Linux-Hardware Digest #702, Volume #9            Fri, 19 Mar 99 04:13:51 EST

  Re: Migrating RH Linux 5.2 to new hard drive (David Elliott)
  Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session  falls flat) 
  Re: ide0 irq timeout problem (fred anger)
  Re: buying a linux box -- advice? (Brad Harris)
  Re: installing RedHat 5.2 on big (10GB) drive (Eric Lee Green)
  Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers ("JR McConnell")
  Re: USR Courier V. Everything (G. Franklin McCullough)
  Re: jaz jet scsi / etherexpress pro IRQ problem... ("Frank Dziuba")
  HDD config for LILO. Linux hangs at boot. ("Ayrton Reis")
  Re: Where do I buy supported hardware systems? ("John McKown")
  WindowMaker upgrade's broken my themes..... ("Gary J Sanderson")
  Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers (ken brakey)
  How about this modem?? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Migrating RH Linux 5.2 to new hard drive ("Jeffrey S. Kline")
  Re: Monitor Frequency (Xwindows) (Swietanowski Artur)
  Re: Redhat linux and Iomega Zip 250 (Kyle Dansie)
  Re: Soundblaser hisses under Linux (Markus Wandel)
  Re: USB support under linux (Regit Young)
  Re: lost "RPM" (Allen)
  Switching ethernet cards... (Jon Slater)
  Re: Xcdroast, hp7200i IDE not mounting problem (Mr Cheuk Kong Lo)


From: David Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Migrating RH Linux 5.2 to new hard drive
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:17 GMT

Greg Waugh wrote:

> Well, there are several reasons I want to move it.  First of all, it works
> perfectly, second of all, the drive that it's currently on is slow and very
> old and I don't really trust it anymore.  That and I don't really have room
> in the case for it with these new drives.  I suppose I could do it that way,
> but like I said, it's a server so I don't really want it down that long... I
> was hoping I could prepare the second disk, reboot and have it ready to go
> in a few minutes...
> Wait a second... crazy idea...  has anyone ever moved a Linux installation
> using Patition Magic 4.0 for Windows?  I know it sounds crazy, but I've used
> it very successfully to move NT before and it claims to do Linux...  that's
> just another thought too...
> Brett W. McCoy wrote in message ...
> >On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 15:04:28 -0500, Greg Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>Hey fellow Linux users!  I'm going to be moving my current RedHat 5.2
> Linux
> >>server to a new hard drive.  Everything in the system is going to be the
> >>same, just a new /sda drive.  I'm just curious if anyone has a procedure
> to
> >>do this of if it is documented anywhere.  I thought I would do a cp -a *
> (or
> >>a few with correct tmp mount points), then boot from a floppy with the new
> >>HD as root and run LILO, but I'm fuzzy on how to set up the /proc and /dev
> >>filesystem....  and if there are going to be any issues with the swap
> >>space...  Thanks everyone!  Any help would be very appreciated!
> >
> >The /proc filesystem is a virtual filesystem and is created dynamically by
> >the loaded kernel.  /dev is a different story.  You may be better off
> >backing up your important stuff (i.e., /home & /usr directories),
> >reinstalling directly onto the new hard drive, and then restoring your
> >backed up stuff.
> >
> >But is there any reason you can't keep your boot partition on the current
> >drive and just create new (and bigger) partitions on the new one?
> >

When I need to move crap between drives I find the tar command to be quite

Assuming you have your new drive mounted as /mnt/newdrive, and also assuming
you have this on one large partition (I usually would seperate out /home and
/usr, but it's up to you):

Go through every directory in / excluding /proc and /mnt and do the following:
[root@hostname /]# tar -c dirname/ | tar -xC /mnt/newdrive/

That should tar up the whole directory and pipe it out to another tar that will
be untarring what is coming through the pipe after changing the current
directory to /mnt/newdrive so that it all shows up in the right directory.
Make sure you don't do it for the /mnt directory (duh.. recursion).  and just
mkdir /mnt/newdrive/proc but don't put anything in it.

