Linux-Hardware Digest #714, Volume #9            Fri, 19 Mar 99 07:13:31 EST

  Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?) (Patrik Magnusson)
  Re: Speed..Speed..Speed (NoBody Here)
  Re: My mouse is screwed. ("Charles Sullivan")
  Re: Modems for Linux and Unix? (Pete H)
  Re: Computer locks up when playing 16-bit sound (Vibra16C) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Digital Celebris 590 config (Stephen Ashley)
  Re: CDR For Linux? (Burkard B. Kreidler)
  Re: buying a linux box -- advice? (Paul Gowder)
  Re: Olympus D220L Digital Cam...under linux? (Stew Benedict)
  Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session      (Steve 
  sound card setup - HELP (Lee Bennett)
  Re: ATI all in wonder pro tv tuner (Floss)
  Diamond Stealth 3D2000 & XF86Config ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Mustek 1200 flatbed scanner.....under Linux? (Michael D. Knight)
  Re: USR Courier V. Everything ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux & PCI Modems (Johan Kullstam)
  usb devices on Linux2.0.xx or MKlinux? (Ulrich Hahn)
  Re: Redhat linux and Iomega Zip 250 drive (Kyle Dansie)
  Re: CDs brennen... (Burkard B. Kreidler)
  Re: Mustek 1200 flatbed scanner.....under Linux? (A Guy Called Tyketto)
  Re: Asus V3400TNT X configuration problems (Jeff McWilliams)
  Re: Sound Blaster AWE64...  <<=Question==>> (Burkard B. Kreidler)
  Re: Asus Video card and other questions (Donovan Rebbechi)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrik Magnusson)
Subject: Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:46:33 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve) writes:
|> Amen...A word that is mentioned quite infrequently in this group,
|> productivity.
|> It doesn't matter a hill of beans how technically superior your OS is
|> if there are no applications for it that the general public want to
|> use.

Recent studies show that, the average office-worker loose half a day
per week on "computer difficulties". These included:

* computers/applications crashing
* word-documents being bloated beyond usefulness
* macro-viruses
* paperempty on printers (from using word- instead of text-processors)
* security concearns (most notably NetBus-concearns)

But whatever the reason, half a day per work-week is a huge hill of beans.
|> Vi, And EMacs and ppp-on, ppp-off, and slrn and tin an trn and tetris
|> and ispell and on and on and on don't cut it when you have a plethora
|> of Windows applications that blow the doors off the Linux crap...
|> Users are NOT interested in going back to the 1970's....
Well, I just heard of this thing called X, supposedly it's 
this graphical thing for Unix, rumour has it there's even some
applications for it. Stuck in the 70's as I am, I don't think
it will ever be of much use to me, but you might want to check it out.
/Patrik, ranting student.


From: NoBody Here <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.fortran
Subject: Re: Speed..Speed..Speed
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:57:19 GMT

Jason McKnight wrote:
> Jim Moser wrote:
> > Am currently running a K6-2 300Mhz processor with 128Mb of 100 Mhz
> > memory and considering
> > upgrading to a faster board and processor. I am pursuing a project which
> > will require scads of floating point
> <snip>
> If you are looking for RAW FP power look at an ALPHA processor. Load it up
> with memory and fast disks.
How does memory and disk speed relate to FloatingPoint 
performance? This thread has my attention because a friend
at Qualcomm said he got better performance out of a PPro
then a Sparc 10 when doing simulations on voice codecs.
That surprised me and I'd like to know how the Alpha does FP.
Something more logical of a response is needed to be CONSIDERED



From: "Charles Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: My mouse is screwed.
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:58:43 GMT

This sounds like the problem I had in RH5.2.  The MS Intellimouse PS/2 would
work at the console screen and then at the X window screen.  But if I exited
back to the console the mouse would barf.  This mouse has a wheel button
so I downloaded the 'imwheel' program from freshmeat.  This program
includes a patched gpm which solved the mouse barf problem. (Note: the
original gpm did not show 'imps2' as a valid mouse type if you run 'gpm -i';
the patched one does.)

