Linux-Hardware Digest #33, Volume #13            Mon, 12 Jun 00 20:13:05 EDT

  Re: Problem: Linux doesnt recognize my PCI NIC (Andrey Vlasov)
  Anybody using Seagate's Tapstor Travan w/LINUX (David A. Lethe)
  Re: Old Monitor (H Dziardziel)
  Dual boot from scratch... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Poweroff no longer powering off (Andrey Vlasov)
  Re: What happened to the aic7xxx SCSI driver between 6.1 and 6.2 ????? ("Bob Hayden")
  Re: How does dual-heading work? (David C.)
  Re: Anybody using Seagate's Tapstor Travan w/LINUX (David C.)
  Re: A newbie's USB mouse/keyboard problem ! (Andrey Vlasov)
  Re: Installing Linux ona Compaq Deskpro 6000 (Mrcpu1)
  Re: A newbie's USB mouse/keyboard problem ! (David C.)
  Re: Linux on Intel 810 (H Dziardziel)
  Re: Poweroff no longer powering off (Andrew Onifer)
  Re: Help! --Can I set the display frequence in Linux enviroment (H Dziardziel)
  Re: scsi-emulation (Duane)


From: Andrey Vlasov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem: Linux doesnt recognize my PCI NIC
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 15:12:41 -0700

Hi guys.

if you sure about driver which you shoud to use is correct try to check and
turn off PnP OS in BIOS if you didn't turn off it yet. I spent two days
found what cause the problem.

Check chipset on NIC itself as from model to model they change it,
So, happend with my friend who had D-Link 530TX+ which he could not
manage to run and he had to replace on D-Link 530TX. I have both of them
and I do not have any problem with this NICs.


RP wrote:

> it keeps giving me the message:
> "Device or resource buissy"
> when I try to run 'modprobe tulip'
> what can I do?
> its a PCI NIC of linksys which suppose to work just fine with the tulip.o
> module
> on the Windoz - it works great! but the linux doesnt recognize it.
> I know what IO port or What IRQ it needs (assigned by the BIOS)
> nothing is using those ports/IRQ (I tried the cat /proc/interrupts...)
> so what else can be the problem?
> any ideas???
> Ron P


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David A. Lethe)
Subject: Anybody using Seagate's Tapstor Travan w/LINUX
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 22:16:00 GMT

Is anybody using seagate's 20GB Tapestor travan unit (with scsi
interface) on LINUX?

Any compatibility problems?  I assume I use the standard tape driver
that I would normally be using with a DAT.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H Dziardziel)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.turbolinux,
Subject: Re: Old Monitor
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 22:28:03 GMT

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 01:26:31 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Andrew
Arbour) wrote:

>I have a daytek 1436A 14" monitor.  the specs I can find for it say it 
>has a Horizontal Freq.: 30-48Hz, and Vertical:60-90Hz.  A Max resolution 
>of 1024x768 and a working frequency of 70Mhz.
>I have managed, after monkeying for a while, to get it to run in a really 
>weird 1024x768(I think it is 1024x768) but it has ALOT of flicker.  Once 
>and only once have I managed to make it visible at all.  Any other time I 
>do anything I get crappy out of sync image.
>Oh by the way I have an ATI-All-In-Wonder 128 w/16Megs.  Not sure if this 
>card is supported properly anyway.
>And if anyone knows how do I turn of that damned graphic logon in 
>TurboLinux? I can't get X running so I can't login without screwing 
>around to get to a text based login(ctrl-alt-F2) then very very uncleanly 
>killing the gdm.
Hi hope this helps.  Its from this fine site:

DP = Dot Pitch
                                   Active        Band-
                                   Display   DP  Width  Hsync    Vsync
Max Res
Manufacturer  Model                (mm)          (Mhz)  (KHz)     (Hz)
Daytek        1436D                274 x 209 .28  65    30-48   40-120
979 x  746

