Linux-Hardware Digest #163, Volume #10            Wed, 5 May 99 08:13:31 EDT

  Re: PhoenixMiser error on ULTRA LITE VERSA ("Greg Bryant")
  serial post and 2.2.6 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: RH 5.2 Breaks PCMCIA Token Ring ?? (James Knott)
  Diva T/A ISDN modem II ("Claus Jul Larsen")
  Diva T/A ISDN modem to Linux ("Claus Jul Larsen")
  Re: Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly (Bill Unruh)
  Re: How good is a Riva TNT for svgalib? (Pasztor Szilard)
  Trident 9880 on Linux? (Anders Skovsted Buch)
  Re: XF86config for Diamond Stealth II S220? ("Chris J. Milne")
  Re: Winmodem Rip Off Baskets (Ron Tarrant)
  CDR 4210 Question (Jeff Dell)
  Re: Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly (Ken Cormack)
  Re: LILO refuses, stops after 'LI' (Timothy Klein)
  (Internet & Screen probs...) I'm a newbie in linu so I'd LOVE s.o. to help on some 
  Re: "Jiggling" video ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Webcams and Linux ("Armin A. Arbinger")
  Re: "Jiggling" video ("Larry Brasfield")


From: "Greg Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.laptops
Subject: Re: PhoenixMiser error on ULTRA LITE VERSA
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 22:52:54 -0400

Power on the system and watch the cursor.  When it turns to a flashing
block, press F1 a couple of times.  You should go into setup.  The BIOS is
apparently not set with the correct drive parameters.  You can set it up as
a Custom Defined type.  Type a D to access the drives menu, arrow key down
to Hard disk 1 and then use Alt-down arrow to access the drive sub-menu.
The Ultralite Versa will not support anything larger than a 340MB drive
unless you use some sort of drive management software.

That Versa will only support a dedicated save-to-disk partition so make sure
you use the correct version of PHdisk and tell it to create a partition, not
a file.  The STD partition must be the first partition on the disk.  I have
no idea if the STD feature will work under Linux.

Good luck and have fun with your "antique" discovery.

Eugene Luster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>     I started a new job on the west coast.  While taking inventory of
> all the computer gear in a satellite ofice I found an old Nec ULTRA LITE
> VERSA 486/25.   Istarted it out of curiosity to find out it would make
> it past the RAM check (8MB) but give an error of no bootsector on the
> HD.  I decided to try and reformat the HD with DOS 6.0 (just cause I had
> it lying around).  I used the DOS boot isk and installed it fine.  The
> ULTRALITE booted to DOS from the HD.  However it only recognized an HD
> of 11 MB!
>     No worries maybe something was wrong with the HD.  I installed an HD
> from an applepowerbook I recently upgraded.  Once again the format and
> DOS install went well ut the same result occurred, an 11 MB HD.  I
> decided I was not as smart as I thought so I did some research and found
> out I should have run PHDISk to set up the HD with a partition used for
> backing up the entire contents of memory while powering off.
>     Armed with a 3.5 inch floppy containg a copy of phdisk.exe from NEC
> I walked down the hall to wher th ULTRALITE sat charging I powered on
> and.....After the RAM check I get a bios error, "PhoenixMISER(tm)
> partition doesn't exist.  Please power off and correct the porblem."
> Not high heaven nor low hell wil go into the ULTRALITE now.  I can not
> use f2 or f12 to get to the bios/cmos setup, boot disks don't work,
> kicking it... (JK)  nothing.  I was planning on installing linux on it
> as I want to get familiar with it as an OS.  Any ideas how I can get
> around the bios roadblock.  If the answer will help out thieves by
> telling them away to circumvent the bios password do not post it here.
> I would rather throw this thing away then facilitate theft.


Subject: serial post and 2.2.6
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 09:30:39 GMT

I have upgraded to kernel 2.2.6, and my modem no longer works. After booting,
the send and receive lights are on solid on the modem. I have tested the modem
on another machine, and it works fine. Is there any way I can find the status
of the /dev/ttyS0 port?? setserial identifies the port correctly.

