Linux-Hardware Digest #64, Volume #11            Sat, 21 Aug 99 07:13:35 EDT

  Help: Jaz setup on msdos or vfat (Yes)
  Re: 3com ISA cards and linux (William Park)
  Re: Linux file-size limit? (Christopher Browne)
  One for Many ("wilyan candra")
  Re: Probz with Sb Live! Value and Suse Linux 6.1 (Jim Zubb)
  "Unknown interrupt" hang (Paul McQuesten)
  Hard drive showing wrong size? ("Matt")
  Re: Problem with an ATAPI CD-RW (Larry Barlow)
  Re: 3com ISA cards and linux (Ronald Benedik)
  Re: Need last word on AMD K6-2 ("stephen")
  Digital PCXBV-ZX monitor specs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: NE2000 ISA help (Bill)
  Re: Joliet and Kernel 2.2.xx (James Pearson)
  Re: HELP: What's best for Abit BP6 dual Celeron/Voodoo3? Slackware/Redhat/?? (Leejay 
  Re: 3com ISA cards and linux
  Re: BJC-5000 Printer (Frank Hahn)
  Which printer should I buy? (Ernst de Haan)


Subject: Help: Jaz setup on msdos or vfat
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 05:42:57 GMT

The Jaz drive will not mount /dev/sda  with a file type of msdos or
vfat but will work with ext2 when formated under Linux.  I have also
tried mtools with no luck.
Have set up a mount point of /mnt/jaz
I am a newbe to Linux.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]      drop the last net


From: William Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3com ISA cards and linux
Date: 21 Aug 1999 06:51:25 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Caitanya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm on cable as well the guys are great there and you can joing the bigpond
> linux newsgroup, read the FAQ and you'll get up and running in not time at
> all

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------
> Kalkas wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...

> I have been seriously thinking to use Linux and stop using Windows 98. I am
> fascinated by Linux's stability and security.

> Therefore, I have seriously planing to install Linux and USE IT.

> However, it seems that it is not possible for me to use Linux, since I use
> cable modem with a 3com ISA card. More precisely, I use 3com EtherLink III
> ISA (3C509/3C509b) network interface card, and there are no drivers which
> will support my card in Linux.

> Did someone else have similar problems?

> Regards,
> Kalkas

3c509b (and most 3com cards) is supported by Linux.  I'm using it
right now.  To load the driver, edit /etc/rc.d/rc.modules and search
for '509'.  To enable BNC port and disable PnP, download 2 disk set 'EtherDisk' from 
<> and run '3c5x9cfg.exe' from the 2nd disk in DOS.

        Yours truly,
        William Park


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Linux file-size limit?
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 03:51:11 GMT

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999 16:54:55 -0600, John Thompson
>>         1. Is there a limit to the file size hardcoded in the
>AFAIK, this is an intrinsic limitation of the filesystem.

Apparently what you *think* you know isn't correct.  The ext2
filesystem supports files of up to 1TB in size.

The standard file access API on 32 bit architectures is what can't
handle more than 2GB.

>>2. What do I have to recompile in order to solve this or get around
>Rather than backing up to another partition, you can backup
>to a device that does not use a filesystem; eg, a tape
>drive.  Tar can handle multi-gigabyte archives on a tape
>drive without size limitation problems beyond the physical
>limitations of the media used.

Have you tried this so as to verify the veracity of this claim?

The *true* problem is that the data structure used to hold the pointer
that indicates how far into an input stream you are is only 32 bits.

TAR doesn't get you around this problem...
Who's afraid of the garbage collector?


From: "wilyan candra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: One for Many
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 14:19:14 +0800
Reply-To: "wilyan candra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Friend,

I would like to have information about how to start a cyber net.
I want to use one connection for many computers.

I have already prepared the Hardware that I got from my friend, which are:
HUB 16 port
Ethernet Cards
2 Modem external
Do I miss something?????

And also I would like to know what kind of software should I use, and how it
wotk for this purpose!

thank you

Please reply ASAP!!


From: Jim Zubb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Probz with Sb Live! Value and Suse Linux 6.1
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 01:10:00 -0700

Chang Lin wrote:
> Actually I got two lines saying "Creative SBLive! detected", funny!
> Are you able to play midi files? I always got an error saying "can't open
> /dev/sequenser device".

No MIDI support yet.