It looks like the specs you were using are way off base since this
to be a maximum 800x600 when new.  with age the electronics could be
(no, really, poetic license but true).  the model nbr is different but

probably insignicant and anyway this one is lower spec so safe to use.
You don't say if standard vga comes up ok?  It should unless you are
picking too many modes from the start to try.. I suggest pick only
vga 640x480 and basic vga monitor and go from there.  picking some of
the higher level modes and/depths can drive the card/monitor too much
since the server always picks the highest frequencies it thinks are
usable (as provided by you).  Try one mode at a time and expand on the

monitor settings a little at a time.  The flicker may mean you are
trying at too high a color depth which brings the card's vertical
refresh rate down.    Good luck.

Regarding the startup screen-  I am not familiar with turbolinux but
the standard way is it is set in /etc/inittab which you edit at your
own adrenaline pumping breathlessness.  You could end up not being
able to boot.  The line to look for reads quote id:5:initdefault:
unquote.  Change the 5 to 3.  5 is X startup, 3 normal multiuser
terminal-command line, 1 is single user, 0 and 6 will cause you
fits and much creative cussing.  2 is souped up 1. single 3. Pls.
note distributions vary but you are always safe with 1 and 3.

Alternatively when the bootup screen comes up hit the tab key real
fast. This should bring up the lilo prompt assuming lilo is used.
And type in Linux 3 or whatever options the lilo prompt shows.
This may need some experimentation with the tab key timing etc.

You will need to be root to make changes.


Subject: Dual boot from scratch...
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 22:24:07 GMT

Here we go..

building a new box...want to make it dual boot Win2000 and Rhat 6.2.

I have one 30.7G drive for each OS. Total of two 30.7G drives....I don't
care who goes where, but I want to use LILO for the boot manager. (altho
NTLDR would be ok with me, i've just never used it for a dual boot..)

Should I install Win2k or Linux FIRST?....I've looked at the HOW-TOOs
but I can't find anything directly on Win2K. Probably out there
somewhere....a pointer to it would be great...

Any personal triumphs would be great...



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Before you buy.


From: Andrey Vlasov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Poweroff no longer powering off
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 15:43:54 -0700


do you know that kernel has an option in configuration for apm?
Probably the kernel which you have do not compiled with this option.

Try to recompile kernal.


Andrew Onifer wrote:

> I have a problem getting linux to shut my computer off in the 2.2.15 and
> 2.2.16 kernels.  In the kernels from 2.2.14 and earlier, it would work fine,
> but when I upgraded to 2.2.15 and then 2.2.16, it won't power off.  I have
> apm set and I've tried turning on and off the real mode BIOS poweroff
> option.  I've also tried using poweroff, halt, and halt -p.  Nothing is
> working.  Have I missed anything?
> My motherboard is an AOpen AX6BC and I have the latest BIOS.
>                                 jay
> --
> "The movie really heightens the lack of interest in the film"
>                                     --Crow T. Robot
> Andrew J. Onifer III                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       PGP key on WWW page


From: "Bob Hayden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: What happened to the aic7xxx SCSI driver between 6.1 and 6.2 ?????
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 19:00:18 -0400

Great source for SCSI drivers... that's what I was looking for! Thanks. Is
there a site that maintains links to sites like this (but for other Linux
device drivers)?

How do I put one of the older drivers into Red Hat 6.2 driver disk format
(only the latest driver is in this format and this driver doesn't work with
my controller)? I have searched and the Red Hat site for info on
how to do this but have come up empty handed so far.