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Knott)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: RH 5.2 Breaks PCMCIA Token Ring ??
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 05:58:37 -0400
Reply-To: James Knott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Iain Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I upgraded from 5.0 -> 5.2 and it breaks my PCMCIA Token Ring card  :-(

I use an IBM Auto 16/4 token ring PCMCIA card in a ThinkPad 760E.  It 
works well.  However, to get it to work, I had to modify a line in 
config.opts regarding memory exclude range.

The above opinions are my own and not those of ISM Corp., a subsidiary of
IBM Canada Ltd.


From: "Claus Jul Larsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Diva T/A ISDN modem II
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 11:46:32 +0200



From: "Claus Jul Larsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Diva T/A ISDN modem to Linux
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 11:47:26 +0200


I've recived an init string from a user - but i had lost the mail! Please
send it again - thanks!!

Someone have an init-string to the ISDN-modem to Linux (XISP). Plus other
perferences? I've got the modem for one week ago, but didn't work! :-(



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly
Date: 5 May 1999 06:21:26 GMT

In <7go4ns$4oq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Robert Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Where is everyone getting RH6.0? I thought it wasn't available until the
>10th May....

Nope been out at least a week by now. and all its mirrors. The pressing shops probably will not
be shipping for another week however.


From: Pasztor Szilard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How good is a Riva TNT for svgalib?
Date: 5 May 1999 06:30:40 GMT

In Robert Tomanek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How did you get svgalib to work with RivaTNT? Can you get something
> better than 320x200x256?

No. It just uses the generic VGA driver. Since the only thing i usr
svgalib for is Quake, it doesn't matter for me. :)
The only problem is that it is very slow when changing the palette. Does
anyone know which function is responsible for this? Setpalette, setcolor,
wtf? Maybe i'll look to fix it.

              |  I have too much blood in my beer circulation.  |
  Jordan Rudess Rulez             


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anders Skovsted Buch)
Subject: Trident 9880 on Linux?
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 20:41:50 GMT


I am about to buy a computer which contains a Trident 9880 graphics card
and a Trident PCI 3D Premium sound card.

If anyone can tell me if this will work under Linux, I would appreciate 
very much!!


Anders Skovsted Buch           E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2072 East Hall                 Phone:  (734) 477-9052
525 East University Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1109


From: "Chris J. Milne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XF86config for Diamond Stealth II S220?
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 22:52:22 -0400

the card should show up in Xconfigurator or xf86setup if you've got the
most recent version of XFree (, whatever). it's
actually the XFCom_Rendition server you'll be running but it's in the
XFree-SVGA server rpm. you can also just get the server itself on, look for renditn.rpm (under R anyways, can't remember the
specific mis-spelling :) ).
the XF86Config stuff is all the same as usual since there really aren't
any options for the chip yet (though i've discovered you can overclock
the board's memory which i think wasn't in the original server).
i'm running 16bit at 1024x768 & it's fine, but if you've used any
accelerated server you'll find it slowish & amazingly CPU intensive.
let me know if you've further troubles.


> I have set up many linux boxes, and use with HP UX at work, but I
> cannot seem to get the latest Debian 2.1 (from  Linux Central) to
> work.
> Anyone care to share (email) a working XF86config for this board?
> XF86config for Diamond Stealth II S220 -w- 4MB
> PS: I read somewhere that the SVGA server is the correct one...
> Thanks


From: Ron Tarrant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Winmodem Rip Off Baskets
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 06:57:02 -0400

> One last piece of info, the amount shown on the receipt as being charged is
> 60.00.  The modem is advertised at 59.99.  As a last resort, can I use this
> overcharging as the basis of a refund?

I was once told of a technique to get satisfaction under these
circumstances and it always works for me.