Jim Zubb


From: Paul McQuesten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: "Unknown interrupt" hang
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 03:23:45 -0500

I am having a similar problem: gets two "unknown interrupt"
messages, and then requires a power-off to reboot. Red Hat
51 (Kernel 2.0.34). It only seems to happen when printing to
an Apple LaserWriter via netatalk over ethernet. No
conflicts showing in /proc/interrupts or /proc/ioports.

Where does that message come from? Can I add some debug
print statements to the kernel?

>   Perhaps your network card on the Linux box is sharing an interrupt (check
>   /proc/interrupts) ....
>   bencecil wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>   >Howde people,
>   >
>   >I am receiving "unknown interrupt" messages, followed by a lock up on my
>   >Red Hat 5.2 (Kernel 2.0.36) system.
>   >
>   >It (the Linux box) runs fine by itself, but when I boot one of the win95
>   >machines and try to connect to the network, the error emerges.


From: "Matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Hard drive showing wrong size?
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 04:31:26 GMT

This might be a problem but I'm not sure.  After installing a new HD in my
Linux box I noticed the full capacity of the drive was not available.  It's
a 27.2 gig drive so I expected to have about 5% less of actual space but the
capacity shows as 24.2 gig with only 22.9 of free space.  Is this correct?
When doing fdisk I created a primary partition of the maximum size and
verified it which said "62 unallocated sectors."  What does this mean, could
this be the problem?  Do I need another partition on this drive too?  I
wanted just one large one for network storage space.


From: Larry Barlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Problem with an ATAPI CD-RW
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 23:36:38 -0500



From: Ronald Benedik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3com ISA cards and linux
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 10:01:30 +0200

Kalkas wrote:
> I have been seriously thinking to use Linux and stop using Windows 98. I am
> fascinated by Linux's stability and security.
> Therefore, I have seriously planing to install Linux and USE IT.
> However, it seems that it is not possible for me to use Linux, since I use
> cable modem with a 3com ISA card. More precisely, I use 3com EtherLink III
> ISA (3C509/3C509b) network interface card, and there are no drivers which
> will support my card in Linux.
> Did someone else have similar problems?
> Regards,
> Kalkas

I'm using a 3c509b COMBO (PnP/ISA). It definately does work. There may
be a problem with 
the 3c509 (not the b version) in dropping ip packets becaus of its tiny
buffer. This problem was solved in version b (8kb buffer). My Problem
was one of dual 
boot configuration. Win95 puts the card in PnP mode and Linux doesn't
like that.
So my shutdown script for windoof puts the card back in non PnP mode and
the card uses 
the same irq in linux and windoof, now everything works fine.

for linux drivers check:


From: "stephen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need last word on AMD K6-2
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 21:36:04 -0700

Alright, then which motherboard is most stable for a K6-2 350 or 400?


Sorin Balea wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>stephen chan wrote:
>> Hello:
>> Ok, I've read a ton of postings on K6-2 running Linux.
>> Some people say they are solid and others have had
>> problems. I am about to setup a server soon. Is the
>> K6-2 a good choice? Will it hold up well under heavy
>> use 24X7?
>> Thanks
>> Stephen
>The CPU is rock solid, the K6 platform has been proven over time...
>What you really want to find out is if your MB/RAM combination
>is good


Subject: Digital PCXBV-ZX monitor specs
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 03:46:32 GMT

Does anyone have the specs (dot pitch, refresh rates, resolutions)
for a Digital PCXBV-ZX 17" monitor?  Who really made it?



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Subject: Re: NE2000 ISA help
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 04:05:43 GMT

I am using a NE2000 ISA card with the PNP feature turned off.I am
running 2.2.11 with the driver compiled in the kernel with no problems
at all.

On Fri, 20 Aug 1999 13:32:32 -0500, "John Bekas, Jr."

>All the success stories thus far have related to loading the driver as a
>module.  Any successes with the driver compiled into the kernel?  


From: James Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,redhat.general
Subject: Re: Joliet and Kernel 2.2.xx
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 08:47:01 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Pug Fantus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering if there was any problems with Joliet CDs and the
> 2.2.xx kernel(I've noticed with 2.2.7-11).  I burn CD's under windows
> DirectCD (on a external 2x HP 7200+ on the printerport, not that it
> matters, they are horid devices anyway), and when I get them back home
> mount them under linux, the file sizes are totally wrong.  Like, I've
> 200 meg files under windows become 10 megs in linux, 40 meg files
> 3 megs, it's madness. So I have to mount them under windows and copy
> files to the linux box via samba, and reburn the CDs under linux to
get the
> sizes correct.  Has anyone heard of this? I've scoured the web looking
> answers and have had no luck, and no one in my IRC channel (*Shameless
> Plug*) has heard of this before.  I'd love any advice anyone can give

DirectCD writes the CD in UDF format. Linux does not (yet) support the
UDF format. Linux can only cope with files that are contiguous - UDF
writes in "packets". You are probably seeing one of the packets that
make up your files - hence the reported file sizes.

