Linux-Hardware Digest #16, Volume #10            Tue, 13 Apr 99 18:13:31 EDT

  Re: PnP Modem ("Andre Malafaya Baptista")
  Neues Vertriebssystem Internetservice und Webdesign! (Stefan Gsundbrunn)
  coredump with free() in C language ("Frédéric Hoerni")
  ! Zip AND // port ("Christian JOYARD")
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) (westprog)
  Which Eicon ISDN card? (JCG)
  FORSALE: Twiddler one handed keyboard/mouse (Matt Welland)
  Re: modem setup (Tim Moore)
  Re: S3 Virge/GX (Dave Seyster)
  Re: Remaining difficulties with on-board SiS6326 ("Bob Glover")
  NE2000 compatible card - how to setup? (Hugo van der Merwe)
  Re: AMD K6 Slackwera Installation (Mark Nielsen)
  Re: Jaz Drive support? (Mark Nielsen)
  Re: Help - How to Remove Red Hat ? ("Jeff Volckaert")
  Re: Ax59pro and Linux..How well does your system work? (Matthias Kilian)
  Installing Redhat with LS120 floptical ("Dominic")
  HELP! Installing a Modem ("Mike Milacek")
  Re: New user: Vidio server Intel 740 (Brian Matthew Sperlongano)
  Re: Linux and Everex step MP system (M Sweger)
  SunRiver Multiport Serial Card on Linux? (Brian Longwe)
  samba and/or hardware problem (Kay Breithaupt)
  Re: Soundpro 3d onboard (Erwin van Akkeren)
  x11amp crashing... (Michael Bannister)
  Re: GRAPHICS CARD & LINUX X (Michael Bannister)


From: "Andre Malafaya Baptista" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PnP Modem
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 12:39:17 +0100

I presume your modem is in COM3 so link /dev/modem to ttyS2 (ln -s
/dev/ttyS2 /dev/modem). If /dev/modem already exists and is incorrect,
delete it (rm /dev/modem).
To test if your modem is responding, you may use minicom (just type minicom)
and check if it responds to AT commands (at, ata, atdt123456, etc.)


xavier cable wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hi all,
>I have a PnP modem (ISA) and i succes to detect it with isapnp (ouff :)
>it write me :
>GVC000f/.....[0]{F-1128HV/T1 V34+    }: Port 0x3E8;IRQ5 --- Enabled OK
>So I think it works fine. but now I don't now how to go on : link
>/dev/modem to wich device ? Is that create a new COM port ?
>please help me or I will eat my dog ! :))


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefan Gsundbrunn)
Subject: Neues Vertriebssystem Internetservice und Webdesign!
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 12:24:43 GMT

Gutan Tag!

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Stefan Gsundbrunn
Gsundbrunn Computersysteme
Internetservice & Webdesign
call: 0 21 75/72 09 00


From: "Frédéric Hoerni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc,fr.comp.lang.c
Subject: coredump with free() in C language
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 14:08:12 +0200

I am using a Toshiba Tecra 750 CDT laptop with Linux RedHat 5.2.
I get a COREDUMP after free() (not everytime).
Is it because of the linux version, or the laptop ?


Olivier Deramat ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: "Christian JOYARD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ! Zip AND // port
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 14:27:49 +0200

Hi !

I've got a parallel ZIP and I'm getting it work under Linux trought the
"ppa.o" module which I load at Linux starting (in /etc/rc.d/rc.modules).
Then I mount it and it work without any problem. But when I load ppa.o, I
must disable lp.o, and so I can't use my parallel port (and my printer). Is
there a way to make ppa work without disabling the access to the // port,
such as a new version of ppa.o ?

Thanks by advance...


From: westprog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 11:28:05 GMT

In article <7eto1v$2fr8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell) wrote:
> In article <7etq67$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Jason V. Robertson~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >Matthew Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>Well, what you are seeing is a collection of several different UI
> >>toolkits.  This is actually a good thing; you can choose which toolkit
> >>you like, and allow multiple toolkits to persist on the system.  It
> >>does cause a loss of efficiency, I admit, but I think the benefits are
> >>usually worth it.
> >>
> >>Basically, UNIX gives you the option to use whatever toolkit you like.
> >>Choice is good.
> >
> >So, of course, does Windows.
> Perhaps if the original unix owners had gone to the lengths to eliminate
> competition that MicroSoft did, unix users would have an equal lack
> of choice.  But maybe not.  Maybe it is just an effect of the longer
> timespan for life of the unix products.  Maybe in 15 or 20 years there
> will be some different-looking Windows products around too.