Go to the store in person. Don't try to deal over the phone. Talk to the
salesman you originally bought it from. When he says he can't give you a
refund without the overstocking fee, ask to speak to his supervisor.
Explain again what you want to the supervisor. When he tells you the
same thing about not being able to give you what you want, ask to speak
to _his_ supervisor or manager. By the time you've explained, again as
politely as possible, to the third person up the chain, you will get

This works especially well in a larger store where, if the third person
you talk to can't get rid of you, he knows you'll be asking to speak to
_his_ boss. He doesn't want to look incompetent to his boss, so he's
going to do whatever it takes to get rid of you. Just stick to your
guns. I've used this technique in a store where the policy was to never
give refunds ever and I got a refund from the third person I talked to.

Higher management doesn't like it when their third-tier personnel can't
handle a customer meaning they have to come down from their ivory tower.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Dell)
Subject: CDR 4210 Question
Date: 5 May 1999 01:02:34 -0500

Hi Everyone!!!

Here is a question for you all. I have a Creative Labs CDR4210. My CDR has been 
wonderfully in win95 for as long as I've had it, however now I hope to use it in 
After checking out the major linux software apps on this stuff, it looks like my cdr 
not supported by CD-Write or X-CD-Roast. I was wondering if anyone has had any luck 
this CDR in Linux, or if there is some other package that does support it. I 
any help you can provide! Thanks in advance!



Jeff Dell
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                               
 "Half the world hates what half the world does every day.   
  Half the world waits, while half gets on with it any way." 
                        -Half the World, Rush                 


Subject: Re: Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
From: Ken Cormack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 06:38:57 -0400

"Jeff Volckaert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>All my hardware (with the exception of my Hauppauge tuner card) works
>flawlessly.  Ensonique sound, Riva128 video, 13G seagate drive and ne200=
>network included.

Jeff - Got my Hauppauge WinTV Model 401 working just fine here under RedH=
6.0 with xawtv-2.43-1.i386.rpm (built from xawtv-2.43.tar.gz, using the
command "rpm -ta xawtv-2.43.tar.gz", also per the xawtv docs).  Kradio ev=
works well.  I can offer a few things to look for, but if needed, I'll as=
k you
to give a few specifics about your configuration.

To start, here's a snippet from my /etc/conf.modules (per the xawtv docs)=
relating to the WinTV board....

    alias char-major-81 bttv
    pre-install bttv modprobe -k msp3400; modprobe -k tuner
    options bttv card=3D0 radio=3D1 vidmem=3D0xff0
    options tuner type=3D2

Also, here's a look at my /etc/rc.d/rc.modules file (which may not exist =
default but is searched for and executed if found during startup)...

    /sbin/modprobe tuner
    /sbin/modprobe msp3400
    /sbin/modprobe bttv

Per the xawtv docs, be CERTAIN to compile kernel bttv support as a module=
If you normally use "make menuconfig", you'll find the settings under...

    Main Menu
      Character devices
        Video For Linux
          <M> Video For Linux
          <M> BT848 Video For Linux

Finally, I ran the following to make sure I had the needed device nodes..=

    cd /dev
    ./MAKEDEV video    =20

I hope this info helps.

>DHCP will not work with my Cable modem.  My workstations DHCP fine to my
>Linux DHCP server though.  This one really hurts and prevents me from
>upgrading my firewall until it's fixed.  I'm told that Redhat now uses a
>program called pump instead of dhcpcd.

Regarding the above, I have had no problems with DHCP and my cable modem
(Time-Warner's RoadRunner in Northeast Ohio, while using an Artisoft AE2/=
Clone), yet I DO experience lock-ups (and a spewing of garbage on the LAN=
 at the
office) under DHCP with a Compaq-labled Intel EtherExpress 10/100 PCI NIC=
=2E  Wierd.
(Solved that issue by simply getting a fixed IP address at the office, th=
ough that doesnt
help you out here - sorry)

Keep us posted, k?


Ken Cormack
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio


From: Timothy Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: "comp.os,linux.setup",comp.os.linux.setup,"comp.os,linux.hardware"
Subject: Re: LILO refuses, stops after 'LI'
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 23:11:40 -0600

I'm new to this, but I know of two things that certainly can cause this
(probably among many others).