"shark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Try the updated driver  disk at
> I had the same problem except, I couldn't get anything post 5.2 to
> install.  The updated driver disk for  woked for me on 6.1.
> On Sun, 11 Jun 2000 19:02:17 -0400, "Bob Hayden"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Just picked up Redhat 6.2 today and ran the install. I get as far as
> >specifying my CDROM (for source media location) then I get the following
> >error and the system hangs when it tries to load the aic7xxx:
> >
> >kernel panic: aic7xxx: unrecoverable BRKADRINT
> >
> >The SCSI driver on the Redhat v5.2, 6.0, 6.1 boot disks work fine for me.
> >only get this problem when moving to 6.2. I tried to boot with the v6.1
> >run the v6.2 install off the CDROM, but the GUI install fails after
> >x-windows starts and the system reboots (didn't really think it would
> >but what the hell). By the way I have a adaptec 2842.
> >
> >Is there a way to put the v6.1 aic7xxx driver on a floppy and specify
> >driver when running the v6.2 install? How do I do this- specifically what
> >the format of a Red Hat "driver disk"?
> >
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Bob
> >
> >(remove "nospam" from email if replying directly)
> >


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David C.)
Subject: Re: How does dual-heading work?
Date: 12 Jun 2000 19:02:59 -0400

"Matthew McCleary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am considering running a dual-head configuration on my RH6.2 box. I
> have an STB V4400 AGP card that will drive one monitor and an ATI
> Xpert 98 PCI card that will drive the other. How does one go about
> setting this up? Is it even possible to do dual-head without a GUI? I
> would like to possibly put compiles and syslog on one monitor (i.e. a
> 15" or smaller) and everything else on the bigger monitor. Would this
> be possible? I welcome suggestions.
> Also, I don't know which graphics card would be faster for GUI
> work. The V4400 has a TNT chip, but that's mostly good for 3D stuff--I
> wouldn't see much if any benefit unless I was playing games--at least,
> I think so.
> Can anyone relate any personal experience in this area? I've gotten
> SMP up and running (dual Celerons), so now it's on to the next
> challenge.

Never did it on a PC, and I'm not sure about doing it without X, but...

X allows two different configurations for dual-head.

The two monitors can be separate "screens" on a single display.  Meaning
that a single X server controls them both.  I think both must be set up
as the same color depth and visuals for this to work.

Alternatively, they can be separate displays.  Meaning that two X
servers will run - one for each monitor.

There are advantages and disadvantages with each possibility.

For ordinary apps, you specify the display you want the app to launch on
using the "-display" command-line preference, or the DISPLAY environment

For a single app to open windows on two different screens (or two
displays), I think the app will have to be designed for this

-- David


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David C.)
Subject: Re: Anybody using Seagate's Tapstor Travan w/LINUX
Date: 12 Jun 2000 19:05:17 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David A. Lethe) writes:
> Is anybody using seagate's 20GB Tapestor travan unit (with scsi
> interface) on LINUX?
> Any compatibility problems?  I assume I use the standard tape driver
> that I would normally be using with a DAT.

I haven't used this drive, but I have used other SCSI-Travan units.

The standard driver should work - it is designed to work with all SCSI-2
tape drives.

The only real catch here is that Travan drives don't support media
locking.  It is always possible to pull the cartridge out from the
drive.  You want to make sure you don't remove it while the drive is in
use.  You should issue a "mt -f /dev/nst0 rewoffl" to rewind the tape
and take it offline before actually removing the cartridge.

-- David


From: Andrey Vlasov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A newbie's USB mouse/keyboard problem !
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 16:05:22 -0700




Subject: Re: Installing Linux ona Compaq Deskpro 6000
From: Mrcpu1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 16:05:32 -0700

You need to add the word linear to the lilo.conf file, boot the
machine from a boot floppy for linux, then mount the hard drive.
 Go to /etc and edit the file lilo.conf, after the word prompt,
add a line that says linear
then reinstall lilo by insuing /usr/sbin/lilo and that should fix
it for you.

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David C.)
Subject: Re: A newbie's USB mouse/keyboard problem !
Date: 12 Jun 2000 19:15:54 -0400

dondon dimaano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Thanks 4 the reply ... I guess that answers my question ... But where
> do i download a KERNEL ??? I know how to get the distributions but
> what about this kernels ??? Thnx anyway ...