This should work for copying the crap in /dev also (since a distro usually has
a .tar.gz of the proper /dev dir anyway).

You will also need to properly install lilo on the machine (I strongly
recommend creating a bootdisk with the proper kernel and initrd on it while you
still have your old hd up and running, then reboot with the disk giving it the
root=/dev/sdxN.  If all goes well, reconfigure lilo, run it, and you should be
in business.


P.S.  YMMV, but the tar thing is a trick I like much better than using cp.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
Subject: Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session  falls 
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:20 GMT

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 22:28:04 +0000, Bill Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Jeff Szarka wrote:
>> On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 13:03:33 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
>> wrote:
>> :On 14 Mar 1999 12:21:03 -0600, Jeff Szarka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> :>On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 16:43:45 +0000, Michael McConnell
>> :><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> :>
>> :>:On Sun, 14 Mar 1999, Don wrote:
>> :>:
>> :>:> Gerhard Traeger wrote:
>> :>:> >
>> :>:> > On 14 Mar 1999 01:49:07 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Szarka) wrote:
>> :>
>> :>Oh yea but...
>> :>
>> :>"Perhaps, before complaining about missing capabilities of linux,
>> :>you should first try to ask how to do things properly."
>> :
>> :       Or mebbe you should have set the options you actually
>> :       wanted when they were being spoonfed to you the first
>> :       time.
>> I change resolutions quite a bit, why should it be such a
>> inconvenience to change a stupid setting?

        I personally find it more generally relevant that the
        xploder gui shell doesn't have sensible unbound filetype
        defaults and that one must hack a poorly documented 
        registry to get some.

        Outside of systems like the Atari ST, constant res switching
        seems rather an artificial issue.

>It isn't.
>You are trying to make it that way.
>And *if* you *really* want to edit, there is but the *one* (1) file,
>XF86Config to edit for your xserver resolution.
>Assuming there is only one way to do something in linux is not a wise
>assumption. Insisting it is, when given other methods, is ridiculous.

        Nah, he's just intent on overlaying a DOSism on top of 
        Unix in order to make it look bad. With perhaps the exception
        of some of the older games, I am unfamiliar with anyone that
        constantly futzes with their resolution in WinDOS.

        For those few apps that might benefit from resswitch, the 
        app can do it on it's own.


  "I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die     |||
   while you discuss this a invasion in committe."        / | \

        In search of sane PPP docs? Try


From: fred anger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ide0 irq timeout problem
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:49:34 GMT

Since nobody is clamoring to respond, I'll at least post what I've found.  I
replaced the hard drive with another I had sitting around, and the machine
works just fine now.  I stuck the original hard drive in another machine and
it works fine there.  Weird.


============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brad Harris)
Subject: Re: buying a linux box -- advice?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:49:31 GMT

Not to many here in town..
 I can think of a few far out though.. See, I'm only 17 and I am not
really trusted very quickly...
I will get a list of everyone I can think of, I don't keep real good
track records, guess I need to work on that eh?

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 07:10:14 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Gowder)

>in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brad Harris) did something 
>allowing me to incorporate a very witty verb in this line and produced:
>>I've been building custom linux boxes for about 8 months now... I
>>could get you a quote up if you would like...
>>I would build the system for you and set up sound and the such for
>>Or I could just build he box and install a generic kernel and let you
>>tinker with the hardware, it is up to you...
>>Keep in Touch
>>I'm running Linux now on a custom system I built
>Do you have refrences?
>        -Paul
>Paul Gowder
>The e-mail address above goes directly to the trash.
>To reach me, e-mail paul at the domain in my from 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Lee Green)
Subject: Re: installing RedHat 5.2 on big (10GB) drive
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:32 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, William D. Leara wrote:
>The RedHat 5.2 install doesn't seem to be able to recognize drives larger 
>than 8.4GB.  I ran Partition Magic from DOS and setup Linux ext2 and 
>Linux swap partitions.  After I boot to the RedHat 5.2 disks, RedHat 
>install sees the ext2 partition size as "-1500MB" when it should be 
>1500MB.  Any hints?

