Linux-Hardware Digest #33, Volume #14            Thu, 14 Dec 00 21:13:09 EST

  making a Contour Perfit USB mouse work  under Linux (Brendan Kehoe)
  Can't get floppy to work (Jorge)
  Re: ATI Rage Fury (Jorge)
  making a Contour USB Perfit mouse work with Linux (Brendan Kehoe)
  Re: ATI Rage Fury ("PyrO")
  Re: new hard disk (Andrey Vlasov)
  D-Link DFE 550 FX ("")
  D-Link DFE 550 FX ("Christian Westphal")
  configuration ttyS0 on HP netserver lc2000 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  soundblaster16 PnP plays 16-bit as noise ("Stewart Heitmann")
  Which motherboard? (Henning Pedersen)
  Re: Running linux on 486 (sik)
  Re: D-Link DFE 550 FX (Jens Stomber)
  CD key for the PowerDVD 1.6 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  sox: Invalid audio buffer size 0 (Black Cat)
  Re: Cable Modem Connecting??? ("Jennifer Sinsley")
  Re: Running linux on 486 (Carl Paul)


From: Brendan Kehoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: making a Contour Perfit USB mouse work  under Linux
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:12:39 GMT

I just wanted to take a moment and scribble down these notes, since I'm sure
others have encountered the same problems.

The goal has been to make my Contour Perfit USB mouse (model UP-L-R) work with
my Linux system.  The laptop is a Toshiba Portege 3200, and it's running a
very-updated version of RedHat 6.1.  (By now it's somewhere between RedHat 6.2
and 7.0, I imagine.)  It's running a 2.2.16 kernel, with the USB patch named
from the Linux-USB group at

Anyway, I got my mouse to work by doing these commands:

                 insmod usbcore
                 insmod usb-uhci
                insmod input
                insmod usbmouse

My kernel build was configured to have


(actually most of the CONFIG_USB_* stuff is set to be a module)

I then created /dev/usbmouse with:
                mknod /dev/usbmouse c 13 32
It uses major device 13 based on the result of doing a cat of /proc/devices,
which listed
                13 input

Anyway, after doing that on my non-X console screen, I then did

        gpm -k
        gpm -t ps2 -m /dev/usbmouse

and it worked!  I changed the /dev/mouse symlink to point at `usbmouse', and
with the XF86Config file containing

Section "InputDevice"
     Identifier  "PS2"
     Driver      "mouse"
     Option "Protocol"    "PS/2"
     Option "Device"      "/dev/mouse"

running X (version 4.0.1) seems perfectly happy.  Now to make all of that
insmod'ing more automatic.

You don't want to know how long it took to find this correct sequence of
events. :)


Brendan Kehoe

CTO, (
        -- Finally true Net marketing in .ie


Subject: Can't get floppy to work
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:26:15 GMT

I am unable to I/O to my floppy drive, althoght it has been congured by
the OS when I use 'fdflush'  it reports that the following
floppy0: probe failed.
When I 'ls' the /dev/fd0 the file is set to
br----x--t 1 root floppy  2,  0 .....

I tryed the same floppy drive on a Win95 and it worked, which leads me
to accept that it is CLOS where the problem is and not in the floppy


Subject: Re: ATI Rage Fury
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:31:12 GMT

I have the same card, and although my monitor is a vga/svga, I get
640x480 with 32 bit colour.
All you have to do is manually modify the XF86Config.
If this is what you are looking for just let me know and I'll give you
the details.

good luck!
Robert wrote:
> Hi all!
> anyone been succesful on configuring an ATI Rage Fury under xfree86
> 4.0.1?
> i actually can only get 640x480, which is *pathetic*
> please any related information is welcome, thanks very much


From: Brendan Kehoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: making a Contour USB Perfit mouse work with Linux
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:42:22 +0000

I just wanted to take a moment and scribble down these notes, since I'm sure
others have encountered the same problems.  I'd sent an earlier copy of this,
but that was missing a crucial part (the insmod of mousedev).  Thus this
revised copy is being sent in its place.  I think this information would be a
great addition to the page, which at
the moment only talks about the PS/2 and Serial uses of the Perfit.

