999 12:27:31 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steffen Kluge)

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>In a nutshell my belief has always been,
>>"Select the application, and then the platform"
>This is rather simplistic, I'm afraid. But otherwise it wouldn't
>fit in a nutshell, I guess ;-)
>Most users frequently run a number of applications, not all of
>which may be equally well supported on any given platform. Thus
>you have to compromise. Then there are those applications they
>don't run frequently but still don't want to miss entirely.
>This can give one platform the edge over another. BTW it is not
>so much the applications that need to be supported, it is the
>specific problems that need to be solvable. If you *want* the
>application "Client for Microsoft networking" then you don't
>have much choice - if all you want is a solution to your
>connectivity problem your choices are much wider.
>A very important consideration (for many users) is the stability
>and overall performance of the platform. How good does it let
>the applications be?
>Rarely, this optimisation problem can be solved by pointing to a
>single platform (I could for me, though :-). This is why lilo
>supports multi-OS booting.
>>Scripting and configuration is an area where nix's have a huge
>>advantage and don't get me wrong vi and Emacs as well as slrn and the
>>others I mentioned are fine programs but the average user is not going
>>to be interested in them after using Outlook or Agent etc, UNLESS they
>>have very specific needs that those programs can address.
>Apparently neither Unix nor Windows nor MacOS address the whole
>spectrum of computer literacy among users. I dare to assert that
>Unix covers a wider range though, with Windows better at times
>for the lower range of this spectrum but brutally confined
>there. Unix may be frustrating to the beginner but this
>frustration quickly gives way to appreciation as enlightenment
>sets in. Windows seems to be the other way around. It may be
>easy to beginners (something I'd debate in some cases) but gets
>increasingly frustrating the more you know (or want to know)
>about computing. This doesn't imply that users *have* to strive
>to improve their computer literacy. Staying a "Microsoft user"
>is a perfectly acceptable choice. I just don't like people who
>made this choice lecturing about how bad the other alternatives
>>By going back to the 70's I meant a green screen cli interface.
>Well green is really way backward, although it is supposedly
>good for the eyes. Towards the end of the century people much
>prefer terminal windows with black-on-white or
>something-on-transparent characters.  ;-)
>Steffen Kluge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Fujitsu Australia Ltd
>Keywords: photography, Mozart, UNIX, Islay Malt, dark skies


From: Grant Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Information about HP 695C
Date: 15 Mar 1999 22:17:34 -0500

Glen L. Spangler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Fagni Tiziano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Is this printer compatible with Linux? Thanks for help.

> I have the same question concerning the HP697C.  

Yes, the 690C series DeskJet are supported perfectly by Ghostscript.

See the Printing HOWTO's compatibility listing at

Grant Taylor - gtaylor@picante<dot>com -
 Cellphone information:
 Libretto information:
 Linux Printing HOWTO:


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: ISDN
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 14:12:37 +1100

On Sat, 13 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Has anyone connect a linux box to a workstation using an ISDN link ? I
> want to get two machines talking to each other using PPP on an ISDN link.
> Ethernet would be the best option I know, but I can't use it. I've had a
> look at the HOWTO's and can't find anything that is of much use.
> My main question is how do I setup the link ? How do I get one machine
> to "dial" the other ? They will be connect directly to each other in a LAN
> config.

You use PPP. :-)

The ISDN line card should just be another device to Linux, which can be
accessed the same way as /dev/ttyS0 or /ttyS1 would be for a dial out

There's a pretty good how-to provided with most distributions - have a
look for it.



From: Patrick Finnegan <"finnegan5660<DELME>">
Subject: Re: How do I install my ZIP drive with Linux RedHat 5.2
Date: 16 Mar 1999 03:20:24 GMT

Try using the IMM module instead -- with newer drives (especially ZipPlus)
Iomega switched to a different driver software interface.

Bernhard Rau wrote:

