Linux-Hardware Digest #178, Volume #13            Wed, 5 Jul 00 11:13:07 EDT

  Re: ATI Rage 128 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Access Memorystick as hdc1 on Sony laptop? (Reiney)
  Re: k6-2 (Kenneth Rørvik)
  Getting Redhat  on 12 MB ("the fat heffer")
  Mounting an ATAPI CD-RW (Gareth Howell)
  Re: Problems in instaling Red Hat (Samy Atoui)
  unable to configure a dlink dfe530tx+ NIC ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Drivers for vortex2 cards (=?iso-8859-1?Q?J=E9r=F4me?= Baldo)
  Re: I Did A Bad Thing... (Arthur R Peale)
  Re: k6-2 (Eric Wick)
  Re: APC upsd Linux software (Eric Wick)
  [Q] Any single board computer to be inserted into AT compatible MB? (Koch)
  Re: Compaq FP720... - SOLVED (Stefan Wedin)
  Re: Looking for sexy embedded linux hardware (Sylvain POURRE)
  Re: Mounting an ATAPI CD-RW (Darko)
  Re: Two network cards on same subnet (Thomas Gagne)
  Installing 3rd HD ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  how can I change thesettings to the system sounds in gnome/sawmill? (David. E. Goble)
  xircom cardbus + modem (John Lodge)
  linux and USB (John Lodge)
  Re: linux and USB (Kenneth Rørvik)
  Which fiber optic network card? (Werner Arnhold)
  Re: pic programmer that works under linux (System V)
  Re: LT Win Modem Installation Problems (root)
  2 PCMCIA cards (Alex)
  newbie (sylvain hutchison)
  Re: Getting Redhat  on 12 MB (Tom Eastep)
  game card questions (Dave Phillips)
  Linux and the Tyan S1833 (Lou Grinzo)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: ATI Rage 128
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 07:20:09 GMT

> > > > > > I'm having a strange problem with my ATI Rage 128 (XPERT
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I installed Redhat 6.2 (xfree86 3.3.6) and it found and
> > > > > > the card properly. I get video that appears ok, but whenever
I move
> > > > > > a window I see a lot of strange video noise appearing as
vertical bands
> > > > > > running from the top to the bottom of the screen. They are
> > > > > > evenly spaced.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Anybody else seen this problem? Is the card ok?
> > > > > >

I've had the same problem with SuSE 6.4 and XFree86 3.3.6. In 8bit
mode it was better, but not completely fixed.

So I tried XFree86 4.0 with the same effect.

But, with the XFree86 4.0.1 which I have compiled by myself two
days ago, all the noise is gone. No distortion when moving the mouse
or a window.

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Before you buy.


From: Reiney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Access Memorystick as hdc1 on Sony laptop?
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 02:46:56 -0400


I'm trying to get the memorystick to work on my VAIO (Z505HE) laptop,
dual boot w/ SuSE 6.4/win98.   I've heard that this should work and the
'stick will be found during the PCI scan as "hdc1". I've had no luck.
Lspci finds it at 00:0D.0 with "Region 0:memory at fecfe800 and
correctly idents as "FLASH memory: Sony Corp".  Is this something simple
like mknod and an "hdc1=" parameter to LILO or is a separate driver
required.  Any help would be just great!




Subject: Re: k6-2
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenneth Rørvik)
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 07:49:11 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ralph Blach) wrote in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>I have k6-2.  What processor type do I select when I compile the kernel?

Select the Pentium/K6..etc option. If you want to try the new 2.4.0-test2 
kernel, there is also a K6-2 option I think. 

Kenneth Rørvik          91841353/22718452
Steenstrupsgate 5 B     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
0554 OSLO     


From: "the fat heffer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Getting Redhat  on 12 MB
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 09:18:56 +0100

Does anyone know whether its possible to get redhat on to a 12mb disk
I have heard you can recompile the kernal or something


From: Gareth Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Mounting an ATAPI CD-RW
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 10:40:37 +0200

Hi !

I've managed to get my IDE ATAPI CD-RW working .. well, sortof.
I followed the HOW-TO (recompiled kernel with generic SCSI support etc
etc), and I'm
now able to burn CD's to my heart's content.

I can't seem to mount CD's though.
I've tried mounting /dev/scd0 and I get something like "Wrong major or
minor number"

Please help !