What I want is a system where I can change the look and feel of all the
programs I am running, instantly and reversibly - say switching between a Mac
look to a Windows look. Updating my system to use a scrolling mouse - or any
other new UI device - should be trivial if a driver is available. This
situation is not what we have at present.


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Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Which Eicon ISDN card?
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 11:28:36 GMT

Hello all:

I would like to know of experiences with different Eicon ISDN cards and linux.
Which one would you reccomend to use with Suse linux 5.3 (kernel 2.0.35)?

I have gone through a lot of FAQs, mailing-list archives, etc, and there is
too much information. I ended up not knowing exactly which card does work and
which one does not.  :-)

Thanks for your help.

Julio C Gutierrez
Besam Iberica

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From: Matt Welland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FORSALE: Twiddler one handed keyboard/mouse
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 14:54:31 -0400

I'm selling a Twiddler one handed keyboard on eBay. If interested send
browser to:




Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 03:02:12 -0700
From: Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: modem setup

> 1) If it really IS a Winmodem, despite what the docs say, how can I
> determine that?

PCI, no jumpers, no response (ie- AT^M).  The overruns are because the modem is not
doing anything.

Burn it.  Visit here before you buy the next one:

Direct replies to with username 'timothymoore'

"Everything is permitted.  Nothing is forbidden."
                                   WS Burroughs.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Seyster)
Subject: Re: S3 Virge/GX
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 19:36:21 GMT

On Tue, 13 Apr 1999 02:32:36 -0400, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a similar problem with a Virge DX/GX...  home built system. its not the
>mobo as i just replaced it and i still et the same problem. (different
>manufacturers even)
>I boot, startx, then jump back and forth between X and console any number of times
>and the text gets scrambled... Everything is fine in X, but console needs a reboot
>to fix the problem.

If you are using the SVGA server, try switching to the S3V server. This
corrected the same problem for me on a generic S3 Virge DX video card.

Dave Seyster


From: "Bob Glover" <>
Subject: Re: Remaining difficulties with on-board SiS6326
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 15:39:54 +0100


startx > ~/startx.log

then exit your X session immediately and look at startx.log

Also, try putting, this subsection first in your screen section

>    Subsection "Display"
>        Depth       16
>        Modes       "1024x768"
>        ViewPort    0 0
>    EndSubsection

because the first display subsection encountered, will be the default.


Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 20:15:18 +0000
From: Hugo van der Merwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NE2000 compatible card - how to setup?

I have an NE2000 network card. I compiled my kernel with NE2000 support
(at least I think I did). However, it is not automatically initialise at
boot time, which is what it should do. ifconfig outputs only the lo
device, unless of course I am connected to the net, when ppp0 is also on
the list.

"ifconfig eth0 up" gives no problems.
"ifconfig eth0 netmask" returns the following
SIOCSIFADDR: Operation not supported by device
SIOCSIFNETMASK: Operation not supported by device

In my /etc/conf.modules file there is the following two lines:
alias eth0 ne
options ne io=0x300

I am using RedHat 5.1

What more can I try? What am I missing to get this card to work?

Hugo van der Merwe


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Nielsen)
Subject: Re: AMD K6 Slackwera Installation
Date: 13 Apr 1999 08:58:37 -0400

I have one easy suggestion if you have another better computer. 
Take the hard drive out, put it in another computer that works better,
install it, and then put it back in the other computer. 


Mark Nielsen            "Where 98 has no meaning."                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Computer Underground, Inc.  614-485-0506
computers, programming, networking, Perl, PHP, SQL, HTMl, Linux, Unix


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Nielsen)
Subject: Re: Jaz Drive support?
Date: 13 Apr 1999 09:00:08 -0400

Is it a SCSI Jaz?

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Robert Patterson  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have Caldera OpenLinux 1.3, with the 2.0.35 (?) kernel, and it works
>with no difficulty with my Adaptect 2920 SCSI card and SCSI CD-ROM
>drive.  However, my understanding was that special kernel support was
>needed for a Jaz drive, which I have; has anyone gotten a Jaz drive
>working and, if so, where do I get the code or binaries?
>Robert H. Patterson

Mark Nielsen            "Where 98 has no meaning."                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Computer Underground, Inc.  614-485-0506
computers, programming, networking, Perl, PHP, SQL, HTMl, Linux, Unix


From: "Jeff Volckaert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Help - How to Remove Red Hat ?
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 12:31:30 -0400

fdisk away all the partitions on the drive, run fdisk /mbr from DOS, reboot,
and run fdisk under DOS again to setup you're dos partitions.  Then do the
normal format /s to make the drive do bootable.