Here's the file /etc/sysconfig/mouse file I'm now using:
FULLNAME="Microsoft IntelliMouse (PS/2)"

Travers Nicholas wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I'm running Slackware distribution, and my Xserver is running sweet as.
>However, whenever i quit out of Quake, back into the server, The mouse
>goes haywire.
>Originally I was having problems with my mouse in quake, untill i added
>this line to SVGAlib; mouse IMPS2. In case you hadn't noticed, i have a
>ps2 intellimouse, and i believe the problem will be resolved if i can
>specify my mouse type as IMPS2 within the Xserver. I just don't know how
>to do this. Can anyone help?.
>at present i have my mouse setup as PS2, as intellimouse, and microsoft
>mouse wouldn't work. Any help on this matter will be greatly


Subject: Re: Modems for Linux and Unix?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:45:19 GMT

Black Blade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>If you have a modem running successfully under Linux I
> wouldn't mind getting the brand and model #.
> Any help is appreciated
> Thank You

I'm running a USR external (the one that says it needs windows).  External 
modems, by definition, are hardware based modems, so linux won't have any 
problems with it.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Computer locks up when playing 16-bit sound (Vibra16C)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:45:25 GMT

In article <7bt2mc$nmq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > I've read that the Vibra16X was not a real 16-bit card, but I have a
> > > Vibra16C !
> > Have you tried to configure it using just one 8-bit DMA?  I've got the
> > 16X and that's how mine works.  It *does* seem to accept 16-bit
> > samples just fine through the 8-bot DMA channel.

Yes, I had done it already. It didn't work ("Bad DMA channel"). I have a
Vibra16C, as I told you.

> I have a Vibra16C which ALSA does support no problems.

THANKS !!! I had already visited the ALSA home page previously, but didn't
realized it could help me. And it did, actually. It took me less than half an
hour to read the instructions and install ALSA. And it works perfectly. I'm
really, really happy. :-)

Thanks again,

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From: Stephen Ashley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Digital Celebris 590 config
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:45:21 GMT

I have one of these units at home and at work, and have dual P5 133 CPUs in (on)
this system (home). The SCSI chip is a NCR53c810 with BIOS. I have run RedHat
5.2 2.0.36 kernals on this system. The cpu daughter card is capable of running
as a dual CPU system.

**** But DIGITAL (Compaq) won't support the config as such.  ****  (gotta do the
company thing.)

One thing to make sure of is that the CPU cache module is the Async one instead
of the Sync module. Check the part number on the card (54-23532 with 9 chips in
a row) not the 3 LSI chips. If you do have the sync type remove the cache
otherwise you'll end up with a crashing system. The core clock and divider jumps
are located to the front side and should not prove to be a great brainer (i.e
you bugger much, the system will just not start DON'T run the CPU's fro too long
massivley over clock, they won't anyhow). Make sure all the fans are able to
rotate, the big fan in the fornt of the case is temp controlled by the Power
Supply. My daughter Brd can only clock upto a 133 Mhz P54C CPU, make sure you
try and find like CPU's as best you can. We have an old XL590 with dual CPU's
clocked to 100Mhz run as a general purpose hack for our work group, has 196MB of
memory and several old 7200rpm 4Gb disks. Blows the doors of a simlarly
configured system run as an NT domain controller...

Stephen Ashley.
Alice Springs,
Out Bak Oz.


> Recently picked up a Digital Celebris 590 at a used parts sale.  It appears
> to have on board SCSI and definitely can accommodate dual processors
> (previous owner had a single pentium 90 installed).  I'd like to put dual
> P90s or 100s on board and fire up Linux, but I don't have any doco about the
> box/jumper settings.  Don't want to frag the box if I can help it.  Can
> anyone help point me in the right direction?
> TIA-
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Burkard B. Kreidler)
Subject: Re: CDR For Linux?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:59:13 GMT

On Thu, 11 Mar 1999 21:29:56 -0700, "rob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Can anybody recommend an inexpensive IDE CDR
>drive that works with linux?  I checked out the CD-Writing
>mini-howto but it's a year old and I suspect (hope) its
>list of compatible drives is not complete.
I'd highly recommend a SCSI drive since CPU-usage is much less. A
suitable SCSI card is around 50 $ and a TEAC R55S which I'd suggest
should be available for about 250 bucks.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Gowder)
Subject: Re: buying a linux box -- advice?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:42 GMT

in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brad Harris) did something 
allowing me to incorporate a very witty verb in this line and produced:
>Not to many here in town..
> I can think of a few far out though.. See, I'm only 17 and I am not
>really trusted very quickly...
>I will get a list of everyone I can think of, I don't keep real good
>track records, guess I need to work on that eh?