The goal has been to make my Contour Perfit USB mouse (model UP-L-R) work with
my Linux system.  The laptop is a Toshiba Portege 3200, and it's running a
very-updated version of RedHat 6.1.  (By now it's somewhere between RedHat 6.2
and 7.0, I imagine.)  It's running a 2.2.16 kernel, with the USB patch named
from the Linux-USB group at

(I've started to try out 2.2.18, but have stuck to 2.2.16 due to the system
freezing while loading up serial_cb for my Xircom 10/100 PCMCIA ethernet card.
  Long story; suffice it to stay, I'm not investing a lot of time into that yet.)

Anyway, I got my mouse to work by doing these commands:

                 insmod usbcore
                 insmod usb-uhci
                 insmod input
                 insmod usbmouse
                insmod mousedev

My kernel build was configured to have


(actually most of the CONFIG_USB_* stuff is set to be a module)

I then created /dev/usbmouse with:
                 mknod /dev/usbmouse c 13 32
It uses major device 13 based on the result of doing a cat of /proc/devices,
which listed
                 13 input

Anyway, after doing that on my non-X console screen, I then did

         gpm -k
         gpm -t ps2 -m /dev/usbmouse

and it worked!  I changed the /dev/mouse symlink to point at `usbmouse', and
with the XF86Config file containing

Section "InputDevice"
      Identifier  "PS2"
      Driver      "mouse"
      Option "Protocol"    "PS/2"
      Option "Device"      "/dev/mouse"

running X (version 4.0.1) seems perfectly happy.  Now to make all of that
insmod'ing more automatic.

You don't want to know how long it took to find this correct sequence of
events. :)  In retrospect it sure seems obvious, but...



Subject: Re: ATI Rage Fury
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:43:17 GMT

In your XF86Config file, go to the Screen section (I believe its the screen
section) where it shows you the different types of resolution / colour depth
/ etc. Now the first resolution X reads is obviously the first one (in your
case, 640x480). Delete the one that you dont want and have your default /
favorite resolution the first one (instead of 640x480, change it to


"Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all!
> anyone been succesful on configuring an ATI Rage Fury under xfree86
> 4.0.1?
> i actually can only get 640x480, which is *pathetic*
> please any related information is welcome, thanks very much


From: Andrey Vlasov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: new hard disk
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 23:13:34 GMT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Ivan Danicic wrote:

> Hello,
> My pc has two hard discs: disk 1 for windows 98, disk 2 for linux (debian).
> I have always accessed disk 1 from linux with the command "mount /dev/hda1"
> (as root) with the corresponding line in /etc/fstab:
> /dev/hda1   /win  vfat   defaults  0  2

/dev/hda2 /mnt/win2 vfat   defaults  0  2

if D: located on extended patition it should be /dev/hda5 instead /dev/hda1

/dev/hd?1-/dev/hd?4 primary partiotions
/dev/hd?5-??????????? extended partiotions


> Now disk 1 has been replaced by a larger one which has had to be partitioned
> into two parts, known to windows 98 as drive C: and drive D:.
> Now the mount command as above accesses C: but not D:. How can I access
> D: from linux?
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Ivan
> --
> London, UK_________________________
> |  Eppur' si muove  - - Galileo    |
> *************************************


== System Development & Support Systems ============================
Andrey Vlassov                          Phones: +1-(604)-482-5792
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]               Home:   +1-(604)-294-6653
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Pager:  +1-(604)-473-1754

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Ivan Danicic wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hello,
<br>My pc has two hard discs: disk 1 for windows 98, disk 2 for linux (debian).
<br>I have always accessed disk 1 from linux with the command "mount /dev/hda1"
<br>(as root) with the corresponding line in /etc/fstab:
<br>/dev/hda1&nbsp;&nbsp; /win&nbsp; vfat&nbsp;&nbsp; defaults&nbsp; 0&nbsp;
/dev/hda2 /mnt/win2 vfat&nbsp;&nbsp; defaults&nbsp; 0&nbsp; 2
<p>if D: located on extended patition it should be /dev/hda5 instead /dev/hda1
<p>/dev/hd?1-/dev/hd?4 primary partiotions
<br>/dev/hd?5-??????????? extended partiotions
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;
<p>Now disk 1 has been replaced by a larger one which has had to be partitioned
<br>into two parts, known to windows 98 as drive C: and drive D:.
<br>Now the mount command as above accesses C: but not D:. How can I access
<br>D: from linux?
<br>Thanks for any suggestions.
<br>London, UK_________________________
<br>|&nbsp; Eppur' si muove&nbsp; - - Galileo&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |

<pre>== <font color="#006900">System Development &amp; Support Systems</font> 
<font color="#900000">Andrey 
 Phones: +1-(604)-482-5792
E-Mail: <a 
href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
 Home:&nbsp;&nbsp; +1-(604)-294-6653
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a 
href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
 Pager:&nbsp; <a href="">+1-(604)-473-1754



Subject: D-Link DFE 550 FX
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 00:21:26 +0100

Hi Newsgroup!