Fdisk /mbr gets rid of lilo which is probably the step you're tripping up

Jeff Volckaert

7676786876NOSPAMMINGhotmailcom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>Could anyone answer a question on how to remove Linux / LILO from
>the boot sector of a hard drive?
>I am trying to re-install DOS on a small hard drive that has Red
>Hat 4.X on the boot sector.  I have tried a DOS FDISK to delete
>all partitions, a DOS format, and a Red Hat setup / delete
>partition to delete Linux...and it still boots Linux! Help!
>I have Linux on another machine (and am quite happy with it)but
>want to turn another into a DOS only PC to run some old apps and
>cannot remove Linux !
>Many thanks in advance!  Brian H.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Kilian)
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.aopen
Subject: Re: Ax59pro and Linux..How well does your system work?
Date: 13 Apr 1999 18:04:23 GMT

Anthony Sims ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> You need to enable the USB ports in your BIOS setup, to make these devices
> visible.

Now it works.

Although I don't see what USB has to do with ACPI.



Subject: Re: IBM Token Ring PCMCIA Card
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 13:56:47 GMT


What kernel are you using, if you have updated to the 2.2.x kernels you will
need the updated token ring pcmcia drivers.

This is available at

Mike Phillips
Linux Token Ring Project

In article <u9BEc2Ph#GA.359@upnetnews05>,
  "Paul Stanyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am running Suse 6 on an IMB Thinkpad 765. I installed Suse 6 no probs.
> Set up the TR card using the built in drivers and it installs OK, but when
> setting up network interface onboot up, Linux just sits there. I have
> checked all config that I know of (IP address, DNS etc...)
> Any ideas anyone?
> Regards
>  P Stanyer

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From: "Dominic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Installing Redhat with LS120 floptical
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 15:13:17 +0100


I'm having difficulty installing Redhat 5.2 from the two boot floppies - it
doesn't appear to detect the drive when asking for the supplemental disk,
although it boots off the first (boot) disk initially.

Any hints or suggestion gratefully received.

Dom ;-)

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From: "Mike Milacek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HELP! Installing a Modem
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 12:03:54 -0800

I am new to Linux. Trying to get modem to work. It is a USR 56k Fax Int. It
is a PNP modem but I have it set to non PNP on the card. Com2 Irq3.

Can some one tell me how to install it so I can get on the net. Do not
understand how to do it.

Please E-Mail me..



From: Brian Matthew Sperlongano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New user: Vidio server Intel 740
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 10:08:17 -0400

I also have an i740 chip (Stealth II/G460).  The server you need is the
XBF server, made by redhat.  I'm not sure of the exact location, but if
you check out redhat's website under 'supported video cards' there's a
link to the XBF servers.


> Ok I admit to being a very green newbee.
> I've just installed redhat (V5.2) on my system at home but apparently to
> support my video card (Intel 740 chip set) I need to locate the correct
> video server for it. Does anyone know where it is located, that is if it
> exists? 
> Thanks in advance
> -- 
> Roger Doulis
> (A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a co-ordinate transform).
> Dept Civil Engineering (Clayton Campus)              Ph 9905-4964
> Monash University                                    Fax 9905-1483
> Wellington Rd.
> Clayton Victoria 3168
> Australia

Brian Matthew Sperlongano        
Worcester Polytechnic Institute  
(508) 831-6282 (School)
(401) 828-0746 (Home)                    

Senator, Student Gov't Association


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M Sweger)
Subject: Re: Linux and Everex step MP system
Date: 13 Apr 1999 20:44:29 GMT

: Hi
:  I was given a everex eisa system and spare boards, I would like to know
: if I can run linux on it. It was running SCO 3.2.4 . Does anyone have any
: information on it. I have the 486/33 cpu board, scsi i/o and 32 meg of ram
: . Can two processor boards be ran in this system it looks like up to six
: can be in it. Can the processor be updated to a dx/66. I would like to be able
: to use it as a developement system. Would anyone know where I could find
: manuals for it... Model EXO-6616M-0ESC  its a big cube. Any Help would be
: appreciated.

I have an old Everex eisa 486/33 with a Buslogic Scsi controller Model 9xx
(I foret the exact #) running with a Maxtor 350meg drive and Linux 2.0.34.
I have no problems.



From: Brian Longwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SunRiver Multiport Serial Card on Linux?
Date: 13 Apr 1999 12:32:10 GMT

I recently laid hands on a SunRiver Multiport and three SunRiver 
terminals. They were previously used on an SCO UNIX system and I have the 
SCO drivers. I do *not* want to replace my Linux box with SCO so I'm 
trying to get them to work on Linux. So far I have found no info 
whatsoever on using this kind of serial multiport on Linux. Can anyone 
tell me how I can configure the card/linux to get the terminals working?

