Linux-Hardware Digest #404, Volume #12            Sun, 5 Mar 00 03:13:10 EST

  HP 1100 ("Paul Gigg")
  Re: Maxtor 40G IDE w/o BIOS support (Paul Halliday)
  Re: Asus K7M / Redhat 6.1 64meg limitation? (Nikita Visnevski)
  Re: ESS Solo-1 w/ALSA No Sound Help? (Justin Alexander Hager)
  Re: controllerless modem (Bit Twister)
  Re: ESS ES56 modem supported ? ("Andrew E. Schulman")
  Can't Install Rh6.1 Using Adaptec SCSI AIC 6360L Controller (mike)
  Thunder Sound Vortex2 (Young4ert)
  Kernel update??? ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
  Poweroff with Soyo 5EHM (Eric Wick)
  Re: S3 trio 3d AGP (root)
  Problem with Ricoh 7060S and Linux Redhat 6.1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ide0 reset errors and data corruption (Rajiv G)
  DPT 2044UW SCSI controller (Scott Stafford)
  Re: Kernel update??? (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: controllerless modem (Vladimir Florinski)
  Re: An optical allusion that will astound you, works on all spec pc's:)   (LL)
  Re: PCI nics (Vladimir Florinski)
  panasonic cw7585 cdrw drive ("dane")
  # of logical partition? (chien-yu chen)


From: "Paul Gigg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HP 1100
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 11:20:13 +1100

Howdy All,

Is this printer able to be used with Linux ?  I suspect it is but I haven't
found anything to say so one way or the other.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Halliday)
Subject: Re: Maxtor 40G IDE w/o BIOS support
Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2000 00:42:04 GMT

On Thu, 17 Feb 2000 21:52:44 -0600, Keith Rohrer

: Does anyone know how to configure such a drive for its full capacity under
: Linux without BIOS support?  I have to install the capacity limiting jumper
: or the machine will not boot, even with autodetction turned off or a
: specific geometry and mode chosen.

Are you running any other OS's on the same drive? If so, I don't have
a solution (other than new motherboard or a hopeful BIOs upgrade).
If Linux is the only OS then you can use the full 40Gb provided you
are booting off another drive (alternatively a Linux boot floppy disk
should do it).

To be able to use the full 40Gb under Linux;
1. Reposition the jumper on the Maxtor drive so the full drive 
    capacity is accessible.
2. _Remove_ the hard drive entry form the CMOS settings (i.e. Go in to

    the BIOS and tell it that there is no drive installed on the IDE 
    channel). This should allow the machine to boot without problems.
3. When in Linux (installation disk or off another hard drive), run 
    fdisk and type in 'x' (followed by RETURN) to enter expert mode.
    Then half the number of cylinders and double the number of heads 
    (type 'c', hit RETURN and enter 39703 and RETURN, then type 'h', 
    hit RETURN and enter 32).
4. You can now partition as much of the 40Gb as you want (just type 
    'r' and hit return to enter the normal, non-expert menu mode).

Note that the original drive geometry is actually 79406 cylinders, 16
heads and 63 sectors (as reported by Maxblast - at least for the
7200RPM version I have). Linux (or maybe just fdisk) seems to have a
16-bit limit on the number of cylinders, so you can't enter more than
65,536, but the above instructions will let you use it without problem
- working much like the EIDE solution used to solve the old 500Mb IDE
limit. I've been able to partition it and save a few Gig of data to
the last 38-40Gb of the hard drive without any problems, so it appears
to be working. You can mount the partitions after a reboot without
having to tell it anything about the new geometry (it gets it from the
partition table).

Personally I have problems because I want to run Win95 on it too (I
need the space for all those computer games ;), so I'll probably buy
one of those 1GHz overclocked Athlons for £200UKP and a new board (my
current board is a TMC TI5VGF, 2Mb cache, 8 months old yet even the
BIOS on that isn't capable of more than 32Gb and just locks up. :-(



From: Nikita Visnevski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Asus K7M / Redhat 6.1 64meg limitation?
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 19:48:14 -0500


I think 64M is the default mode of Linux (who knows why?).  I got the
same thing and here is what I did:

1. Modify /etc/lilo.conf adding this line:


2. Save it and run lilo to update your boot sector.
3. If your Linux boot sector is in the master boot record, then you are
done.  Otherwise you should update your bootsector file (like I use NT
boot loader to start Linux, so I had to update my bootsect.rh file in

This should work.