I believe UDF support is being developed, and there are probably patches
about. However, your best bet would be to create your CDs directly in
ISO9660 format with the Joliet extensions using something like CD

James Pearson

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Leejay Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: HELP: What's best for Abit BP6 dual Celeron/Voodoo3? Slackware/Redhat/??
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 09:48:47 -0400

Excerpts from netnews.comp.os.linux.hardware: 19-Aug-99 HELP: What's
best for Abit .. by "Jason Ziegler"@midsouth 
> Sorry to ask such a dumb question.... (i'm a total linux newbie)
> But what should I plan on installing on my new system:
> Abit BP6 Dual Cel400/128Mb/Seagate-17Gb-ATA66/Voodoo3 3k/Aureal Vortex2
> (Red Hat? Debian? Slackware? ???)
> Thanks in advance! Any advice is hugely appreciated!

[grumble grumble grumble]

What, precisely, do you intend to do?  It's not so much a question of 
whether a distro will handle your hardware (well, except perhaps the
video card; X servers can be decently large), because within certain
limits you'll be able to take most distros and replace the kernel
and other software with updated versions.

That is, you probably couldn't take a stock RH 3.0.3 (? Whatever the
Picasso version was...) still using kernel 1.2.13, and drop in 2.2.11
without updating various system tools and not expect things to break.

Check what you *want* to do, with package lists.  Realize that all the
major distros come with gcc, tar, and gzip allowing you to install
additional software.  

Do you need an Office-type suite?
Do you need a Matlab-type clone?
Do you intend to run a secure commerce server?
Are you looking for a graphical login?

And so forth.

A few notes...

* You have the disk space to try multiple distros.  Consider getting 
  a CD pack (e.g. from CheapBytes) with a few, *if* you're willing to
  forgo a printed official manual (but you can usually dl a .ps copy
  for naught but connect time.)  This can be *very* cheap, and you can
  later buy an official distro if you really feel like it...

* About your sound card... well, check Deja for details.

* Happily, 3dfx support (incl. Glide for Voodoo3, IIRC) *does* tend to 
  exist for Linux.  I believe there's a 3dfx HOWTO, in fact.

* To forestall a probable question, if Linux doesn't detect all your
  memory, include "mem=128MB" in the append statement of lilo.conf.
  If you don't understand that statement, be prepared to read...
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]        | the silly student          |
|--------------------------| he writes really bad haiku |
|   #include <stddiscl.h>  | readers all go mad         |



Subject: Re: 3com ISA cards and linux
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 02:26:09 -0700

On Sat, 21 Aug 1999 02:19:56 +0200, Kalkas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have been seriously thinking to use Linux and stop using Windows 98. I am
>fascinated by Linux's stability and security.
>Therefore, I have seriously planing to install Linux and USE IT.
>However, it seems that it is not possible for me to use Linux, since I use
>cable modem with a 3com ISA card. More precisely, I use 3com EtherLink III
>ISA (3C509/3C509b) network interface card, and there are no drivers which

        ???? the 3c509.o module should work just fine, even 
        autodetects resources...

>will support my card in Linux.


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                        Seeking sane PPP Docs? Try


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Hahn)
Subject: Re: BJC-5000 Printer
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 10:04:16 GMT

On Fri, 20 Aug 1999 19:29:55 +1000, Paul Gigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Anyone got this type of printer working in Linux ?
>Any suggestions on which filter I should be using ?
Did a search of provide any clues?

Frank Hahn

"The sooner all the animals are dead, the sooner we'll find their
                -- Ed Bluestone, "The National Lampoon"


From: Ernst de Haan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Which printer should I buy?
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 12:32:55 +0200

Hi Linux nerds!

I'm about to decide on which inkjet printer I will buy. Does any of you
have any advice on this issue? I'd should work very well with Linux (and
preferably also with FreeBSD). Any1 know a site on this issue?

I know the HP DeskJet 895CXi is a very fast high-quality inkjet printer
that works fine with inferior operating systems like Win 0.95 and Win
0.98 :-) but i don't know how well it performs under Linux.

Any1? GreetinX++,


Ernst de Haan
Tector B.V. i.o.

"Come to me all who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest" -- Jesus Christ



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