Someone else already mentioned

Your distribution vendor might also have kernels available.  I
downloaded 2.2.14-12 from RedHat last week (an upgrade from the
2.2.12-20 that came with RH 6.1).

-- David


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H Dziardziel)
Subject: Re: Linux on Intel 810
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 23:23:33 GMT

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 07:30:05 GMT, Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Dear all, 
>Due to space limitation, I want to install the linux server on a BookPC. 
>The motherboard of this kind of PC employs the Intel 810 chipset and has 
>built in with sound card, network card, VGA card and so on (all-in-one). 
>I wonder whether the Redhat 6.2 can recognize all the built-in hardware or 
>not. Do anyone have experience of installing the linux on these kind of 
>PC? Thank you in advance! 

Intel's site has all the info.  You should be OK but not with 
the new XFree4 yet it seems.  Good luck.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Onifer)
Subject: Re: Poweroff no longer powering off
Date: 12 Jun 2000 23:40:06 GMT

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 15:43:54 -0700, Andrey Vlasov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>do you know that kernel has an option in configuration for apm?
>Probably the kernel which you have do not compiled with this option.

Yes, like I said, I had it compiled in with no problems through the 2.2.14
kernel.  Starting with 2.2.15, they did something to the power off feature
and added an option "Use real mode APM BIOS call to power off."  I've tried
recompiling with that option on and with it off, with no effect.


"The movie really heightens the lack of interest in the film" 
                                    --Crow T. Robot
Andrew J. Onifer III                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       PGP key on WWW page


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H Dziardziel)
Subject: Re: Help! --Can I set the display frequence in Linux enviroment
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 23:50:51 GMT

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 17:09:59 -0700, "David Wang"

>Thank you for your kindly help, However, I have choose the right model and
>vendor of my monitor --> Sony Multiscan 15sfII and also try it in manully
>setting way, but it doesn't use the 75KHz for my monitor. It just use 60KHz
>for 800X600 16Bit. I am wondering if I can choose higher frequence by
>modifying the XF86Config file directly or something else? If it is possible,
>which section should I use?
Assuming the monitor vertical and horizontal frequencies are correct
and for the Sony sf2 my records show  50-120Hz and 31-65Khz
respectively, this seems to be a card/chipset setting limitation.
If the refresh is more than 75Hz at 8bpp at  the chipset-clock is the

Try looking at the X server output whem it starts ie at the command
line type X >& /tmp/xout.txt.  The server will oblige you with reasons
for not using certain configurations. 
Good luck.


Subject: Re: scsi-emulation
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 16:05:25 -0700

john calison wrote:
>     I'm trying to get my HP9300i CD-RW internal recognized on
> "scsi-emulation".  On the secondary I have the CD as master and the ZIP
> as secondary.  I configured according to the "cd-writingHOWTO", except I
> disabled ATAPI ide cdrom support.  "cdrecord -scanbus" only shows the
> ZIP on "scsi 0, 0,0,0", it does not see the CD.
>     I have posted request for help on this before and to all those who
> have responded I have tried your suggestions, but nothing has worked.  I
> haven't replied because I was still trying to figure this out.  In any
> case, thanks to all and any help would be appreciated.

Okay, looking at those previous posts, there appear to be some problems.
You wrote:

> Here's what I've done so far:
> 1. added "apppend="hdc=ide-scsi" to "etc/lilo.conf".
> 2. added  a)"alias scd0 sr_mod"
>           b) "options ide-cd ignore=hdc"
>           c) "pre-install sg modprobe ide-scsi"
>           d) "pre-install sr_mod  modprobe ide-scsi"
>           e) "pre-install ide-scsi modprobe ide-cd"
> 3. configured the kernel
>          a) ide-atapi cd-rom support    no
>          b) scsi-emulation              yes
>          c) scsi support                yes
>          d) enable vendor-specific      yes
>          e) scsi generic support        yes
>          f) low-level driver            ?   "I was told this was not
> necessary and I don't know what HP is using anyway"
>          g) scsi cd-rom support         yes

According to this, you compiled all the drivers, except ide-cd, into the
kernel. But then later in the same post you say:

>     When I reboot "hdc" is still recognized as the CD-RW and no scsi
> hosts are detected.   "cd-record -scanbus" reports no such file found.
> When I run "lsmod", there is no "ide-scsi".  When I run "modprobe
> ide-scsi" or "insmod ide-scsi", "cdrecord -scanbus only reports the
> IOMEGA Zip.  When I run "insmod ide-cd" it reports no file found.

