Linux-Hardware Digest #279, Volume #13           Sat, 22 Jul 00 14:13:06 EDT

  Re: UDMA/66 HPT 366 ("B. Joshua Rosen")
  guest ftp user can't see files? ("Devon Harding")
  SCSI & ide together ("Reed Gregory")
  Looking for Voodoo drivers... (Chris Everhart)
  Re: SCSI & ide together (James Lothian)
  Re: Linux SMP box Locks (smp root)
  Network/Ethernet, still need help, more information this time. ("Brian Davis")
  Re: M$ IntelliMouse ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Of RH 6.2 newbies and the USR 56K Fax PCI modem (Mateo)
  Re: What distribution to install ? (Adrien Huvier)
  Re: Sound card, S/PDIF out? (Paul Bristow)
  Re: Problem with missing RAM (Adrien Huvier)
  Looking for driver for 3D Blaster Annihilator 2 ("Sabri Dilmi")
  Re: UDMA/66 HPT 366 (Markus Kossmann)
  Re: AMD Duron & Microstar M/B (Michael Meding)
  Re: DVD software (Michael Meding)
  Re: Starting Gnome (Mike Gifford)
  UDMA66 (Dougt)
  MSI-6330 K7Tpro integrated sound annyone ? (Michael Meding)
  Re: Linux support for Sony AIT drive (SDX-300X)? (Torbjorn Lindgren)
  Re: Problem with 3C509 network card (Dougt)
  Re: UDMA66 (Chris Everhart)
  Re: Netgear FA-310TX with Tulip chip (sideband)


From: "B. Joshua Rosen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UDMA/66 HPT 366
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 10:23:18 -0400

I read that Mandrake 7.1 can handle Ultra 66, check there website.

Guillaume wrote:
> Hi, I'm using an Abit BE6 (uses the HPT 366) with a IBM DeskStar Ultra DMA
> 66 (45GB) and it is not reconized by My SuSe Linux 6.2.
> The problem is that I've not installed it yet and it's all on CD.
> I don't know if ther's a way to get a new Boot Disk that could reconize my
> drive or if there's a way to copy the CD's on my hard Drive then patch the
> Linux Kernel ...
> Anyway, I'd like to have some help with this ...
> THX !


From: "Devon Harding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: guest ftp user can't see files?
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 11:18:51 -0400

I created a guest ftp user, but upon login, no files or dirs are shown.  I
created the bin,etc,lib dir with associated files in the /home/guest dir.
When I use a normal user, I can see all files.  Here are my passwd, group
and ftpaccess files:

    class   all   real,guest,anonymous  *

    class   local   guest   *
    limit   local   5       Any
    guestgroup      guest

    email root@localhost

    loginfails 5

    readme  README*    login
    readme  README*    cwd=*

    message /welcome.msg            login
    message .message                cwd=*

    compress        yes             all
    tar             yes             all
    chmod           no              guest,anonymous
    delete          no              guest,anonymous
    overwrite       no              guest,anonymous
    rename          no              guest,anonymous
    delete          yes             John

    log transfers anonymous,real inbound,outbound

    shutdown /etc/shutmsg

    passwd-check rfc822 warn

    guest:x:503:503:Guest User:/home/guest/./:/bin/ftponly



From: "Reed Gregory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SCSI & ide together
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 15:30:35 GMT

I am having numerous problems.  First off i have the Asus P3V4X board with
the Apollo Pro 133A chipset.  I am trying to use my scsi chain and some ide
hard drives together.  Whenever i make changes to lilo i have to make sure
that no ide drives are hooked up or it will warn me that sda is not the
first disk.  i am trying to make my scsi hd the main hd and the ide's are
just for storage.  Also i am having trouble implementing the ata66 on this
motherboard.  i patched the kernel with the ide updates and make sure i
checked the via part of the ata66 when i compiled my kernel. When i try to
set the transfer mode to UDMA 4 it says "speed warnings" UDMA transfer modes
3/4/5 unoperational.  Any one have any ideas on either of these problems.
Both my ide hard drives are udma66.



From: Chris Everhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: 3dfx.glide.linux
Subject: Looking for Voodoo drivers...
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 15:34:22 GMT

I just purchased a 3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 card for my linux system because
everybody raved about their linux support.  Now I go to download the
drivers so I can plug them into XFree86, and for the past couple weeks, has been down.  Anybody know what's up?  Anybody have the
latest copy of the drivers they can send me, or an alternate location to
check out?

I'm currently running RedHat 6.1, XFree86 3.3.5.  I'm not ready to
upgrade to 4.0 yet.