From: Samy Atoui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems in instaling Red Hat
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 10:49:03 +0200

coder-a wrote:
> I want to install Red Hat but I have a problem. I have 16 GB disk space. For
> linux I left 2 GB clear and when I am choosing Wokstation Instalation Linux
> tells me that I heve not enought free memory space. What's the matter?
> Please help me.
> My e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thanks a lot
Are those 2GB of free space at the end of your disk?
- the Linux /boot partition needs to be within the first 1024 cylinders
(around 8GB)
- did you specify a swap patition (or are you out of patitions?)?
- try using the "custom" setup, it gives you more control over things.
- if all else fails, try to partition your disk with fdisk (during
install: switch to the shell
ctrl-alt-F2, type "fdisk /tmp/hda" (for IDE) or "fdisk /tmp/sda" for
- please note that win2000 and some versions of win98 create strange
extended partitions, so
whenever possible repartition with Linux (a tom's rescue disk will
suffice) or at least use
WinNT (with at least SP4). of course you'll lose all your data if you


Subject: unable to configure a dlink dfe530tx+ NIC
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 08:53:35 GMT

I have Red Hat LInux 6.2.  The installation has the driver already
(rtl8139.o).  I have been unsucessful in getting the driver to work.
Ater the card is installed in a PCI slot, Linux prompts asking to
install and configure the the NIC.  I say yes and configure the card for
a static IP and subnet mask.  The configuration is confirmed and the
boot process continues.  As Linux gives feedback on which modules have
started sucessfully?  The configuration for a ethernet card "fails" and
the error message says something about the command "ismod" to setup the

Sent via
Before you buy.


Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 11:24:29 +0200
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?J=E9r=F4me?= Baldo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Drivers for vortex2 cards

Who knows where I can find drivers for my Diamond Monster sound MX300
soundcard ?
I am currently using Linux Mandrake 7.1.

The problem is, that and do not work !



From: Arthur R Peale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I Did A Bad Thing...
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 05:37:51 -0400

Arthur R Peale wrote:

<snip> I've also got an additional secondary hard drive
keeps powering down.  It's slighty inconvenient.  I don't have APM
enabled.  Any suggestions?


From: Eric Wick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: k6-2
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 05:16:16 +0200

Ralph Blach wrote:

> I have k6-2.  What processor type do I select when I compile the
kernel? > 

Pentium (586) and switch on the MTRR Support

Linux: Gateway & Clients,SDragon,Notebooks,Hardwaretips
Tschau von der Waterkant sagt Eric


From: Eric Wick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: APC upsd Linux software
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 05:18:26 +0200

Magnus Svensson wrote:

> Is this Good Stuff(tm)?

Try out genpowerd, there will be more ways to use the UPS.

> Has anybody got this running? Success stories?

Just seen, screamed and thrown to /dev/null ;-)

Linux: Gateway & Clients,SDragon,Notebooks,Hardwaretips
Tschau von der Waterkant sagt Eric


Subject: [Q] Any single board computer to be inserted into AT compatible MB?
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 10:09:59 GMT

Is there any single board computer, which can be inserted 
into an AT compatible PC's PCI socket?

Of cource run Linux.



Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 13:11:21 +0200
From: Stefan Wedin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Compaq FP720... - SOLVED

Stefan Wedin wrote:
> Has anyone managed to get XFree86 to work on a Compaq FP720 digital flat panel
> display? I'm using it with a TNT2 graphics board with digital out.

Never mind, when I figured out how to use the framebuffer I finally got it to



Subject: Re: Looking for sexy embedded linux hardware
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 13:15:35 +0200

Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Finn Schiermer Andersen) writes:
> >Hi, I hope you'll help me on this one.
> Let's give it a try.
> >The IT-University ( in Copenhagen, Denmark, is currently
> >working to establish an "embedded Linux Lab", and I'm doing a
> >preliminary survey trying to find interesting issues and gadgets
> >powered by Linux. I have no prior experience with embedded devices,
> >though, and I'm afraid of missing out something interesting. So far
> >we've narrowed our focus to devices *with* MMUs. I'm looking for
> This will probably exclude some of the  really  small  projects,  but
> sounds reasonable to me.
> >devices which can be usefull for teaching purposes. They must be
> >(in some respect) new, interesting, sexy.. like for instance very
> >small. I'm aware that the "very small" requirement is somewhat in
> >conflict with the "with MMU" requirement.
> There is no conflict: today you can buy a board half the  size  of  a
> credit card (54x44 mm²) with PowerPC CPU, up to 64 MB of RAM, 8 MB of
> Flash, serial ports, parallel port, LCD/VGA-Controller, USB, CAN-Bus,
> Ethernet, ...
> >I've found things such as the itsy and the yopy. I read sites
> >like Am I missing something ?
> Maybe the TQ modules :-)
> Have a look at
> and
> [Sorry, the presentation is in German, but the images are "sexy".]
> And yes, you can get this system with Linux on it.


