Linux-Hardware Digest #784, Volume #10           Sat, 17 Jul 99 03:13:31 EDT

  Re: Partition Magic Stumps Linux Newbie. (Andries Brouwer)
  Re: $299 linux pc hardware questions (John Doe)
  Re: NCR 53C710 Fast SCSI-2 Controller (Philip Brown)
  Re: Blaster Banshee AGP and Linux (Terrapin)
  Re: Linux BIOS utilities? ("Walter Harms")
  Re: Bad Modem or bad connections? (Michel Catudal)
  Re: New beta driver for SB Live ("Chris")
  Promise 33 card and LILO (again) (Rick W)
  es1371 (alessa & ricky)
  dds-1 tape drive question (Robert Hunter)
  Re: Some Sun Sparc questions (Roy Grimm)
  Re: laser-printer for linux ("Dr. Frithjof Anders")
  Help with the Lexmark 3200 ("jp")
  Cases -- ("Sage Mage")
  What type of linux (if any) support SiS530 video chip set? (Pete)
  Re: Partition Magic Stumps Linux Newbie. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Hosed HD, what went wrong? (randy)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andries Brouwer)
Subject: Re: Partition Magic Stumps Linux Newbie.
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 02:51:57 GMT


: I did have Quantums Disk Manager installed to assist with new hard
: drive installation etc but surely Zero-Fill, fdisk and format would
: have removed this?

"assist" - "cause trouble" you mean.

A disk manager hooks the BIOS INT 13 routine and if you ask
to write on sector N it will write on sector N+17 or so
in order not to overwrite itself.
So, if you fill the disk with 0 while a disk manager is active
you wil have killed everything except the disk manager.

Also under Linux you have to be careful. If the kernel
detects a disk manager it tries to do what the disk manager
would have done. usually that means that you get a similar
shift. It is not always easy to get rid of a disk manager.

Usually these programs have uninstall options or menus.
Depending on the Linux kernel version you can also give
boot parameters that'll make sure that Linux does not honour
the Disk Manager's presence, and you can kill it from Linux.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Doe)
Subject: Re: $299 linux pc hardware questions
Date: 16 Jul 1999 23:03:02 -0500

On 12 Jul 1999 10:44:26 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mohd H Misnan) writes:
>> On 09 Jul 1999 09:44:37 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >Linux systems with 2 button mice....UGH!!!!!!!!
>> And err.. what wrong with 2 button mouse?
>Don't use X windows eh?  X uses 3 buttons, yes you can do emulation,
>but thats a hack and if you are selling systems to be linux only,
>it shouldn't have 2 button mice.
>Tom Evans 

Why X?  Middle button works everywhere.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip Brown)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: NCR 53C710 Fast SCSI-2 Controller
Date: 17 Jul 1999 02:59:54 GMT

On 16 Jul 1999 18:59:22 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (bill davidsen) writes:
>> ...
>> I would try ncr53c8xx before going into panic mode. Also note that most
>> computer shows will provide you with a supported controller for <$50,
>> either a generic NCR (if PCI) or a AHA154x if ISA.
>they will?  all the computer shows i've been to have never heard
>anything non-adaptec when it comes to scsi adapter cards.

yeah, and major online places too. HOWEVER.
A nice person on the solaris newsgroup pointed out that

sells 8751Sp cards really cheap. 
Damn. in fact, they just went DOWN from a month ago when I bought one :-/

This gets you an adaptorwith both 50 and 68-pin connectors. Although the
"external" connecting is only 68pin, if you care about that.

[Trim the no-bots from my address to reply to me by email!]
[ Do NOT email-CC me on posts. Pick one or the other.]
The word of the day is mispergitude


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terrapin)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: Blaster Banshee AGP and Linux
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 06:53:06 GMT

On Sun, 11 Jul 1999 06:12:01 GMT, Heyday <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I'm trying to install these but it keeps saying I need X86Free_16

Load the specific XFree86 package it asked for. This will contain the
font drivers and other stuff you need for that card. The only XFree
rpms that are loaded during install are the basic ones. 