W. Christopher Everhart


From: James Lothian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI & ide together
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 16:42:31 +0100

I can't help with the second problem. As for the first one:
unless you tell it, Lilo has no way of knowing which drive
your bios is set to boot from. If you have only IDE drives, 
it assumes the bios is set to boot from the first IDE drive.
If you have only scsi, it assumes you're booting off the first
scsi drive. However, if you have both, it assumes you are 
booting off the first IDE drive. In your case, this is wrong.
You need to add a section to your lilo.conf that says something
like this:
disk=/dev/sda [or whatever your scsi boot disk is]
        bios=0x80 [tell lilo that the bios is set to boot from it]
(I wouldn't swear that I've got this exactly right from memory.)
These days, this stuff is in the lilo man page, as well as in
the full documentation (which should be in /usr/doc/something,
depending on your linux distribution). Rest assured that you're
not the only person who's been got by this :-)


Reed Gregory wrote:
> I am having numerous problems.  First off i have the Asus P3V4X board with
> the Apollo Pro 133A chipset.  I am trying to use my scsi chain and some ide
> hard drives together.  Whenever i make changes to lilo i have to make sure
> that no ide drives are hooked up or it will warn me that sda is not the
> first disk.  i am trying to make my scsi hd the main hd and the ide's are
> just for storage.  Also i am having trouble implementing the ata66 on this
> motherboard.  i patched the kernel with the ide updates and make sure i
> checked the via part of the ata66 when i compiled my kernel. When i try to
> set the transfer mode to UDMA 4 it says "speed warnings" UDMA transfer modes
> 3/4/5 unoperational.  Any one have any ideas on either of these problems.
> Both my ide hard drives are udma66.
> Thanks
> rgzoso


Subject: Re: Linux SMP box Locks
From: smp root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 09:00:19 -0700

personnally, i would start by trying a newer kernel.  2.2.16 or
2.2.17pre did change the smp code, take a look at the release
notes on 2.2.16 at and while you're there take a
look at alan's diary on the question.


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From: "Brian Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Network/Ethernet, still need help, more information this time.
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 12:08:46 -0400

Hi folks,

Sorry this is long, but I have a problem that I can't seem to get sorted

I'm using an older machine of mine to run IP Masq. for my cable modem
connection.  This machine is replacing a PS1 that was doing IP Masq. for 2
years.  I mention that because the replacement system is using all the same
hardware (as far as NICs, Hub, cables), so I'm trying to rule the hardware
out.  Said replacement machine is my roommates hand-me down, and it has been
working fine prior to this.

Anyway, both cards are 3c509B-TPOs.  eth0 has I/O of 0x300 and IRQ of 15 and
eth1 has I/O of 0x210 and IRQ of 9.  Both devices show up in
/proc/interrupts, and ifconfig reports these settings as well, so I'm pretty
confident that it's not a resource issue.

eth0 is working great, gets DHCP address from provider, can ping the world,
we're looking good.

eth1, however, is another story.  I can bring the interface up using

Specifically: ifconfig eth1 netmask up

but when I try to ping, nothing.  Then I tried a traceroute just to see what
that would give me.  I received !H, which the man page says is a host
unreachable message.  So then I checked the arp table, and saw that it is
not able to successfully arp for the other host (which was a pc with IP connected to a hub with the linux box, and became a pc connected
directly to the linux box via cross-over cable for debugging purposes).  I
even manually entered the arp entry, and it didn't help.

The route entry looks OK, specifically:

Dest              GW        NM                  Flags  Iface  U       eth1

One thing that I did notice was that the TX packets (as reported by
ifconfig) are increasing when I do pings, but the eth1 value in
/proc/interrupts never increases higher than 1.  The eth0 vaule increases
with every packet I send/receive on that interface.  I took eth1 out of the
system and checked /proc/interrupts to make sure there was no other device
was trying to use IRQ 9, and that checked out OK.

Any ideas?  I'm stumped, and have run out of things to try.



Subject: Re: M$ IntelliMouse
Date: 22 Jul 2000 12:12:07 -0400

Christian Weihs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, the middlemousebutton (MMB) works but it´s a bit ... strange.
> Especially
> in Netscape. When I press the MMB, Netscape starts loading another page.
> It seems
> the MMB click inserts the clipboard contents into the url-field. Hmm.
> Maybe thats
> just what it´s supposed to do.

Yes, but there isn't a "real" standard that all programmes adhere to for

The usual X-copy/paste is:

Highlight things with the left mouse button.

Move the mouse to another application and press the middle mouse button.

That is copy/paste.