Does anybody know, if the D-Link DFE 550 FX NIC works with SuSE Linux 7.0?

If yes: how can I get it to work?

Thanks a lot!

Hi Leute!

Weiß jemand von Euch, ob die D-Link DFE 550 FX mit SuSE Linux 7.0

Wenn ja: wie?

Vielen Dank!



From: "Christian Westphal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: D-Link DFE 550 FX
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 00:23:38 +0100

Hi Newsgroup!

Does anybody know, if the D-Link DFE 550 FX NIC works with SuSE Linux 7.0?

If yes: how can I get it to work?

Thanks a lot!

Hi Leute!

Weiß jemand von Euch, ob die D-Link DFE 550 FX mit SuSE Linux 7.0

Wenn ja: wie?

Vielen Dank!



Subject: configuration ttyS0 on HP netserver lc2000
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 23:28:21 GMT

Running Redhat 6.1, but with 2.2.17 Kernel. I can't
seem to get my /dev/ttyS0 to work, nor /dev/ttyS1.

  I'm trying to install APC Powerchute software for the
  SmartUps 2200, but it can't talk to the serial port.
   940-0024C is the serial cable used...

  Are there special Kernel options for the drivers?
  I called HP, and they didn't have a clue.......
  Couldnt even tell me the chipset for the uarts..

  -Phil C.
| P. A. Carinhas, Ph.D.        |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |
| Fortuitous Technologies Inc. |   |
| Linux Training Services      |  Tel : 1-512 467-2154    |

Sent via


Reply-To: "Stewart Heitmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Stewart Heitmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: soundblaster16 PnP plays 16-bit as noise
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 10:42:19 +1100

Hi all,
does anyone know if 16-bit DMA actually works for
an ISA SoundBlaster16 PnP card running under Linux 2.2.x (RedHat) ?

I can get 8-bit (DMA 1) and MIDI working ok, but 16-bit (DMA 2)
plays sounds overlayed by an awful white noise hiss.
I can still hear the original sound under the hiss if I listen carefully so
cant be too far wrong - byte ordering problem perhaps?

Anyway, i've tried every combination of interrupt and port that sndconfig
allows me and still no luck.
Has anyone had this problem too?

stewart heitmann


From: Henning Pedersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Which motherboard?
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:52:15 -0500

Hej everybody.

I am planning to make a new linux box with dual processor and I have so far
found 3 boards that is ok in price. Is there anyone who has experience with
any of them then I would like to know about it.
the boards are the following:

1. TYAN Tiger230 S2507
2. VP6 Abit Dual FC-PGA Socket

Thanks in advance.



Subject: Re: Running linux on 486
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 00:05:46 GMT

Actually.. I'm not planning on even using Gnome or KDE.. or any other
gui.... do you know if there is any linux distro that is small enough
that i could download and fit on a couple of floppies?

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 07:15:19 GMT, James Richard Tyrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>sik wrote:
>> Hi.. I posted a few days ago about not being able to get linux started
>> on my old 486 when i installed it on this comp (with cdrom) and
>> transferred the hd back... i got it to start, but now i've come up
>> with a problem that i thought i would prob get... i get a kernal panic
>> becuase it was compiled for a pentium, and i'm trying to run it on a
>> 486.. is there anyway to recompile it without starting it? .. or to
>> change the kernal on this comp? or is my only option getting a cdrom
>> and installing it from the 486? .. Thanks for any help!
>You have to have a running system to compile a Kernel.
>If the Kernel on the CD is compiled for a 586 or 686 it won't work.
>Might I suggest that on a 486 that you might want to use Red Hat 5.2 and
>FVWM for the window manager.
>And, that you will find that using Gnome or KDE may be too much for it.
>Too slow.