> Hi there,
>         I just installed Linux, RedHat version 5.2 on my laptop and
> connected an Iomega parallel Zip drive to it.  For whatever reason, the
> Zip drive is not detected during the boot process:
> scsi : 0 hosts.
> scsi : detected total.
> When trying to load the modular support for the drive, I'm getting the
> following messages:
> $ modprobe ppa
> /lib/modules/preferred/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
> Or
> $ insmod /lib/modules/preferred/scsi/ppa.o
> /lib/modules/preferred/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
> or
> $ insmod /lib/modules/2.0.36-0.7/scsi/ppa.0
> /lib/modules/preferred/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
> (of course, since 'preferred' is just a symbolic link to '2.0.36-0.7').
> Anyway, I wouldn't know why the device should be busy, but I have no
> idea
> how to check this.  the command 'lsmod' gives the follwing result:
> $ lsmod
> pcnet_cs           2            1
> 8390               2    [pcnet_cs]      0
> ds                 2    [pcnet_cs]      2
> i82365             5            2
> pcmcia_core        9    [pcnet_cs ds i82365]    0
> nls_iso8859_1      1            1 (autoclean)
> nls_cp437          1            1 (autoclean)
> vfat               4            1 (autoclean)
> cs4232             1            0
> uart401            2    [cs4232]        0
> ad1848             4    [cs4232]        0
> sound             15    [cs4232 uart401 ad1848] 0
> soundcore          1    [sound] 5
> soundlow           1    [sound] 0
> Any idea what's going on?  BTW, the Zip drive works just fine under
> Win95
> on this laptop, so I doubt that there is some hardware problem.
> Well, any input would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks a lot,
>         Bernhard
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Bernhard Rau
> |
> | Helsinki University of Technology       tel. -358-9-4513203
> |
> | Department of Engneering Physics        fax. -358-9-4513195
> |
> | and Mathematics
> |
> | P.O. Box 2200                           internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> |
> | FIN-02015 HUT, Finland
> |
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------------


From: Grant Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cdj890 driver does not work
Date: 15 Mar 1999 22:20:36 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeremiah) writes:

>> I successfully compiled ghostscript 5.10 and 5.50 with cdj890 in
>> order to use my nezw HP880C.

> Try the cdj670 drivers...  according to the printer
> compatibility database (, 
> the 670 drivers work better than the 850 or 890 drivers... 

> I'm still working on getting some better quality out of Linux... the
> colors are faded.  The quality through Windows is excellent, and the
> quality on premium paper is downright stunning.

Try also the "hpdj" driver; it supports the goofy ret modes, too, and
will work differently than the cdj* ones.  Wether the difference is
better or not, I don't know.

Whatever happens, please record your results in the database!

Grant Taylor - gtaylor@picante<dot>com -
 Cellphone information:
 Libretto information:
 Linux Printing HOWTO:


Subject: Re: Adaptec AIC - 7890
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 03:23:26 GMT

Do you know if the AIC7896 is also supported under RH 5.2 (I will also
install the latest kernel)?  I'm about to build a dual-processor web-server
with the new L440GX+ intel board.  The AIC7896 comes on the board.  Thanks.


Michael W. Ryder wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>The 7890 is a Ultra2 chipset.  As far as I know it is Not supported
>under Redhat 5.1.  You need to upgrade to 5.2 to use it.  But it works
>fine and is auto detected by the new versions of Linux (2.0.36 and
>Hope this helps.
>Michael W. Ryder
>> Hello,
>> 1 - I try to install REDHAT 5.1 on a dual pentium Gateway ALR 7200
>> 2 - It has an Adaptec AIC - 7890 SCSI that is not recognized,
>> I went to
>> and downloaded the vmlinuz file.
>> 3 - I downloaded the boot.img and supp.img files from a nearby directory,
>> and used rawrite to build the two diskettes...
>> 4 - Now I am not sure what to do. I can not replace the
>> vmlinuz with aic7xxx-kernel/vmlinuz because
>> there is no enough space in the boot disk.
>> Any help is appreciated...
>> Thanks,
>> D. Rey
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Shaffer, Jr.)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,linux.debian.user
Subject: Re: Soundblaser hisses under Linux
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 03:38:11 GMT

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 19:57:59 GMT, "A.G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>When I do modprobe sb, the modules load w/o any errors, and I hear quite
>annoying hiss comming from the speakers.

Mine has always done that too.  It seems that the input and output gain on the
card get set to maximum when it's initialized.  If you have a mixer program that
lets you adjust the gain settings, turn them down.  You don't need them set that
high.  If, on the other hand, your card doesn't have adjustable gain, I don't
know what to tell you.  (Other than, if you hear noises that vary with what
you're doing on your computer, disable your microphone input when you're not
using a microphone.)

home page:


From: "omega" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 3com US Robotics: I can't make a decision!
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 22:40:31 -0500


I am a new linux user!

Please can you tell me which`` 3com us robotics modem`` do I have to buy:

1-Model 5685-00, Voice Faxmodem (56K, x2, V.90)Pnp:Yes.Jumpers:Yes
Interface:8-bit ISA.

2-Model 5685, Voice Faxmodem (56K, x2, V.90)
PnP: Yes.Jumpers:No.Interface:16-bit ISA.

I need a modem for windows too.

And what do you recommand internal or external?