E.g. with two terminal windows running pico in Gnome, I use that to
copy/paste between them.

Of course, GNOME's gnp (notepad+ programme) uses CTRL-C, CTRL-V (like
Windows, though middle mouse button often works). Netscape used ALT-C,
ALT-V (but alt-v only pastes what you copy in Netscape with alt-c: if you
copy from something else by highlighting with the left mouse button, use
the middle mouse button to paste). CTRL-C (on highlighted material in
Messenger) just seems to delete it. E.g. I use alt-c to highlight (in
Netscape) and middle mouse button to paste into gnp. Or use the middle
mouse button to paste something into Netscape.

That's one thing that bugs me about Linux. So many programmes set up their
own ways of doing things (as in old DOS programmes where every programme
might have had its own set of commands for doing things and there was no
real standard).


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.redhat,alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: Of RH 6.2 newbies and the USR 56K Fax PCI modem
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 11:17:52 -0500

"Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
> In comp.os.linux.hardware e miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : I do not have an evil winmodem.  I checked before i bought it.
> That's what you say. Why should we believe you? Where's your proof?
> If you checked, show us the facts you checked. You won't get anywhere
> until you get your mind out of the way ...
> :> I have a U.S. Robotics 56K Fax PCI Modem.  In Win98 Sucks Edition, it is
> :> at COM5, IRQ 10 and E400.  How do i get Red Hat Linux 6.2 to recognize
> Peter


Some companies are realizing the stygma that the word "Winmodem" has and
have abandoned the title
but not the practice. Whenever one is considering buying a PCI modem I
would check it thouroughly to make sure it doesn't leech off of the main
CPU, since I would daresay that *most* PCI modems are Winmodems.



From: Adrien Huvier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What distribution to install ?
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 18:16:14 +0200

Jason Byrne wrote:

> Rob Sykes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:8l6gvn$7cv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Remove NOSPAM to e-mail
> > "emwafol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > I have only used RedHat but i love it...easy to use and a good homepage
> > > with lots of stuff :)
> > > If you are new to Linux you might enjoy he RPM "system" too!
> > >
> > > --Anders Folkesson
> >
> >
> > The RPM package comes with Suse 6.4 as well - which I use, mainly on the
> > recommendation of friends - also the documentation is v. good
> >
> > --
> > Rob Sykes
> I second the vote on SuSE 6.4... but I have used it since 6.1.  I have
> RedHat 6.1 sparc running on a Sun sparc 10, but I wouldn't install it by
> choice on an Intel machine.  Have to agree with the comment about the *very*
> nice manual if you're still figuring things out.
> not to sidestep Linux... Solaris x86 is also a nice alternative... if you
> have nice compatible hardware - and you can set it up like a Linux machine
> with a bunch of GNU tools without too much work.  Or... you could always go
> for FreeBSD.
> I've heard good things about Debian and Slackware... but haven't used them
> personally.

FreeBSD is great and really easy to set up, and is compatible with Linux ELF
binaries if you decide so.
There's also a useful handbook online, and the ports system is great (especially
with a permanent internet connection).
If only talking about linux I'd say Slackware is fine.
RPM-based distribs don't even deserve a look.

- Un arbre c'est pas forcément connexe,
  il peut y avoir des feuilles mortes!
- Oui, mais les feuilles mortes, tu les laisses tomber...


From: Paul Bristow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sound card, S/PDIF out?
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 16:19:06 GMT

I'm using the MD-Mate (a cmpci 8738 based board) with the ALSA drivers
and everything is fine.  My MP3 jukebox sounds really great travelling
via SPDIF to my amp. :)  and the MD-Mate was <$80 with SPDIF and TOSlink

Ryan Lovett wrote:
> Are there any sound cards with linux drivers that support S/PDIF output?
> Ryan



ICQ:   #11965223


From: Adrien Huvier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with missing RAM
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 18:20:54 +0200

Alan Mackenzie wrote:

> Adrien Huvier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Sat, 22 Jul 2000 04:45:20
> +0200:
> > "Kenneth Rřrvik" wrote:
> >> Getting serious for a moment, type "linux mem=396M" at the lilo prompt
> >> and see what happens. If it works, add "append="mem=396M"" to your
> >> image stanza in /etc/lilo.conf (could look like this:)
> > I'm not sure 396MB is a credible capacity.
> > I think it's 384MB (128+64). If not, I can't find where the remaining
> > 12MB are hiding...
> To say nothing of the other 204 MB unaccounted for. :-)
> It's wierd how difficult arithmetic becomes when the numbers involved are
> high powers of 2, or small multiples of them. :-)

Whooops! I think I should have slept a bit instead of posting at 4am ;)
- Un arbre c'est pas forcément connexe,
  il peut y avoir des feuilles mortes!
- Oui, mais les feuilles mortes, tu les laisses tomber...