Have fun,



> Hi,
> I am using a K7M with AMD K7-700 and 256 meg of SDRAM
> running RedHat 6.1 (kernel 2.2.12-20). The BIOS detects
> all 256 meg but RedHat Linux only detects only upto 64 meg.
> Win95 on the same machine detects the correct size.
> I am using two Micron 128 Meg 8 ns PC100 SDRAMs.
> I've tried disabling SDRAM timing, rearranging the memory
> slots, slowing down the bus speed to no avail.
> Has anyone else run into similar problems?
> Thank you.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Nikita Visnevski               The MathWorks, Inc.
Application Specialist         Controls Design Automation


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin Alexander Hager)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: ESS Solo-1 w/ALSA No Sound Help?
Date: 5 Mar 2000 00:45:18 GMT

I've installed Slackware 7.0 with Kernel Version 2.2.13. 
I've downloaded ALSA v.4.1d and followed all the instructions that
specifically deal with the ESS Solo-1 (someone was nice enough to write a
guide specifically for that chipset). I've used the amixer program to
unmute and increase the volume on all possible channels. 

Using FreeAmp with the Alsa plug-in it properly plays and lsmod shows the
proper modules in use, but I get no sound.

Also attempts to send things directly to /dev/audio or /dev/audio0
report that there is no such device. And attempts to use other mixers that
aren't specifically aligned with ALSA report that /dev/mixer and
/dev/mixer0 also do not exist.

This is a slightly agrivating situation, because I looked over many many
archives of discussion and such and found nothing other than
recommendations to install ALSA for this chipset.

Anyone have any ideas why this might be happening?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bit Twister)
Subject: Re: controllerless modem
Reply-To: The news group
Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2000 00:51:41 GMT

Short answer controllerless=winmodem

look here for linux hardware winmodem  compatability

I like external modems.  You can see activity at glance
use it on any serial port system, frees up a slot on the mother board
and I can turn it off.

On Sat, 04 Mar 2000 21:48:03 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have the Diamond SupraMax voice PCI. I want to make it work on linux.
>The people of Diamond say it is a controllerless modem. What does that
>mean and what would I have to do to make it work in Linux.
>Or shall I buy another modem?

The warrenty and liability expired as you read the message.
If the above breaks your system, it's yours and you keep both pieces.
Practice safe computing. Backup the file before you change it. 
Do a,  man every_command_here, before doing anything or running a script.


From: "Andrew E. Schulman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ESS ES56 modem supported ?
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 20:00:07 -0500

> I have an ESS ES2898-based PCI modem, and I'd like to make it work under
> Linux.
> If it's a winmodem (I don't even know), please let me know and I will give
> up. Otherwise I'd be pleased to have some URLs explaining how to setup such
> a internal modem.

See the winmodem list at


From: mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't Install Rh6.1 Using Adaptec SCSI AIC 6360L Controller
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 20:03:05 -0500

    I have an old system with an on-the-motherboard Adaptec
SCSI Controller chip AIC 6360L. Redhat 6.1 does not recognize
the chip so I can't complete the install. What seems strange is that
it seems that the CDROM is also SCSI.
    The install autoprobe also does not find the SCSI adapter.
I went to the Adaptec site and couln't find info on the chip.
    I was told that there are modules out there somewhere
that can be used to allow the system to install and run.
Where can I get these modules and how can use them to
install and run the system?




From: Young4ert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Thunder Sound Vortex2
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 22:03:10 -0500


Is the Thunder Sound with the Vortex2 fully supported under Linux?


PS> Remove the "4" from e-mail address to respond.


Subject: Kernel update???
Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2000 03:56:07 GMT

Not sure if this is a hardware issue or not.  I am running RH6.0
2.2.5-15 and am trying to update the kernel to 2.2.5-22 using the rpm.
Goes thru the unpacking but then I get an error message that says:
Cannot allocate space for database.  Is this a harddrive problem?
Since I'm a newbie I have no idea.  My system is a Pentium 166 with
Linux running as a stand alone OS.  I have a 4.3G harddrive.  I have
looked on the partitions and there seems to be enough room to install.
I have 3G open on /usr so I d/l to that directory.  Is this wrong?
TIA for any response. 