Look in your BIOS for the cyl,head,sector info. Then pass it to the kernel
on the syslinux or LILO boot line.

For example, for a 8.4gb IBM IDE to install off the Red Hat install disk, I

  linux hda=1027,255,63

and voila! when it boots up, Linux sees it the proper size and everything!

Eric Lee Green         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"People have grown used to thinking of computers as unreliable, and it
 doesn't have to be that way." -- Linus


From: "JR McConnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:03 GMT

mike wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>My rental building complex wants to save money and not fix
>the intercom and door buzzer. They want to hijack all the
>phone lines in the building and run them through
>a general intercom-buzzer system. When some one rings I will
>be bounced off line. Who knows what else they can decide
>to do with those lines.
>  Do people have any rights of privacy any more.!
>  I heard that police agencies can follow a suspect until
>they somehow leave a trace of their DNA and take it. Like
>a glass or plate or knife or fork in a restaurant or a hair.
>or from a napkin or tissue. What if you happen to
>throw some gum in a public garbage can or spit. Soon you
>whole genetic info like health prognosis is open to anyone
>like prespective employers .......
>        Where will it all end???
> Mike

    Personaly, If one would wish to wast the money and resources to fret
over little ol' me then they are more than welcome to. Better yet, just send
the money to me personaly and I will be willing to save them the leg work
and spill my guts about my boring, simple little life...

    Make all checks payable to....

    The number of people in this world makes it almost impossable to pick
any person out just for the fun of it, the goverment is like a sleeping
dragon. Unless one is fool enough to wake to ones existance there is little
need to worry about it even caring you exist. Life is masured by thoes
around you not thoes that never knew you...

    Sorry, just my 2 cents worth, and it is not even worth that much. :)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (G. Franklin McCullough)
Subject: Re: USR Courier V. Everything
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:51 GMT

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 23:04:42 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (G.
Franklin McCullough) wrote:

>I installed Red Hat 5.2 recently and everything works great except my
>modem which is the USR Courier V. Everything.  It is a 33.6 upgraded
>to 56K and V90.  Works great under windows 95 with connect speeds up
>to 52000.  Under Linux it will only connect at 26400.  I would
>certainly appreciate any help from someone who has already went
>through this problem.

Well, folks, tried about everything...............I still don't have
V90 or X2 enabled and can't find how or where to do it!  I failed to
mention in my original post that the USR is a internal model.  Perhaps
that has something to do with it.
I tried Linux several years ago and it made me a babbling idiot then
and either I have never recovered or it has done it to me again!!


From: "Frank Dziuba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: jaz jet scsi / etherexpress pro IRQ problem...
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:55 GMT

No good. Neither device lets you set the IRQ because they are both PNP PCI

Bob Martin wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Check the software that came with your cards, see if there is a DOS
>configure utility. If there is , boot using a DOS boot disk, use the
>to set card to what you want, then reboot linux. I have found the DOS
>utilities for some cards is the only to get them configured correctly.
>Frank Dziuba wrote:
>> I have Red Hat 5.1 with a year old IOMega Jaz Jet SCSI card and an Intel
>> Etherexpress pro 100+ card.
>> Both cards hook IRQ 10, and both are detected at boot. No errors are
>> reported at boot.
>> But, the ethernet card doesn't work unless I remove the Advansys based
>> SCSI card. Is there any way to change the SCSI card IRQ? Or Intel IRQ?
>> They work under Windows ok.
>> thanks
>> frank


From: "Ayrton Reis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HDD config for LILO. Linux hangs at boot.
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:49 GMT

I have three HD's in my intel AL440LX Mb with 128 M :

    hda : Western Digital 4.3 Gb : CHS = 8912,15,63
    hdb : Western Digital 4.0 Gb : CHS = 7752,16,63
    hdc : Western Digital 1.2 Gb : CHS = 2484,16,63

Linux hangs during kernel load ( always same point ). Reports me the
following :

    hda : 524,255,63 with capacity 4112 ( vs. 4312 from bios )
    hdb : 969,128,63 with capacity 3815 ( vs. 4001 from bios )
    hdc : 2484,16,63 with capacity 1222 ( vs. 1282 from bios )

I've tried the following lilo command with no success :
boot : linux mem=128M hda=8912,15,63 hdb=7752,16,63

The CHS gets ok but the capacities are still wrong.