"Klein aber fein" ;-)
I'm a french radioamateur (F1MYZ) and I'm very interested
by your enbedded linux systems to controll a self-made transceiver. I
would like to ask you some questions about Linux and real time. So far I
knew Linux is not a real time system, have you a special kernel or a
patch on a normal one. Is it possible to burn the kernel and programms
into a ROM, PROM or EEPROM? What about the adresses translation when the
programm is loaded. Do you use a special compiler to product such a code
or do you use the normal gcc with an option. Is it possible to developp
programms and to debugg them on the board or is it necessary to use a
cross-compiler on an intel PC. The last but not the less is it possible
to buy a single board ?

If you answer to mee via e-mail, you can do it in German  



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Mounting an ATAPI CD-RW
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 11:28:28 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Gareth Howell wrote:
>I can't seem to mount CD's though.
>I've tried mounting /dev/scd0 and I get something like "Wrong major or
>minor number"
Try with /dev/sr0 etc. Use the device ide-scsi module reports during
initalization. dmesg might give some hints.

Cheers, Darko


From: Thomas Gagne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Two network cards on same subnet
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 07:39:26 -0400

Situation I/Question I - Does it matter which card you unplug on the network?
Is it possible all the routes are setup to go through the card that was
unplugged?  Maybe routed needs to be cranked up so as to maintain routes for
both interfaces.

For Open Source Middleware Visit


Subject: Installing 3rd HD ?
Date: 5 Jul 2000 11:57:29 GMT


   my old 486, with an I/O card which drives my 2 physical HDs,
doesn't "see" more than 2 HD settings ( C: & D:) when I, enter
CMOS setup.

The I/O card has many jumpers.
* Is it perhaps jumpered to see only the master and slave of the
first IDE port ?
* can the CMOS setting even handle another 2 HD's; since it seems the 
 CMOS-setting-screen would need to show 2 more lines ?
* since I can't figure out how the jumper settings go, does this
   mean I can't fit a third physical HD ?

Thanks for any answers/advice, also emailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chris Glur.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David. E. Goble)
Subject: how can I change thesettings to the system sounds in gnome/sawmill?
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 12:29:25 GMT

Hi all;

My sound card produces some sounds when I am running gnome/sawmill on
redhat 6.2. However when I tried to play the sound files set in the
sound set control, I can only just make out the differentes. The
laughter.wav sounds like a couple of bits and blurps.

The system is on a 486dx2/66 with 20meg RAM. Anyway to make the sounds
better. Oh I have a ES1868 sound card from ESS Technology.

--Regards :                David. E. Goble
      Po Box 648 Kingscote Kangaroo Island South Australia 5223


From: John Lodge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: xircom cardbus + modem
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 11:19:09 +0100 


I am successfully using a Xircom 10/100 + 56k, as a network card and a

It is on a Toshiba Tecra 8100, with version 3.1.14 of the pcmcia

What version information can you supply to help diagnose your problem?


John Lodge


=====Original Message=====
From: Steve Rodgers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Posted At: Thursday, June 29, 2000 08:45
Posted To: hardware
Conversation: xircom cardbus + modem
Subject: xircom cardbus + modem

Anyone manage to get the Xircom cardbus 100/10 ethernet + 56k modem

I'm using Mandrake 7.0 and although pcmcia detects the card, it
the ethernet card ok, but I get modem busy whenever trying to access the

Tried every serial port under the sun to no avail.

Any ideas?


From: John Lodge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux and USB
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 11:21:03 +0100 


Can someone please tell me, the latest status of USB support for Linux,
or point me in a direction where I can find out.

Much obliged

John Lodge



Subject: Re: linux and USB
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenneth Rørvik)
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 13:12:34 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Lodge) wrote in 

>Can someone please tell me, the latest status of USB support for Linux,
>or point me in a direction where I can find out. :)

Kenneth Rørvik          91841353/22718452
Steenstrupsgate 5 B     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
0554 OSLO     


From: Werner Arnhold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Which fiber optic network card?
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 15:36:38 +0200

Hello folks,

we've got fibre optic cables in our house and now need to connect them
to linux machines.
Who knows about reliable network cards running under Linux. Who is using

I have to learn a lot new stuff on this topic. Can somebody tell me the
difference between
Fiber Optic on Ethernet (100BaseFX) and FDDI. Where can I find
information to feed my brain.

Werner Arnhold
FU Berlin, FB 12, GEDIB
Arbeitsbereich Lehrerfortbildung und Informatische Bildung
Tel.: 030 / 838-56328, priv: 030 / 74 22 555


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (System V)
Subject: Re: pic programmer that works under linux
Date: 5 Jul 2000 13:51:32 GMT

#include <std/disclaimer.h>


>  I am looking for a serial port pic programmer that would work under linux
>I had tried the schematics at 
Why Serial?

I use the NO Parts Pic Programer (NOPPP), this is a paralell port programer.
works fine.