From: Eric Wick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Poweroff with Soyo 5EHM
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 01:29:09 +0100


got some trouble with this board. Instead gotting poweroff oh halt the
board reboots and the system come up again. Is there some trick to fix
that? First i have used 2.2.12 and got the described oopses at halt, so
i tried the newest pre-kernel and get a simple reboot now.

System: Debian2.1 (uses halt -d -f -i -p)
Board: Soyo 5EHM V1.0 with latest bios 5ehvca2
Kernel: 2.2.15pre13 
The Board is able to poweroff, win and the awdflash.exe can do it, but
linux wont......

Linux-Computing, SpeedDragon


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,aus.computers.linux
Subject: Re: S3 trio 3d AGP
Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2000 15:51:02 +1100

ENTERforNone wrote:

> Rob Youl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there an X server for this card apart from XF86_VGA16???
> Try the S3 server.  I think the SVGA server also has S3 drivers.
> --
> enterfornone - insert clever comment here

I have also had trouble with the 86c365 S3 AGP card, would not work at
all. I tried S3 S3mm S3Virge the chipset matching in the s3 server lib
did not work.
have changed to a simmilar (86c775) PCI card , no problem,please help .


Subject: Problem with Ricoh 7060S and Linux Redhat 6.1
Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2000 04:39:18 GMT


I got a Ricoh 7060S set up on my PII-350, running OK on the "other" OS.
But it fails to run in Linux.

I tried the following:
Download xcdroast, and update the cdrecord-1.8a...
(It's supposed to fix some pb with 7060??)
Set up initrd to load the scsi interface on boot up.

On boot up I found the following messages:
looking atp870u module
      RICOH CDR/RW MP7060S 1.70
scsi: aborting command due to timeout pid 0 scsi 0 channel 0 id 0
lun 0 request sens 00 00 00 10 00

So I figure that the scsi host adapter is working OK, and it detected
the drive correctly. But it fails to communicate with the drive.
I notice that it turns for a few sec before the timeout message.

So can someone give me some ideas where to go from here?
I tried recompiling the kernel with longer scsi timeout, with the new
sg.c, and still nothing happen.

Any suggestions?


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: ide0 reset errors and data corruption
Date: 5 Mar 2000 15:03:07 GMT

Pranab Sen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>       I have noticed that kernel 2.0.38 gives irq timeout
> followed by a ide0 reset on a VIA VT82C585 Apollo VP1/VPX chipset
> (with onboard VIA VT82C586 Apollo IDE controller). With kernel
> 2.2.5 it gives "no DRQ after write" and finally ide0 reset.
> These resets slow down disk performance and cause filesystem 
> corruption after some time. The disk is a SEAGATE ST38410A
> with 512kB cache, 8.3GB eide. I have tried replacing the motherboard
> with an Intel ZX (Host Bridge i440BX, IDE controller 82371AB
> PIIX4 IDE) and the problem disappeared. However both the boards
> gave ide0 reset with a Western Digital 4.3 GB disk, 2048kB cache.
> Disks with 128kB or less cache work fine all both the VIA as
> well as the Intel boards, whereas a Seagate with 512kB cache bombs
> on the VIA board but not on the Intel board and a Western Digital
> with 2048kB cache bombs on both the boards. Does anybody know the
> reason why this happens and suggest a way out?
>       By the way I tried setting multcount on with 
> "hdparm -m 16 /dev/hda" but that did not help things.
>       Since I am not a regular reader of this newsgroup please
> send a copy of your posting by email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Regards,
> Pranab

I have the same problem with the same chipset and drive. 


From: Scott Stafford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DPT 2044UW SCSI controller
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 22:44:59 -0800

I'm trying to set up Mandrake, but when it goes to autoprobe for my
SCSI controller it doesn't find it.

The controller is a DPT 2044UW.

I select the ETA_DMA driver.
Autoprobe doesn't work.
When I go to specify options I type in "ETA_DMA.O" for a module
option.  This doesn't work either.