> I'm running Mandrake and beleive I have set this up.  I have
>been able to get it running by loading the drivers on the Creative labs
>website, but the resolution is too small and I can't figure out how to
>change it.  I've tried CRL+ALT+"-" and CRL+ALT+NUMLOCK+"-" and no luck.
> I've looked at the X86config file but do not understand it.  Anyone
>have any suggestions?
>In article <U2Xf3.5609$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  "Ken Potter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It's taken me 3 nights to get my Creative Banshee working with
>Linux.... 1st
>> I tired RedHat 6, didn't like it, then went to Mandrake. I had to do
>quite a
>> bit (for newbie little me) of tinkering to get it to work with X.
>Here's the
>> URL you should start with:
>> http://glide/
>> What a PITA... and my Intellimouse still doesn't work :-)
>> -Ken P.
>> >
>> > Now, if I get a Blaster Banshee video card, will it work with the
>> > Mandrake 6.0 distribution?  Anyone have the Blaster Banshee Video
>> > working with Mandrake 6.0??
>> >
>> > Joe
>> >


From: "Walter Harms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux BIOS utilities?
Date: 11 Jul 1999 15:46:34 GMT

SunWuKung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Hello.  I need to know if there are any linux BIOS
>untilities like EZ-drive for dos.  I want to put a newer
>hard drive in an older computer, and the BIOS doesn't like

>Alternatively, if you can point me to a newer Phoenix BIOS
>update (later then 1994), i would be grateful.

take a look at the freeBIOS project. it installs a /dev/bios so you can
upload your own BIOS (at your own RISK). 
The older computer often come with a EPROM what means you have to find
someone who can burn you a newer one.


>**** Posted from RemarQ - - Discussions Start Here (tm) ****
"What do you think of that now, eh?  A viking helmet!"
"Uh, maybe."
"What do you mean, maybe?  What do you think it is, a space helmet for a cow?"


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Bad Modem or bad connections?
Date: 16 Jul 1999 22:42:06 -0500

Ramin Sina wrote:
> Hi all, this may be a stupid question, but how can I tell if a modem is
> gone bad and needs replacement?
> I have an internal  v90 US Robatics modem which I had been successfully
> using to connect my SuSE 5.2 machine to my ISP. Now when I use ezppp to
> dial in, I get connected ( I hear the usuall modem noise and I get the
> written  indication that connection was made) but
> 1)  it takes netscape a very long time to launch now
> 2) pppd dies after a few of minutes.
> My ISP provides no support for linux users, but claims that nothing they
> have changed in their modems that could possibly slow down the
> connection. Does this necessarily mean  that my modem needs replacement
> , or is it possible that my configuration files are corrupted? What is
> the best way to test the modem?
> Thanks,
> Ramin

Stop using this ezppp shit and use what came with SuSE which is
wvdial. It works very well unlike this other ?&?%%?%?
use OS/2 for a crash proof work environment
use Linux for safe and quick internet access
use Winblows to test the latest viruses
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From: "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New beta driver for SB Live
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 12:55:48 +0800

Yep. I've tried and it was great. The only problem I have encountered was
with the X11amp program. (equiv to the Winamp) Read over the their web site
and found out that there was some problems with Sblive cards. They are
working on a fix with a later release version of their X11amp.

Anyway, it was great to know creative was indeed doing something about their
products with Linux support. Now if only they could come out with a mixer
program for Linux that allows a multitude of adjustments... that'll best!
Because currently, the mixer by Gnome is very simple, no adjustment for
treble, bass whatsoever. :(

Btw, I am running the REdhat 6.0 kernel ver. 2.2.5-15.

Btw, I was wondering when HP will provide the drivers for their Deskjet 720C
and others! There is a lot of delay. Wonder if they ever release them...

Erwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Creative has a new beta driver for the SB Live. I was wondering if anyone
> has tried it and has success. The driver is emu10k1.o and you can find it
> at their website
> The file is emu10k1-0.3b.tar.gz
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------


Subject: Promise 33 card and LILO (again)
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 00:57:41 -0400

I realize that related questions have been posted pretty recently, and I
apologize if these questions were answered elsewhere, but I still
haven't been able to solve my problem.

I've had Linux installed on my PC for about 3 years and have not ever
been able to get Lilo to work; I've always booted from a floppy.  Any
method I use to try to use lilo fails with the "LI" freeze.  My machine
is one of the early Gateway PII/266 machines with the (infamous?)
Promise 33 UDMA card.  I have the following setup with my IDE channels:

Motherboard channels: unused
First promise channel: 
   Master (hde): 6.4G Ultra-ATA HD with NT4 workstation 
   Slave (hdf): ATAPI CDROM
Second promise channel
   Master (hdg): 3.2G Ultra-ATA HD with Linux (root=hdg2)
   Slave (hdh): DVD-ROM drive

I've tried nstalling lilo on the MBR of hde.  I've also tried installing
it on hdg2 (the root partition) and booting with NT Boot loader and
Bootstar (another boot manager program).  All of these methods result in
the message "LI" at startup and then a freeze.