1.  Part of the boot files are above cylinder 1023.  BIOS cannot access
anything beyond that on the hard drive at boot time, so system will hang
if is asked to.

2.  LILO can not coexist with EZ Drive (which could very well be there
to get a 2.5 gig HD to work on an old 486 BIOS).  If EZ Drive is
installed (I'm not sure how to find out if it is if you don't know...),
then your only option is to boot from floppy.  This incompatibly is
according to my experience and the Maxtor home page FAQ about Linux.

3.  Some other problem... ;-)

Hope this helps at least a little.


Subject: (Internet & Screen probs...) I'm a newbie in linu so I'd LOVE s.o. to help on 
some things:
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 10:23:29 +0300

First of all I can't set up xwindows (Xfree86) because it says there's
something wrong...
No screens found...
something like that...
What is this and how can I fix it?
Sencondly how can I connect to the Net Either from X-Windows or not?
Plz help me!!!


Subject: Re: "Jiggling" video
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 16:26:02 +1000

Is your monitor placed close to a wall? If so, is there any electrical
wiring in that wall??
Is there any other power source nearby?

Had that same problem once and moving the monitor away from the wall
solved it for me.

Good luck


Kyle Gonzales wrote:
> Update to this:  The problem is intermitten, with no apparent variable
> causing it.  Can you say ARGH!!!!!!!!!!????????
> Kyle Gonzales
> Kyle Gonzales wrote:
> > Hello, all.  I have given up on this problem, and decided to put it to
> > the masses.  The left side & bottom right of my screen "jiggles".  The
> > video images flickers & jumps slightly.  As you can imagine, this plays
> > havoc with my eyes!  So, to "try" and correct the problem, I replaced
> > the monitor.  Same problem.  So, I replaced the PCI S3/Virge video card
> > with a ATI Xpert 98 PCI.  Same problem.  I moved the video card to a new
> > slot.  Same problem.  I tried moving the monitor farther away from the
> > CPU.  No change.  So, I am tapped out.  Anyone out there have a solution
> > I can try?  I am going nuts...  BTW, this happens from bootup.  The BIOS
> > screen jiggles as well.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Kyle Gonzales

John                    Today is only the tomorrow 
                        you worried about yesterday.



From: "Armin A. Arbinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Webcams and Linux
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 13:42:37 +0200

There is no software yet, but at
you can find information on a project, developing a driver for camaras
based on the VLSI Vision CPiA such as Creativ Webcam II.


From: "Larry Brasfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "Jiggling" video
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 06:47:18 GMT

Kyle Gonzales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Update to this:  The problem is intermitten, with no apparent variable
> causing it.  Can you say ARGH!!!!!!!!!!????????

As I advised in a post here titled
"Quivering video with Matrox G200",
a slight adjustment of the horizontal
timing will probably cure your jiggle.

A characteristic of the frequency
(mis)lock problem is that it is often
intermittant because the interference
comes from unstable sources such
as the switching power supply.  The
problem manifests only when some
harmonic of the interference source
drifts near the VCO (pixel clock)
frequency.  By adjusting the scan
parameters a little bit, you can get
the VCO away from the typically
small range of frequencies that the
interfering source sweeps over.

--Larry Brasfield
Above opinions may be mine alone.
(Humans may reply at unundered [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

> Kyle Gonzales
> Kyle Gonzales wrote:
> > Hello, all.  I have given up on this problem, and decided to put it to
> > the masses.  The left side & bottom right of my screen "jiggles".  The
> > video images flickers & jumps slightly.  As you can imagine, this plays
> > havoc with my eyes!  So, to "try" and correct the problem, I replaced
> > the monitor.  Same problem.  So, I replaced the PCI S3/Virge video card
> > with a ATI Xpert 98 PCI.  Same problem.  I moved the video card to a new
> > slot.  Same problem.  I tried moving the monitor farther away from the
> > CPU.  No change.  So, I am tapped out.  Anyone out there have a solution
> > I can try?  I am going nuts...  BTW, this happens from bootup.  The BIOS
> > screen jiggles as well.



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