From: "Sabri Dilmi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Looking for driver for 3D Blaster Annihilator 2
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 12:59:29 -0400

Does anyone know if there exists support or drivers for 3D blaster
Annihilator 2 (GeForce 2 GTS).

If not, how can i configure my X windows to use high resolution displays. I
tried SVGA and it doesn't seem to work.



From: Markus Kossmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UDMA/66 HPT 366
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 17:51:32 +0200

Guillaume wrote:
> Hi, I'm using an Abit BE6 (uses the HPT 366) with a IBM DeskStar Ultra DMA
> 66 (45GB) and it is not reconized by My SuSe Linux 6.2.
> The problem is that I've not installed it yet and it's all on CD.

Did you read the Linux HPT366 mini-HOWTO ( ) ?
It describes a way to get the HPT366 recognized with the normal IDE

Markus Kossmann                                    


From: Michael Meding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AMD Duron & Microstar M/B
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 18:23:16 +0200

Hi there,

had the same problem here. Contacte redhat support on this matter. They
suggested switching off the serial number in the bios. How funny is that
? Heard nothing of them after telling that there is no cpu serial number
in my system at all!


you can make a bootdisk on another system after compiling out the
cpu_serial something in make menuconfig or make xconfig. 
I solved this for me by a suse cd I had lying a round. I booted with
this old suse my installed system, recompiled the kernel without the
cpu_serial stuff, and it was up and running.

Normally you can specify during install that you would like to have the
2.2.14BOOT kernel also installed (this is the kernel they use during
install). But somehow it is not shown in the lilo dialog and during
install there is no way to configure lilo to integrate this kernel.

Sorry telling you that.


Michael Meding


From: Michael Meding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: DVD software
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 18:24:28 +0200

You can get everything for your need at

Read the howto there. It is up and running.


Michael Meding


From: Mike Gifford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Starting Gnome
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 17:21:16 GMT


Has anyone else had the problem where the gdm package doesn't work for
all users on a given system?  I can log in as root and one other user
with no difficulty.  However, I have not been able to log in under any
other account.  Even after setting up a brand new account.


Steven Fosdick wrote:
> If you are using, or would like to use, a graphical login screen then check out the
> gdm package (Gnome Display Manager) which is an xdm like application that by
> default starts a GNOME session but allows other session types to be chosen from
> a pull down menu.

Mike A. Gifford         OpenConcept Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.OpenConcept.On.Ca
Web Design, Hosting, Graphic Design & Site Promotion
Featured Site   -->


Subject: UDMA66
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 17:25:02 GMT

I have an AMD756 based Athlon motherboard, the primary drive(hda) with
windows is a maxtor 15 gig UDMA66 drive, the secondary (hdc) is an 8 gig
WD with linux.  I can mount the hda fine, but as i transfer files
to/from it everything gets real jittery, and data flow slows to a crawl,
and if the file is big enough it will eventually lock up the system.  Im
assuming this is a UDMA66 issue, but its not like any issue i find on
the net.  I am currently running 2.2.16, this has been the same since


From: Michael Meding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MSI-6330 K7Tpro integrated sound annyone ?
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 18:33:02 +0200

Hi all,

is there somebody out there who managed to get sound on this mobo

If so what kernel version or driver are you using and what are your bios
settings ?

Thanks for any help in advance.

With best regards

Michael Meding

Please CC me if possible


Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi,
Subject: Re: Linux support for Sony AIT drive (SDX-300X)?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Torbjorn Lindgren)
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 17:26:12 GMT

Charles R. Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have recently purchased a Sony SDX-300C SCSI tape drive, having
>been led to believe that Linux supported it.  I am very
>interested in hearing from anyone who has this device working
>under Linux, how they did it and the tools they use to read/write
>tapes.  My problem is fundamental: I can't do a damn thing with
>the drive that involves writing.

Weird, we have several Sony SDX-300C and we just plugged them in and
they worked directly without any problem... Both using tar directly
and with Amanda.