It would help your business.  :)  

Paul Gowder
The e-mail address above goes directly to the trash.
To reach me, e-mail paul at the domain in my from 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stew Benedict)
Subject: Re: Olympus D220L Digital Cam...under linux?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:59:23 GMT

Yes there is software.  I've got a Sanyo which is very similar and it
works pretty good, although sometimes initially I have a hard time getting
the conversation going.  I don't remember the name of the app at the
moment though, something like camediaplay?


On 17 Mar 1999 08:48:11 -0500, Michael D. Knight 
>I am shamefully running win98 on my new Celeron 300A.
>I will probably install linux on it next month.  I want to find out it
>my Olympus D220L digital camera will work under linux or not.
>It is a simple serial interface, so that shouldn't be a problem.  I
>guess I'm looking for some drivers that will be able to download the
>pics off the camera.  Are there any tools available to do this?
>I have been away from Linux for a couple of years now, so I'm not sure
>what is out there for this type of thing.
>Any comments would be appreciated.
>Look at email address carefully....anti-spam in effect.
>COMBAT AIRCRAFT: A mix    Michael David Knight           F-4    |  Phantom II
>of sharp teeth, cold      Gulfstream Aerospace                 /O\        
>steel, cosmic warlords,   Georgia Tech Aerospace     \_______[|(.)|]_______/   
>and evil spirits          mknight2@*spam*  ++   O   ++   o    



From: Steve Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session     
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:57:36 GMT

jedi wrote:

> >Its not a matter of shoulds, but of markets.  If you are trying to sell
> >something to the general public you will have better luck ( ceteris
> >paribus ) if it is easier to use.  Then again, Linux comes from a market
>         No, you will have better luck if you lie to people about
>         how easy to use your product and force feed to everyone
>         through exclusive agency contracts.

Hmmm, that is what I meant when I said everything else being equal up
above.  Given that an ordinary non-tech person would prefer a gui, which
is where a lot of money is.

>         However, you still need to know how to tell it to do
>         what you need done. The GUI only slightly improves on
>         that problem by limiting what you can tell the machine
>         to do.

I worked my way through school as a lab assistant.  For my first year
there the lab was a mixture of Win 3.1, unix, vax, & dos.  I started the
job knowing very little.  I hated Win 3.1 and its applications, but I
could do things to start helping people who asked things I didn't know. 
With the command line software there was only a prompt to stare at most
of the time until I could ask one of the more experienced consultants
where to start.

You are right, GUIs don't make things a breeze and for the long term
future people will need to learn how to use computers.  However, that
doesn't mean developers should give up on making things progressively
easier.....even for technical people.  The less time you spend learning
one task might be converted into doing, or learning something else.

>         Labor saving device != no learning required to use.

I agree, but as long as you are working at making labor saving
equipement you goal is to keep evolving towards equipment that makes a
chore less and less work.  That includes finding ways to reduce the
time/effort in getting up to speed on the labor saving device.

Steve Russell
The Java Resource Dump


From: Lee Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sound card setup - HELP
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:57:25 GMT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Iam running Suse Linux 6

I have a PC Chips motherboard (M590) with integrated 3D sound onboard. I
can get sound to work if I use the OSS version 3.9.2, however I only
have a demo copy that will run for 20 minutes at a time. OSS detects the
Sound chip as a Generic CM18330 PnP. Does anyone know if there is kernel
support under 2.0.36 for 2.2 for this chip set. The sound chip set is
Windows sound system and SB16 compatible but I can't get these to work.




Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<p>Iam running Suse Linux 6
<p>I have a PC Chips motherboard (M590) with integrated 3D sound onboard.
I can get sound to work if I use the OSS version 3.9.2, however I only
have a demo copy that will run for 20 minutes at a time. OSS detects the
Sound chip as a Generic CM18330 PnP. Does anyone know if there is kernel
support under 2.0.36 for 2.2 for this chip set. The sound chip set is Windows
sound system and SB16 compatible but I can't get these to work.

Reply to:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]</pre>



Subject: Re: ATI all in wonder pro tv tuner
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:45 GMT

Just as a quick followup to the last post, there is some interesting
info on ATI-TV and Linux users here:



Subject: Diamond Stealth 3D2000 & XF86Config
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:59:41 GMT

Anybody have an XF86Config for the 3D2000 (4MB) they would like to share?