This doesn't make sense. If you compiled ide-scsi into the kernel, then
there should not be a module, and "modprobe ide-scsi" should report
"can't locate module ide-scsi".So something is wrong there. 

So it would help to know exactly what your current configuration really

Also, if you really do compile and install the kernel as you indicated,
then all those changes to /etc/lilo.conf and /etc/conf.modules are
unnecessary (although I don't think they will hurt anything). The line
in /etc/lilo.conf (hopefully this is spelled "append" rather than
"apppend") is there to prevent the boot process from attaching the
ide-cd driver to the CDRW. If your kernel doesn't have the ide-cd driver
compiled into it, then this line makes no difference. Similarly,
/etc/conf.modules is for drivers compiled as modules, and has no effect
on drivers compiled into the kernel.

Finally, let's assume from the symptoms you are getting that you do do
not have the recompiled kernel installed. If your CDRW is the primary
device on the second ide interface, I would expect that to be the first
device listed by cdrecord. Since it is not, I suspect that it is still
being grabbed by the ide-cd driver during boot. I can think of a few of
1) It is the old kernel with ide-cd in it, and your /etc/lilo.conf
really does contain the misspelling "apppend".
2) It is the old kernel with ide-cd in it and "append" is spelled
correctly, but you did not run /sbin/lilo after making the change.

Most of these issues can be cleared up by looking at /var/log/dmesg, so
it would be helpful if you posted that. In short, if you see a single
line showing the CDRW as hdc:
  hdc: PLEXTOR CD-R PX-W8432T, ATAPI CDROM drive
that is good. If it shows up again:
  hdc: ATAPI 32X CD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 4096kB Cache
that means it was grabbed by ide-cd.

>     Is there something to one device being seen as seven devices?
> Should there be a "scsi1" for the cd. Any help would be appreciated.

Do you mean that on boot (or in /var/log/dmesg) you are seeing the ZIP,
and hopefully the CDRW, listed 7 (or 8) times?

  Vendor: MATSHITA  Model: CD-RW  CW-7585    Rev: 1.01
  Type:   CD-ROM                             ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr8 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
  Vendor: MATSHITA  Model: CD-RW  CW-7585    Rev: 1.01
  Type:   CD-ROM                             ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr9 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 1
  Vendor: MATSHITA  Model: CD-RW  CW-7585    Rev: 1.01
  Type:   CD-ROM                             ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr10 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 2
  Vendor: MATSHITA  Model: CD-RW  CW-7585    Rev: 1.01
  Type:   CD-ROM                             ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr11 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 3
  Vendor: MATSHITA  Model: CD-RW  CW-7585    Rev: 1.01
  Type:   CD-ROM                             ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr12 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 4
  Vendor: MATSHITA  Model: CD-RW  CW-7585    Rev: 1.01
  Type:   CD-ROM                             ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr13 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 5
  Vendor: MATSHITA  Model: CD-RW  CW-7585    Rev: 1.01
  Type:   CD-ROM                             ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr14 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 6
  Vendor: MATSHITA  Model: CD-RW  CW-7585    Rev: 1.01
  Type:   CD-ROM                             ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr15 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 7

Then the answer is yes, it means the kernel was likely compiled with
"Probe all LUNs on each SCSI device". You can either recompile with that
turned off, or just create additional sg and scd device files if you
only have 8 of them.

> thanks,
> john

My real email is (or something like that).



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