Subject: Re: Mounting an ATAPI CD-RW
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: 5 Jul 2000 10:00:21 -0400

In comp.os.linux.hardware Gareth Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've managed to get my IDE ATAPI CD-RW working .. well, sortof.
> I followed the HOW-TO (recompiled kernel with generic SCSI support etc
> etc), and I'm
> now able to burn CD's to my heart's content.

You can burn with only SCSI support and the generic SCSI driver (and maybe
the vendor extensions). On the other hand, to read from it (mount it) you
will need SCSI-CD-ROM support too.


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: LT Win Modem Installation Problems
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 09:09:18 -0500

Joe G wrote:
> Okay, I downloaded the appropriate files.  It says:
> "To install the Lucent modem driver in LINUX, you need to run the install
> script "./ltinst" from the command prompt."
> I go to "konsole" and type ./ltinst
> I get an error saying that the module "ltmodem" was not found!
> There is a file in the same directory called ltmodem.o
> Is there some other place I should put this file?
> I'm using Linux Mandrake 7.1 and it has been great with everything except my
> modem. :oP
> Thanks in Advance.
> - Joe G.

I had the same problem initially, until I realize that the scripts had
Basically the name of the module is ltmodem.o  , it must be loaded with
insmod -f ltmodem.o  (check the termination .o in the ltinst script !!
in two places), 
and removed with rmmod ltmodem  (no termination here). The script only
needs to 
be run once. Good luck.


PS. It works great, and I get same conn. speeds as I used the first/only
week I used 
MS Windows.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: 2 PCMCIA cards
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 16:20:54 +0200

Hi all,

I have Toshiba Tecra8100 laptop with RH6.2 installed. I have 2 PCMCIA 
sockets availiable. I need one for ethernet card and another for serial
(actually GSM card). Each of them work fine, if it is alone.
I use 3com589 (network) and Psion Gold Card GSM (serial).
I tried Ericsson DC23 GSM card as well.
In case of 2 cards I have a problem with IRQ. I couldn't use
second card at all.
After booting with 2 cards:
#cardctl config
Socket 0: irq10
Socket 1: no information about irq...

If only one card inserted, it always gets irq10.
I have also followinf HW: com1(ttyS0), Yamaha sound, PS/2 mouse, 
Lucent V.90 modem (I guess winmodem).

What could I do in order to get irq for second card?

Any help will be appreciated,


From: sylvain hutchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: newbie
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 10:24:59 -0700

Hi, I was told that it might be hard to connect my linux machine to a
printer because of the fact that printers are noramlly made to
communicate with a windows OS, but I need to get my machine connected to
the printer we have here at work, but I can't do it. I'm connected to
the server, at least that works, and I am trying to use the command
printcap, but seems hard to use!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Eastep)
Subject: Re: Getting Redhat  on 12 MB
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 06:55:14 -0700

the fat heffer wrote:
>Does anyone know whether its possible to get redhat on to a 12mb disk
>I have heard you can recompile the kernal or something

No kernel recompilation is necessary -- what problems are you having?

Tom Eastep             \  Eastep's First Principle of Computing:
ICQ #60745924           \  "Any sane computer will tell you how it
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       \   works if you ask it the proper questions"
Shoreline, Washington USA \___________________________________________


From: Dave Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: game card questions
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 11:23:28 -0400


  I'm going to be writing an article about games available for Linux. My
current video card is an Xpert@Play, which is an ATI Mach64-based card.
Xfree86 has it as a "3D Rage LT Pro AGP-133" with 8 megs RAM.

  My question concerns the viability of this card for games requiring
OpenGL/Mesa. Is this a usable card ? Do I need the Glide drivers for
this card, or is Glide something available only for the Voodoo cards ?
If I do need Glide, where can I find it for the ATI card ?

  I've built and installed Mesa 3.2 and SDL 1.1.3 in order to compile
and run GLHeretic. The game runs, but it's s-l-o-w, big time. The X and
SVGA versions run fine. I'm aiming at getting Quake III installed and
running, so any advice that will get me there is much appreciated.

  I would of course like to use the card I have, but I'll purchase a new
one if absolutely necessary. Btw, the rest of my machine: PIII 550 w.
256 megs RAM, two 15G IDE drives.

  Respond either via email or the newsgroup, doesn't matter to me.

Best regards,

== Dave Phillips


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lou Grinzo)
Subject: Linux and the Tyan S1833
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 15:07:16 GMT

Anyone here have experience with Linux on the Tyan 1833
mobo?  I'm interested in running this with a pair of
P-III's, likely 750MHz.

Are there any problems with Linux and the VIA Apollo
Pro 133A chipset?

Does the UDMA 66 IDE support work with Linux?  If so, 
any particular distros to lean toward or away from?

I'd like to stick with RH 6.2 if at all possible on 
this system, in case that matters.





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