Running Xconfigurator selects the svga driver and only gives me
1280x1024 in 8bpp.  Same box running Win98 gives me 16bpp. I'm
assuming there is something better than 'Device "My Video Card"' :-(

Thanks in advance,

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael D. Knight)
Subject: Mustek 1200 flatbed scanner.....under Linux?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:59:49 GMT

I am about to install linux on my sys after being away from it for
about 2 years.  I am checking to see what drivers are available for
the hardware I want to run.

I've gotten positive info on my printer and digital cam (thanks
guys!), and am now after my last scanner.

I have a Mustek PlugnScan 1200 III EP flatbed scanner.  It is a
parallel port interface, so that should not be a problem.

I checked for hardware drivers, but Mustek isn't listed
as providing drivers.

Any comments welcome!


Michael D. Knight             "Only AIRPOWER can                  |
Gulfstream Aerospace           defeat AIRPOWER,               ____O____
Georgia Tech Aerospace         and without it, all       x-----=[[.]]=-----x
mknight2@*spam*worldnet.att.netis lost."                   * X    0    X *


Subject: Re: USR Courier V. Everything
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:46:20 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (G. Franklin McCullough) wrote:
> I installed Red Hat 5.2 recently and everything works great except my
> modem which is the USR Courier V. Everything.  It is a 33.6 upgraded
> to 56K and V90.  Works great under windows 95 with connect speeds up
> to 52000.  Under Linux it will only connect at 26400.  I would
> certainly appreciate any help from someone who has already went
> through this problem.
> thanks,

I have a V.Everything, also upgraded via the official USR Windows95 software
and it connects to my ISP at 40.0 nearly every time using the V.90 protocol.

It is difficult to see the connect speed in Windows.  Relying on the system
tray to tell you is not exactly accurate.  Note that 52000 is roughly twice
your 26400 rate.  That could be a clue that you're not dialing in as fast as
you expect.

Of course, you could have done all this research already yourself and I could
be going on and on about stuff you already know, but I just thought I'd put
in my two cents.

Good luck,


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From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux & PCI Modems
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:47 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Amir Shamsuddin) writes:

> d) modems with a UART on-board
>         - these work with linux

> Could someone tell me, or point me to modems/chipsets which fall
> into category d), ie those which work with linux?

fwiw external modems seem to almost universally fall into category d.
(there is some sort of rockwell interface external which has a
proprietary interface and should be avoided.  i am not sure if these
are still being made, however.)

                                           J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
                                           [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                                              Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: Ulrich Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: usb devices on Linux2.0.xx or MKlinux?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:58:05 GMT

is there any experience out there using an usb port on a Notebook or

kind regards

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=get%20u_hahn
request my key for a secure answer
PGP fingerprint: 5AC7 FCA6 D0E5 5A5D  DA58 01B0 5458 6BA8

It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people.  The good ones
better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.

  -- Woody Allen, "Side Effects"


From: Kyle Dansie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Redhat linux and Iomega Zip 250 drive
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:51:15 GMT

> hi!
> I am trying to get an Iomega Zip 250 parallel port drive working on a
> Redhat 5.2 linux system (on intel pentium). I do not have any other SCSI
> adapters/devices.
> I followed the instructions in the Zip-Drive Howto. I got the imm
> driver, compiled the kernel with support for SCSI, SCSI disk and
> modular lp support.
> When I try to insmod imm, it only outputs (from /var/log/messages)
> -------------------------
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm: Version 0.18
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm: Probing port 03bc
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm: Probing port 0378
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm:     SPP port present
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm:     PS/2 bidirectional port present
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm:     EPP 1.7
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: imm: Probing port 0278
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: scsi0 : Iomega ZIP Plus drive
> Mar 14 01:27:57 loon kernel: scsi : 1 host.
> -------------------------
> It detected the drive but it's not available as any device. I tried to
> mount /dev/sda* (each of them, separately). But i get error message that
> it does not correspond to a block device and the reason may be that the
> driver is not loaded.
> According to the Howto, insmod imm should also output to which device
> file (sda?) the drive is mapped. But in my case, it does not tell me
> the device name.
> My kernel version is 2.0.36.
> I tried running insmod imm from /etc/rc.d/rc.local, rc.sysinit (to load
> at boot time) and manually also after booting but none of them worked.
> I have seen postings on this group saying they got Zip 250 working perfectly
> in linux. I will greatly appreciate any help in this regard.
> -subbarao
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Try upgrading to 2.2.3 kernel. see for current versions

Linux Rules     Iomega Zip Drive Mini - HOWTO


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Burkard B. Kreidler)
Subject: Re: CDs brennen...
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:59:04 GMT

On 12 Mar 1999 01:02:37 GMT, Joern Smock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Alexander Schliebner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hallo Leute,
You should post in _english_ in this group. There's a german group
Even Joerg Schilling usually reads ist.