What should I type in the module options to get this controller



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Subject: Re: Kernel update???
Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2000 05:29:24 GMT

On Sun, 05 Mar 2000 03:56:07 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Not sure if this is a hardware issue or not.  I am running RH6.0
>2.2.5-15 and am trying to update the kernel to 2.2.5-22 using the rpm.
>Goes thru the unpacking but then I get an error message that says:
>Cannot allocate space for database.  Is this a harddrive problem?
>Since I'm a newbie I have no idea.  My system is a Pentium 166 with
>Linux running as a stand alone OS.  I have a 4.3G harddrive.  I have
>looked on the partitions and there seems to be enough room to install.
>I have 3G open on /usr so I d/l to that directory.  Is this wrong?
>TIA for any response. 

What are your other partitions? RPM is probably creating some tmp files
elsewhere. What does 'df' show?

PS -- Make sure to use the '-i' option when upgrading kernels.

Hal B


From: Vladimir Florinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: controllerless modem
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 22:23:53 -0700

Bit Twister wrote:
> I like external modems.  You can see activity at glance
> use it on any serial port system, frees up a slot on the mother board
> and I can turn it off.

Just for the record, I don't like external modems. Take up a lot of space, need
cables, power supplies, etc. And you can't reboot them remotely - you will have
to drive to the site to flip the damned switch.



Subject: Re: An optical allusion that will astound you, works on all spec pc's:)  
Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2000 06:21:22 GMT

Watch a stunning array of files on your hard disk make a mesmerizing trip to digital 
oblivion.  Take a trip down memory lane
and enter the digital museum where your old friend mbr sits behind glass, a basket 
case, singing "start me up."

> Run this file, and after 20 seconds of looking at optical visuals you will WANT to 
>ring all your friends...damn amazing!!!
> zfktkkcmsmsxkqbxorovvcwmhclmmzeuecrmwcnpuruqdsbyi


From: Vladimir Florinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: PCI nics
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 23:16:36 -0700

"Wm. Lobb" wrote:
> Hello:
> I'm sure this question has been asked before, I am sorry.
> I have 2 3Com PCI 3C509B NIC's installed in this machine. I have read that
> you need to specify IO and INT for each NIC when you are using 2 i.e.,
> ether= XX, XX, eth0 ether=XX, XX eth1
> My question is with PCI nics you cannot specify the IO and INT. they are
> assigned by the BIOS.  Do you just use a line like:
> ether= eth0 ether=eth1 ? to tell the kernel that there are 2 nic's? I have
> not had much luck getting this to work. I am missing something.
> Thank You.
> Bill

Are you sure they are PCI? 3c509b are ISA cards:

Unless it's 905 and not 509. In that case you probably don't need to do
anything, except maybe a couple of alias lines in /etc/conf.modules (something
like 'alias eth0 3c59x').




From: "dane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: panasonic cw7585 cdrw drive
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 02:07:43 -0500

any reviews for this drive?


From: chien-yu chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: # of logical partition?
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 01:55:09 -0600

when I first got my hard drive (can't remember the capacity. probably a
9G or 13G), I partitioned it as the following

3 primary (200M) each. hde1, hde2, hde3
3 logical after that, for /home, /usr , and one I used to play vmware wiht
and I left the rest of the free space there... hde6, hde7, hde8 are those
3 logical partition.

the other day, I decided to utilize the free space, so I cut them into
2G, 2G, 1G, with hde9, hde10, hde11 respectively. then mkfs.
however, I can only mount 1 of those logical drive.
say if I mounted hde9, when I try to mount hde10, it'll tell me that the
drive has been I copy a file to hde9, unmount hde9, mount hde10,
copy another file to hde10.  umount.  then if I mount either 9 or 10, I
see the 2 different files, respectively. (just can't mount both at the same
time).  but today, after machine went down due to power lost, something
weird is matter what I try to mount, hde9 or hde10, it'll
mount hde9. so I was wondering if the partition table has beeen mess up or
what. ( I did reboot after I make those free space into new partitions).
if so, any good tool to fix it? I would like to keep hde1-8. anything after
9 is not that important to me...

thanks for your advice..

   ~             Experience the power of the Penguin
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 ^`~'^    _/_/_/ _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/_/   _/   _/



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