I'm using lilo version 21 and kernel 2.2.7.

Thanks for any help/advice

Arctos the polar bear

Protect your right to own and arm bears.


From: alessa & ricky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: es1371
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 05:28:20 GMT

I have redhat 6.0 and I have a tyan motherboard that has a es1371 chip
on the board.  I run sndconfig and it finds teh card but when I go to
play the test sound I get the following error:

"sox: Know effects: avg band chorus copy cut deemph echp echos flanger
hoghp lowp map mask phaser pick ploypahse rate resample reverb reverse
split stat vibro
sox: Effect '/dev/dsp' is not kown!"

here is a print out of my  conf.modules:

alias eth0 tulip
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
pre-install pcmcia_core /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
# --- BEGIN: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---
alias snd-minor-oss-0 snd-audiopci
alias snd-minor-oss-3 snd-pcm1-oss
alias snd-minor-oss-4 snd-pcm1-oss
alias snd-minor-oss-5 snd-pcm1-oss
alias snd-minor-oss-12 snd-pcm1-oss
alias snd-card-0 snd-audiopci
options snd snd_major=14 snd_cards_limit=1 snd_device_mode=0660
snd_device_gid=0 snd_device_uid=0
options snd-audiopci snd_index=1 snd_id=CARD_1 snd_dac1_frame_size=64
snd_dac2_frame_size=64 snd_adc_frame_size=64
# --- END: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---
alias sound es1371

i also can see that the 1371 module is loaded but I still get no
sound...any ideas on how I can get it to work??  Thanks


From: Robert Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: dds-1 tape drive question
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 22:24:22 -0700


i am trying to get to the bottom of an issue i am having with my tape

i am using 90 meter HP dds-1 tapes with an HP 35470A scsi tape drive.
i am runing redhat 6, and rpm dump-0.4b4-7.

i should be getting 2 GB per tape, natively (no compression), but am
only getting around 750 MB.

'mt' says that my tape DENSITY  is 61000BPI, but this yields the
capacity i mentioned above.

i have not tried messing with LENGTH and BLOCKSIZE parameters.

i  really appreciate any suggestions about how i can get closer to the
rated capacity of these tapes.




From: Roy Grimm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Some Sun Sparc questions
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 00:31:03 -0500

Thanks for the info.

Roy Grimm

Frank Hahn wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Jul 1999 12:43:57 -0500, Roy Grimm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I'm going to be picking up an old Sun Sparc 10 workstation tomorrow and
> >try my hand at Linux with it.  One minor problem I have is that the
> >workstation does not have a monitor.  In the short term, I can borrow
> >one from a friend but I really do need my own.  I looked up the stats on
> >the video adapter and found that it runs at a resolution of 1152x900 @
> >66Hz or 76Hz.  On the monitors I have for my Pentiums, I don't see that
> >resolution listed, so I'm hesitant to try them out with the Sun. (it's
> >coming with the 13w3 to VGA 15 pin adapter so I can plug a VGA monitor
> >into it.)
> >
> >I looked up monitors on Sun's web page and their compatible 17" monitor
> >is running $480.  Are there alternative sources for Sun monitors out
> >there that would offer me substantial savings over that price?  My
> >searches don't come up with much.  I would consider refurbished monitors
> >since I will be running the station "remotely" through X-Windows most of
> >the time.  I am also open to the idea of using a compatible monitor,
> >provided I can get a decent one for less than a Sun branded model
> >(probably not too hard to do).  Does anyone out there have experience
> >using non-Sun monitors with Sun workstations and could you share that
> >experience?
> >
> You can use a PC monitor but it depends on the quality of the monitor.
> Your typical cheap 15" or 17" won't work.  They need to have refresh
> rates that are high enough.
> Two examples that I have working are a Viewsonic PS790 and a Viewsonic
> PT775.  Both of these also have BNC connectors which I believe are
> easier to get to work correctly than connecting to the VGA connector.
> If you go with a 13W3 to BNC cable/adapter, you really only need to
> use 4 of the 5 connectors.
> I would go to Viewsonics web site and check the refresh rates for these
> monitors and make sure that what you pick meets these or is very close.
> >I'm also looking to upgrade the system if at all possible.  The system
> >is a Sparc 10 with room for up to 4 processors.  Currently it only has
> >one 50MHz SuperSparc, which will be fine for now.  However, I would
> >eventually like to have 4 processors for the system.  However, I didn't
> >see any SuperSparc processor modules for sale at Sun's website.  Are
> >there any dealers which specialize in selling new (or refurbished)
> >processor modules?  If so, can you direct me to their website(s)?  I
> >also remembering reading somewhere that aftermarket processor upgrades
> >are available, giving more power to the Sparc architecture after Sun
> >moved to UltraSparc.  Is that true and if so, where would I find those
> >processor modules?
> >
> The are several Sun "hardware", "for sale", and "wanted" newsgroups.
> I would look at posting your request for processors in one of these.
> One specifically is comp.sys.sun.wanted.
> There are many vendors of new/used/refurbished Sun Equipment.  A web
> search should come up with a few.  Three that I have purchased from
> are:
> --
> Frank Hahn
> Let He who taketh the Plunge Remember to return it by Tuesday.