>> Ich bin auf Linux noch ziemlich unerfahren. Mit cdrecord hat er mir

>> Auch wenn ich eine Gr=F6=DFe f=FCr den fifo angebe, f=E4hrt er ihn
>> st=E4n= dig runter bis auf Null. Schlimmer ist aber - glaub ich -
>> das Problem beim Schlie=DFen der CD.
>what does `Gr=F6=DFe f=FCr den fifo angebe, f=E4hrt er ihn st=E4n='
>mean?  (I just see "=F6" and such).
(OT) german umlauts (the a,o,u with two dots over them and the"s"
character that looks like a "B" are no ofiicial ISO characters and
give the nonsense above (/OT)

command-line programs like cdrecord usually are problematically for
beginners. You might use the xcdroast frontend.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (A Guy Called Tyketto)
Subject: Re: Mustek 1200 flatbed scanner.....under Linux?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:00:02 GMT

Hash: SHA1

Michael D. Knight ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I am about to install linux on my sys after being away from it for
> about 2 years.  I am checking to see what drivers are available for
> the hardware I want to run.
> I've gotten positive info on my printer and digital cam (thanks
> guys!), and am now after my last scanner.
> I have a Mustek PlugnScan 1200 III EP flatbed scanner.  It is a
> parallel port interface, so that should not be a problem.
> I checked for hardware drivers, but Mustek isn't listed
> as providing drivers.

        Have you checked out the SANE project? They may have the answers
you are looking for. page is at Check it out.

- -- 
Brad Littlejohn                         | Email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Unix Systems Administrator,             |            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WebMaster, NewsMaster.. Smeghead! :)    |
    PGP: 1024/E9DF4D85 67 6B 33 D0 B9 95 F4 37  4B D1 CE BD 48 B0 06 93

Version: GnuPG v0.9.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff McWilliams)
Subject: Re: Asus V3400TNT X configuration problems
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:00:08 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Emil Hägerlund wrote:
>I have been trying to configure my new graphics card, Asus V3400TNT 16 Mb,
>in Slackware 3.6 but without much luck. Does anyone have the same card and
>go it working? Or can someone give me some good piece of advice?


Which version of XFree86 are you using?  You should get the latest. 
I belive XFree86 now suports the nVidia TNT chipset in the 
SVGA server.

Jeff McWilliams - Advanced Development Engineer, ACE Technologies


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Burkard B. Kreidler)
Subject: Re: Sound Blaster AWE64...  <<=Question==>>
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:59:11 GMT

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999 21:29:02 -0800, "CH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I have a Sound Blaster AWE64 (value), and am trying to set it up under
>SUSE 5.3...
>  I have read the Sound-HowTo, but that wasn't much help.
>  Any explanations I have seen for the SB64 setup in the past have not been
>that clear.  In addition, they have been for older versions or different
>  I guess what I'm looking for is either some clear instructions on how to
>set this up or a referance to a site that has such instructions.

Why not provide us with more information?
Did you read the AWE 64-Howto? If not, why not?
Did you set up isapnp? If not, why not?
Did you compile your kernel with AWE32 support? If not, why not?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Subject: Re: Asus Video card and other questions
Date: 18 Mar 1999 03:38:00 GMT

On Tue, 16 Mar 1999 23:37:43 -0500, Cliff Martin wrote:

>Where do I start looking for drivers for my hardware? I am mostly concerned
>about my graphics card, an asus AGP V3400TNT, but also my Mainboard,
>soundcard, scsi etc.

All the drivers for the hardware should come with your distribution. 

To get the latest video drivers, you go to 

Your videocard isn't on the supported list, but other cards with the same
chipset are. 

You should check to see if your SCSI card is supported. ( go to the hardware compatibiliity list ) 

>Are there financial packages for Linux? (or do linux people not care about
>money? ;^} )

A good place to look is

>The software I use most an email client, 

we have more than you can poke a stick at (-;

> photoshop, 

there's something called "gimp"

> perl editor, ICQ,
>Internet browser, and a Financial package. I think that I will be alright
>switching to Linux.

Keep windows installed on a partition. You can always nuke it if you need
more space for your linux apps.

Donovan Rebbechi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Web designer for Independence -- Linux for the Masses 



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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