Since I'm not able to even boot, I can't modify /etc/lilo.conf.

Please, appreciate any help, since I'm trying hard to make my first Linux
installation to work....

Thanks in advance

Ayrton Reis


From: "John McKown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Where do I buy supported hardware systems?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:51:04 GMT

I have NO experience with the following. I've just found them on the web. I
run a build-your-own system at home.

Have you tried VA Research? The have systems
ranging from a 300Mhz Celeron for about $1400 to a twin Pentium III 500Mhz
for $3895. Check them out, looks nice <drooling>


From: "Gary J Sanderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: WindowMaker upgrade's broken my themes.....
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:26 GMT

Since upgrading to the new version of WindowMaker my background images don't
update when I change to a different theme. I've checked that libjpeg's
installed which it is, so what am I missing?

Also when I try and run wmakerconf it dumps out with a 'sigsev caught' error
and mentioning something like 'no crontab for user xxxx' not sure of the
<exact> terminology (I'm having to use my Windoze box at the mo).

Please help, Gary.


From: ken brakey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:43:11 GMT

SEE!  I'm NOT paranoid!  THEY ARE out to get me! :)

John Hasler wrote:

> Rufus V. Smith writes:
> >The point is that sometimes innocent people need their privacy.
> doole writes:
> > From Authorities? Why??
> "Authorities" with a capital "A", eh?  Who do you think these "Authorities"
> are, God?  Why should the fact that someone is employed by one of those
> organizations that you label an "Authority" give him the right to read my
> private files?
> --
> John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Do with it what you will.
> Dancing Horse Hill         Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
> Elmwood, Wisconsin         Do not send email advertisements to this address.


Subject: How about this modem??
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:10:54 GMT

I was browsing at the local computer shop today
and saw this modem.
It is a Motorola Maxsenger (yes that's the way it's
spelled) with voice.  It seems to be designed around 
a motorola ASIC.  The big chip has the Motorola logo
and name.  Among the requirments and features it 
says that it has a virtual 16550 UART.  It claims
compatibility with win95 and WinNT.  It has an
ISA bus interface.  THis has me intrieqed.  WHat
i think I'm looking at is a DSP based modem.
The Uart functions are programed into the DSP.
Anyone know if this will work or can be made to

It would be great if it can since it's selling for
$39.00.  The 3com modems are selling for over
$100.00 I'm told.


To reply: replace 'X.bleeb' with 'greeder'.


From: "Jeffrey S. Kline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Migrating RH Linux 5.2 to new hard drive
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:37 GMT


Thats all I ever do. I use MC (midnight commander), and tag and copy files
and dir's over to floppies, by dir and only the ones I really need that I've
changed or added. I also make sure there is at least 2 hard drives in the
box. Then I mount that drive, formatted as ext2 of course, and just drag
copies of all homes and other important stuff that isn't backed up, and that
wont fit on floppies over there and have them available to restore

Another would be to use one of those parallel port Zip drives and fdisk and
format a few carts for it and do the backups to it. Since owning one of
these, they come in handy and you can make genuine ext2 zip cartriges out of
the regulars and they are reliable and nice to have on hand. If you need
help, holler and I'll pass on the proceedure to install the driver, make
them, mount and unmount them. I do it all the time and it's rather embedded
in my cranial.

Only copy the system stuff you need such as a few of the files in the /etc
folder and /usr. Even the /dev dir is recreated with standard stuff when you
install new.  The rest of it is also recreated when you install new system.
If you are doing things right, any changes you made to kernal and other
stuff such as terminfo, etc., you kept a log of this so you can mimik it on
the new one right??!!! When done, just use mc, and drag em' back on there
and restart.