I am running Redhat 5.2 on a 486 PC.

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: Kay Breithaupt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: samba and/or hardware problem
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 23:27:51 +0200


i've a problem with samba and/or my hardware ...
maybe someone can help me / had the the same

hardware amd k6-2 350, epox mvp3c-m
netcard 100Mb (mxic 98713 chip) with
tulip.o driver
100Mb only HUB

suse linux6.0, samba 2.0.2, 2.0.36kernel
(tried also with 2.2.5 kernel)
raid0 with 2 eide ibm 

client w95a and nt40sp4

i see the samba server in my network neighbhd,
can read/write to the shares - till (and that
is the problem) i wrote a few files to the
samba machine - the first 10-20 files are written
(it maybe depends on the filesize)
then the samba isn't available in the network.

i tried some net drivers from d.becker v0.90h - 0.90z

my question : is this a problem of the hardware
(mainboard, netcard, ...) or is it a problem
of samba ??

thanks for your help
best regards


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Erwin van Akkeren)
Subject: Re: Soundpro 3d onboard
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 21:42:14 GMT

On Wed, 14 Apr 1999 00:24:07 +0300, Maxim Sadsag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>No It's not a typo. CMI8338 is a new chip (maybe you would like to check the
>homepage at found in some BX mainboards I think.
>It's PCI so I can't you the method
>described from this Mini-Howto. But I loaded the DOS drivers and then boot
>linux. Under DOS uses
>I/O=220 IRQ=5 DMA=1 DMA16=5 (SB16 mode) but when I try to load the sb.o
>module with these
>settings it loads but it shows the following message
>Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
>SB 4.13 detected OK (220)
>sb: Interrupt test on IRQ5 failed - Probable IRQ conflict
>Then when I try to play a sound file (e.g. mp3 with x11amp or wav with sox),
>the sound is very clear
>but it plays with gaps and it always jumps to other positions in the file.
>Kernel reports the following
>error -->>> Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?
>But I am sure there isn't any conflict.
>Any ideas?

Sorry, I'm afraid not :(

>From what I see on the web, it looks like everyone is sticking to the
DOS driver trick at the moment. I guess you will have to wait until
somebody finds the time to look into linux support.

Best regards,
Erwin van Akkeren

Add NO_SPAM to my address to get delivery failures when replying via email.


From: Michael Bannister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: x11amp crashing...
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 17:06:12 -0400

Okay, this may not be the right place to post this but I'm getting
VERY fustrated. Scenario: At the begining of the school year I installed
slackware on my machine off the internet. My sound card is a Yamaha
OPL/3 whatever built into my intel motherboard (PII 233). Since
I couldn't get sound working I shelled out the 20 bucks to get the OSS
auto-install driver from 4front. It installed easily and I had sound.

But the thing crashed like crazy when ever I used x11amp (installed
about the same time as the system, no idea what version it was). Some
times the system locked, sometimes X bombed, sometimes x11amp bombed and
sometimes x11amp just locked up. It happened anywhere between 5 seconds
of starting it and 2 hours of playing mp3s.

Last weekend I installed redhat 5.9.7. Freshly downloaded the driver
from 4front to work with the new kernal. Today I downloaded the new
x11amp, compiled it and it looked very nice and had lots of options.

After 5 minutes of mp3's the son of a bitch LOCKED! The whole computer,

My analysis: I'm starting to think it's the sound driver or a hardware
problem. The kernel's got to be good and/or any bugs from before
(2.0.34!!!!!!!) fixed by now (and I'm not even using the sound
software). x11amp's also been through a few major upgrades and other
people I've talked to say it works fine. So I'm guessing either the
driver I BOUGHT is messed up or I have a hardware problem.

Has anyone had anysuccess with this hardware? Does the new kernel
nativly support my sound chips? Or do I just need to shell out 50 bucks
for a decent soundcard and disable the piece of crap? I'm getting really
sick of having to use my roommates NT box at parties becase my linux box
is too unstable!

Michael "ahh... I feel better now" Bannister



From: Michael Bannister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 17:18:19 -0400

"Ángel Luis Vizoso Domínguez" wrote:

> Somebody can help me??
> My graphics card is a AOpen PA70 chipset S3 Savage and my monitor is a
> Proview MultiScan 17".
> I can not to start X in my system.
> Thanks.
> Angel.

That's a tid bit vague... Have you attempted to configure X? What happens
when you run startx?



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