From: Jens Stomber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: D-Link DFE 550 FX
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 01:30:11 GMT

Am besten mal unter die neusten Linux Treiber runterladen. =

In der Knowledge Base wirst du sicherlich einen guten Rat finden.

Mit freundlichen Gr=FC=DFen Jens Stomber

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Urspr=FCngliche Nachricht <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Am 15.12.00, 00:21:26, schrieb ""=20
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> zum Thema D-Link DFE 550 FX:

> Hi Newsgroup!

> Does anybody know, if the D-Link DFE 550 FX NIC works with SuSE Linux =


> If yes: how can I get it to work?

> Thanks a lot!

> Christian
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Hi Leute!

> Wei=DF jemand von Euch, ob die D-Link DFE 550 FX mit SuSE Linux 7.0
> funktioniert?

> Wenn ja: wie?

> Vielen Dank!

> Christian


Subject: CD key for the PowerDVD 1.6
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 01:37:56 GMT

I lost the CD key for my PowerDVD 1.6 CD-ROM.  If you happen to have it,
please send it to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I really appreciate that.

Sent via


From: Black Cat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sox: Invalid audio buffer size 0
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:58:04 -0700

        I'm trying to get my linux box to use the Sound Blaster card, but when
I try to play a sound bit from play, it gives me this error.
        I've made sure that the irq, io, and dma settings were correct.  I
cross referenced them with the win98 that's running on it and the
modprobe in the startup scripts. The /dev/sndstat looks like this:

root@remsik:/fat-d/desktop/Sounds# cat /dev/sndstat
Load type: Driver loaded as a module
Kernel: Linux remsik 2.2.16 #97 Fri Jun 16 19:45:30 PDT 2000 i686
Config options: 0

Installed drivers: 

Card config: 

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.12) (DUPLEX)

Synth devices:
0: Yamaha OPL3

Midi devices:

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster

        I'm running a slackware 7.1.
        Pleaze help, this is starting to get on my nerves..


From: "Jennifer Sinsley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cable Modem Connecting???
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 02:05:11 GMT

It is the right adapter..  the SMC 2202.  I am just having trouble finding
out how to install it

"Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:QV7_5.147554$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 13:14:41 GMT, Jennifer Sinsley
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In my device manager it says EZ Connect USB/Eithernet Converter.  The
> > manufacture is SMC.  I can not find any numbers...   and in Control
> > and Network... it says EZ Connect USB / Eithernet Converter.  Doesn't
> > driver info
> There has to be a number on your SMC USB device. Look at your USB device
> not the software or control panel. It should at least have a FCC-ID number
on it.
> >
> >
> >
> > scribe/Grpahics-magic
> > "Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:iE2_5.146873$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 06:23:06 GMT, Jennifer Sinsley
> > >  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Anyone here on the @Home system??  I just got Slackware 7.1 with the
> > latest
> > > > kernel for USB support.  My network adapter for @Home is USB.  Cany
> > anyone
> > > > direct me is getting it to work with Linux?  I am stuck in Windows
> > > > internet usage because I also have a winmodem which doesn't work in
> > Linux.
> > > >
> > >
> > > What USB device do you have? If it is the SMC 2202 then you can use
> > > the Pegasus driver. See
> > > also see
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > > Best Regards,
> > >
> > > Keith         (Use Reply-to for email)
> > > Avertir ce page Web est illégal pour visualiser en France.
> > > --
> > > Where do you discover free software for Windows? Strongsignals DOT COM
> > a
> > > great place to start:  "Where would
> > be
> > > if Jesus got eight to fifteen years with time off for good behavior?"
> > > State Senator James Donovan, speaking in support of capital
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> --
> Best Regards,
> Keith         (Use Reply-to for email)
> Avertir ce page Web est illégal pour visualiser en France.
> --
> Where do you discover free software for Windows? Strongsignals DOT COM is
> great place to start:  "Where would Christianity
> if Jesus got eight to fifteen years with time off for good behavior?" NY
> State Senator James Donovan, speaking in support of capital punishment.


From: Carl Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Running linux on 486
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 21:28:00 -0500

sik wrote:
> Actually.. I'm not planning on even using Gnome or KDE.. or any other
> gui.... do you know if there is any linux distro that is small enough
> that i could download and fit on a couple of floppies?


In addition to the main attraction (tomsrtbt) he has links to many other 
small distros...




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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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