Brett W. McCoy wrote in message ...
>On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 15:04:28 -0500, Greg Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hey fellow Linux users!  I'm going to be moving my current RedHat 5.2
>>server to a new hard drive.  Everything in the system is going to be


From: Swietanowski Artur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Monitor Frequency (Xwindows)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:10:53 GMT

> I've got a problem...
> When trying to set up Xwindows in SUSE linux v.6 I have problmes getting my
> monitor (and graphics card) to display resolutions of over 640*480
> I manage fine in WIndows 95 with a frequency of 60Mhz, but when setting up in
> SaX I can only choose resolutions at 75Mhz.  How can I change this?

XFree86 comes with a few other setup programs (I don't know Suse, 
but I assume SaX is their 'value added' tool). If Suse didn't remove 
them from the distribution, you should have Xconfigurator, XF86Setup 
and maybe more (I used them very few times - just to set up X once 
or twice - so I don't remeber the names very well).

Hope this help,
Artur Swietanowski                    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institut fuer Statistik,   Operations Research und Computerverfahren,
Universitaet Wien,    Universitaetsstr. 5,    A-1010 Wien,    Austria
tel. +43 (1) 427 738 620                     fax  +43 (1) 427 738 629


From: Kyle Dansie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Redhat linux and Iomega Zip 250
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:54 GMT

Subbarao Varigonda wrote:
> hi!
> I am trying to get an Iomega Zip 250 parallel port drive working on a
> Redhat 5.2 linux system.
> I followed the instructions in the Zip-Drive Howto. I got the imm
> driver, compiled the kernel with support for SCSI, SCSI disk and
> modular lp support.
> When I try to insmod imm, it only outputs (from /var/log/messages)
> -------------------------
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm: Version 0.18
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm: Probing port 03bc
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm: Probing port 0378
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm:     SPP port present
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm:     PS/2 bidirectional port present
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm:     EPP 1.7
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm: Probing port 0278
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: scsi0 : Iomega ZIP Plus drive
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: scsi : 1 host.
> -------------------------
> It detected the drive but it's not available as any device. I tried to
> mount /dev/sda* (each of them, separately). But i get error message that
> it does not correspond to a block device and the reason may be that the
> driver is not loaded.
> According to the Howto, insmod imm should also output to which device
> file (sda0 -- sda4) the drive is mapped. But in my case, it does not tell me
> the device name.
> My kernel version is 2.0.36.
> I tried running insmod imm from /etc/rc.d/rc.local which is executed
> after all the rc scripts. I also tried insmod imm by stopping lpd daemon.
> It didn't make any  difference.
> I have seen postings on this group saying they got Zip 250 working perfectly
> in linux. I will greatly appreciate any help in this regard.
> -subbarao
> --
> ***********************************************************************
> Subbarao Varigonda      Present Address
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      -----------------
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]    1209, 8thSt SE         Box#144, 11 Amundson Hall
>                          Minneapolis, MN 55414  University of Minnesota
>                          USA                    Minneapolis, MN 55455
>                          ph:(612) 617-8891      ph: (612) 625-3367
>                URL:
> ***********************************************************************

I think that the imm driver was borken in some versions of 2.0.36 and
the early 2.2.0 kernels. It really does work on my machine in 2.0.35 and
2.2.1 and 2.2.2.
I have not tried the new 2.2.3 version yet, but I think that you should
consider upgrading the kernel version. 

If you are now running the later versions of redhat or suse, then
installing the 2.2.x kernel is fairly easy.

Kyle Dansie
Linux Rules     Iomega Zip Drive Mini - HOWTO


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Markus Wandel)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,linux.debian.user
Subject: Re: Soundblaser hisses under Linux
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:52:48 GMT

In article <bDdH2.2455$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

>When I do modprobe sb, the modules load w/o any errors, and I hear quite
>annoying hiss comming from the speakers.
>The card doesn't produce *any* hissing under NT.