From: "Dr. Frithjof Anders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: laser-printer for linux
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 19:01:28 +0200

Felix Natter wrote:

> Hi,
> does anyone have hints for buying a laser-printer that
> works well with linux ?
> Right now I've got a HPDJ 660C, and I'm not happy
> with the printing quality when printing from linux (gs).

We run a small Kyocera FS600 and upgraded to 10MB RAM.  It was cheap <
and is much cheaper in costs per page, since you only have to refill
Only every 100000 pages a new ceramics walz is needed, in contrary to
the expensive
HP printers.


        "If you see someone without a smile, give him one of yours"

Frithjof Anders
Institut  fuer Festkoerperphysik
Technische Universitaet Darmstadt
Hochschulstr. 6
64289 Darmstadt, GERMANY

Tel  +49 (6151) 16-5235    email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
FAX  +49 (6151) 16-3681


From: "jp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help with the Lexmark 3200
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 22:56:14 -0700

Has anyone been able to get the Lexmark 3200 to work under Linux?  I'm
currently running RH 5.2 with Kernel 2.2.10.  I can't find any info on this
particular printer online.  I found drivers that work for the 7000 and 5700,
but I've been told they don't work with the 3200.  Any one have any other
ideas or any luck getting one to work?

Thanks in advance.


From: "Sage Mage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Cases --
Date: 16 Jul 1999 22:27:59 PDT

Does anyone know where I can get a good midtower case with a 3 digit display
that has an AT form factor??

Sage Mage


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: What type of linux (if any) support SiS530 video chip set?
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 05:31:04 GMT

I just bought a cheap box to install linux on... it runs everything ok 
except Xfree86.  The version of Caldera I have on CD doesn't support the on 
board AGP video chip set my computer has... I would like to run an X window 
environment,... does anyone know how I can get around this problem?  Or is 
there another type of linux that will support SiS 530 / 5595? (I would 
prefer to use the chip set I have but if it isn't possible I will do what 
it takes to get up and running!

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


Subject: Re: Partition Magic Stumps Linux Newbie.
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 06:21:19 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andries Brouwer) wrote:
> : I did have Quantums Disk Manager installed to assist with new hard
> : drive installation etc but surely Zero-Fill, fdisk and format would
> : have removed this?
> "assist" - "cause trouble" you mean.
> A disk manager hooks the BIOS INT 13 routine and if you ask
> to write on sector N it will write on sector N+17 or so
> in order not to overwrite itself.
> So, if you fill the disk with 0 while a disk manager is active
> you wil have killed everything except the disk manager.
> Also under Linux you have to be careful. If the kernel
> detects a disk manager it tries to do what the disk manager
> would have done. usually that means that you get a similar
> shift. It is not always easy to get rid of a disk manager.
> Usually these programs have uninstall options or menus.
> Depending on the Linux kernel version you can also give
> boot parameters that'll make sure that Linux does not honour
> the Disk Manager's presence, and you can kill it from Linux.
 Thanks Andries, I definately have Disk Manager as I used the Rescue
Disk for Partition Magic and received an error message-
Error #91
Disk Manager has been detected on Drive 1, but Disk Manager is not
running.  If you are booting from a floppy, remove the floppy disk
and reboot.  Press and hold down the <SPACE BAR> key as your
................(The Remaining Message Is Chopped Off And Can't
Be Read).
I've looked at the floppy with the Disk Manager on it but the Help
Files don't help and I can't see any way to uninstall.
Someone suggested a low-level format.
What is this, How do I do one and would it work, I will gladly totally
erase C: drive if it works.
Thanks Chris.

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 01:24:56 -0500
From: randy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hosed HD, what went wrong?

installed SuSE 6.1, seemed Ok but on reboot YAST locked.  Now can't even
access HD after I did low level format with manufacturer's utility. 
What the heck happened here?



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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