Many thanks.


From: mvrao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: HELP!- Creative Ensoniq Audio PCI (1371) MIDI
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 03:51:34 +0000

The sound is working (incl recording). But MIDI is not working at all. I
get the error /dev/sequencer not supported with playmidi.

So I moved /dev/sequencer and linked it to /dev/dsp. Now I get the error
no sound card found when I do playmidi ! Sound (.wav files) still work.

I am using the 1371 driver that comes with linux (RH 5.2)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vincent Lai)
Subject: Another MO question...
Date: 16 Mar 1999 03:51:26 GMT

        I am using Fujitsu slim FN640 turbo MO and RH5.2 Kernal 2.0.36.
        Now I can mount my MO ... but I face another problem ...
        Can I use 640 MB MO block  size 2048 to boot up my Linux??
        If Yes, how can I do that...?

* Vincent Lai (Lai Chun Yu)                      |     賴振宇(燦記) *  
* Computer Science of                   Year 1/3 |     計算機科學系 *  
* Chinese University of Hong Kong                |     香港中文大學 * 
* email address : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (recommended)        NA 新亞人   *    
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* pager no : (852) 7707 2909     hostel: 26036335 Call Rm.123       *   

        ^~ ~~ ^ 
      / / ^ \ \ \   .___________________.
       | _   _ |    |                   |
      { (@)-(@) }   | I am Vincent !!!  |
       |   L   |    | __________________|
        \ \_/ /     |/
 .signature V1.00 1995


From: Patrick Draper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: SB16PnP-How?
Date: 15 Mar 1999 19:53:06 PST

jas shultz wrote:
> have you tried running sndconfig? I'm not sure that slackware has it,
> but I assume it does as well.

I think sndconfig is a Red Hat thing.

My experience when I ran it was that it screwed everything up.

After a bit of diagnosis I discovered that it wrote out an isapnp.conf
file, and the Red Hat startup scripts discovered that file and started
running isapnp on boot-up. Anyway, the pnp configuration wasn't quite
right and both sound and my X configuration broke. Renaming the
isapnp.conf file fixed the problem. I have since upgraded to kernel

Patrick Draper - Phoenix, Arizona| Don't   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Join the Free Trek Project       | Fear    | Father Order runs at a   | The     | good pace, but old Mother
Be Microsoft Free - Use Linux    | Penguin | Chaos is winning the race.


From: Ivan Sumner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: two SCSI adaptors?
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 23:02:44 -0500

By kernel options, do you mean boot parameters?  I have a BusLogic bt958
working fine.  I added a bt930 and neither card is now recognized.

Mario Moder wrote:

> Andrew Crowley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have two SCSI adaptors on my machine, do I have recompile the kernel or
> > something to be able to access both cards (advansys)?
> Your kernel must have support for both cards if they are different ones.
> If they are the same, you only need one driver for both.  And if your
> kernel sees only one of the two cards then you must probably give your
> kernel some options to see the other one too. I have two Adaptecs running
> in my machine and one of them needs kernel options for being recognized.
> Greetings,
>       Mario

R. Ivan Sumner


From: jas shultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: SB16PnP-How?
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 20:31:31 -0700

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have you tried running sndconfig? I'm not sure that slackware has it, but I
assume it does as well.


eric malloy wrote:

> How do I setup my Sound Blaster PnP 16.. i got this info about it out of
> NT:
> IRQ=5
> DMA= 00
> DMA= 00
> I/O Range: 0220-022F
> I/O Range: 0300-0301
> Can someone tell me how to configure this.. when i compiled the 2.2.3
> kernel i added PnP support and SB16 support
> and if it helps i run slackware 3.6
> Thanks
> eric

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have you tried running sndconfig? I'm not sure that slackware has it, but
I assume it does as well.
<P>eric malloy wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>How do I setup my Sound Blaster PnP 16.. i got this
info about it out of
<BR>DMA= 00
<BR>DMA= 00
<BR>I/O Range: 0220-022F
<BR>I/O Range: 0300-0301
<P>Can someone tell me how to configure this.. when i compiled the 2.2.3
<BR>kernel i added PnP support and SB16 support
<P>and if it helps i run slackware 3.6

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From: John Sinnott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Linux on Compaq ProLian 1850R - any luck?
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 20:12:05 -0800

Has anyone managed to get Linux up and running on the ProLiant 1850R?  I
know it is possible, since Compaq is now shipping these boxes configured
for Linux.  The only problem I am having is getting the embedded 10/100
UTP NIC that comes with the box working.  Is there a compatible driver
available, or do I need to just purchase another NIC for one of the PCI




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