My RH5.2 setup has a command-line mixer control command that is just perfect
for initializing the sound at the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.local (the very last
thing that is run before the login prompt comes up.)  Actually I put a "play"
command in there too so the machine can make a nice hi-fi startup noise just
like UnmentionableOS.

In my machine, the cable from the CD-ROM to the sound card picks up noise,
although not terribly loud.  I also keep the microphone input muted when
not in use.



From: Regit Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: USB support under linux
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:12:04 GMT

Apple imacs runs with USB, so it is not a win98 only thing. And the fact that
LinuxPPC runs on imacs, Linux support USB.

Aaron Saikovski wrote:

> Does linux support the USB peripheral connection type or is it just a win98
> thing?
> Thanks,
> Aaron Saikovski


Subject: Re: lost "RPM"
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:43:07 GMT

It is somewhat rude to post to the USENET in HTML...  Many people will
completely overlook your posts unless you switch to plain text.  Just thought
you'd like to know.

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 21:49:49 GMT, David McKinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
><br>&nbsp;I was trying to install Gnome, and in the process of&nbsp; repairing
>a conflict RPM command disappeared.&nbsp; Can't find it? Tried using a
>previous kernel, still no RPM.If anyone knows where it is supposed to reside,
>and how I can get it back off a RedHat 5.2 cd I'd sure appreciate it.


(email addy; user ID portion has a numeral one in place of word
onespoiler, and of course, delete the bogus secondary domain of nospam.)
PC/hardware Guru, and Linux Newbie


From: Jon Slater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Switching ethernet cards...
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:11:48 GMT

I am pulling a NE2000 (ISA) clone out of my linux box and putting a
Linksys 100Mbps (PCI) in it's place.

Are there any issues I should know about before I do this?

I know I have the correct Linux driver for the new card.  Do I remove
anything first?

Thanks in advance for the help!!!

Jon D. Slater                   QualComm Inc. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     6150 Lookout Road
Phone: (303) 247-5037           Boulder, Colorado 
Fax:   (303) 247-5167           80301


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mr Cheuk Kong Lo)
Subject: Re: Xcdroast, hp7200i IDE not mounting problem
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:53:51 GMT

I've found my solution, after reading the NG. append="hdc=ide-scsi" is
a helpful hint. NOTE it is "ide-scsi" not "scsi-ide".

The trick is to use modules, I have 

Now, recompile the kernel, install new kernel and modules. 

Case 1:  You don't need CDR, just normal Linux

You are already done. No extra step need to use /dev/hdb, /dev/hdc as IDE-CDROM.

Case 2: You need CDR[W], 

Just copy the lilo.conf entries from original one to another one, have
it named linux-cdr, e.g.,

        append="hdb=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi"

Re-run lilo and now choose linux-cdr in bootup. Now both IDE CD will be
emulated as SCSI CDROM/CDR.

Fireup xcdroast and dance :-)

I have an extra script that works with RH5.2, put it in /etc/rc.d/rc.modules.
So you don't even need to manually type 'modprobe ide-scsi'. Work even for
both case 1 and 2.

--cut here--

# Set the path
export PATH

# we use convention of linux-whatever-version-cdr
# whenever -cdr is found, we believe we need the emulation
echo -n "Checking for ide-scsi emulation..."
if grep -q -e -cdr /proc/cmdline ; then
        echo "found"
        modprobe ide-scsi
        echo "not found"
--cut here--


jboers1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: I have successfully upgraded to 2.2.3, installed xcdroast and needed rpms
: on my linux-mandrake (redhat 5.2). I have xcdroast working and can make
: cd's. however i cannot mount a cd anymore.
: I enabled generic scsi and disbled atapi cdrom (the HP 7200i is an IDE
: cd-rw unit)in the kernel. The cdrw is on hdc. The cd-rw works fine when i
: enable atapi cdrom (compiled in and as a module) but then xcdroast won't
: see the drive.

: I want to be able to mount cd's and make them as well. I tried append lilo
: at boot with "hdc=scsi-ide" and the dmesg shows the cd-rw detected. but it
: is still one or the other.



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