>The Linux module st.o (SCSI tape) would first appear to be the
>right driver.  However, the tape drive always shows up as being

SCSI tape is what I have used, on several different RedHat
installation (mainly 5.x installations), never had any problems with

>  % mt -f /dev/st0 status
>  SCSI 2 tape drive:
>  File number=-1, block number=-1, partition=0.
>  Tape block size 512 bytes. Density code 0x30 (unknown to this mt).
>  Soft error count since last status=0
>  General status bits on (5010000):
>The WR_PROT flag is set regardless of the position of the
>write-protect tab on the tape, or even if there's a tape in the
>drive.  Using tar or dd to write a file confirms this:

Weird, perhaps it has a write-protect DIP somewhere on the drive? I
don't have the manual at hand so I can't check at the moment.

Double check all DIP setting first.. If that doesn't help perhaps you
should post details about your setup, such as how it's connected
(cabling, termination) and the messages from the syslog during startup
(and any error message logged when you access the drive).

I'm getting this from mt on one of the machines nearby, this was is a
pretty well updated RH 5.2 machine with 2.2.16:

SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=0, block number=0, partition=0.
Tape block size 512 bytes. Density code 0x30 (unknown to this mt).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (41010000):

SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=-1, block number=-1, partition=0.
Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x0 (default).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (50000):

>  Detected Sony scsi tape sonyt0 at scsi 0, chan 0, id 0, lun 0
>  Attempt to allocate device channel 0, target 0, lun 0
>  Kernel panic: No device found in scsi_allocate_device

Is it on Channel A, SCSI ID 0? What does Linux says when you boot,
look via dmesg or in /var/log/messages.

>Not very encouraging.  In fact, a web search for anything related
>to this drive under Linux turns up precious little, and some of
>it isn't very flattering to the drive.

It's always that way, if it workes flawless there probably won't be
any postings about it, so most of what you find is bound to be people
with problems :-)

There are a lot of these out there, and problem with them seems to be
rare IMNSHO. Now most DAT drives on the other hand...

>So that's my story.  I have an Adaptec AHA-3940UW SCSI card that
>seems to work just fine otherwise.  (It's listed in Sony's
>compatibility list, but not for Linux.)  I'm running a RedHat 6.2
>system with kernel upgrade to 2.2.16, but this was happening at
>2.2.14 as well.

Hmm. 3940's in general is icky, older ones are fundamentally broken
and can't be used reliably on a modern PC (it has a PCI bridge chip
that isn't PCI compatible IIRC, thought it sometimes happens to work,
at least as long as you don't stress it)...

If you have other devices on the SAME chain that is working in Linux
then the controller ought to be innocent though... But just to be
sure, can you find another more standardized controller and try if you
get the same effect there...

I'm not sure if I have seen any SDX-300C running on RH 6.2 machines
though, but I think there'll be one soon (I think it was 6.2 that was
going to be installed on the newest machine with AIT tape drive).


Subject: Re: Problem with 3C509 network card
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 17:30:27 GMT

News Club-Internet wrote:

> Hi all
>  I've a problem with a 3C509 Ethernet Card.
>  I've a little network of 2 PCs one under w98 and the other under Linux
> Redhat 6.1
> connected througth a Hub.
>  The problem is that my network card seem to be unable to exchange data.

This card is probably still in PnP mode.  The driver will still load ok, you
just wont get any activity.  To see if it is in PnP mode, type pnpdump | grep
ANSI.  Any hardware that is returned is in PnP mode.  To disable PnP, get disk2
of the 3c509 driver set (  The
file u need is 3c5x9cfg.exe, boot to dos (not windows) u can use a dos boot
floppy if u dont have windows on yer system, and run that exe.  Its a menu
driven utility where u can disable PnP and manually set IO and IRQ.


From: Chris Everhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UDMA66
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 17:42:12 GMT


I just finished building an Athlon system with FIC SD11 motherboard, which
is AMD751 based.  I haven't noticed any problems yet, and I didn't see
anything while transferring data from my old WD drives to the new Maxtors.
I know that there's an issue with Maxtor and WD drives in the same system,
but I believe that only occurs when they're on the same cable, which
doesn't appear to be the case from your configuration.

Which kind of cables are you using with the drives?  The UDMA66 ones or the
older UDMA33s?  I ignored other advice and used the new UDMA66 cables,
which didn't cause me a problem.

You also may want to try installing the UDMA66 kernel patches to see if
that helps.

- Chris

Dougt wrote:

> I have an AMD756 based Athlon motherboard, the primary drive(hda) with
> windows is a maxtor 15 gig UDMA66 drive, the secondary (hdc) is an 8 gig
> WD with linux.  I can mount the hda fine, but as i transfer files
> to/from it everything gets real jittery, and data flow slows to a crawl,
> and if the file is big enough it will eventually lock up the system.  Im
> assuming this is a UDMA66 issue, but its not like any issue i find on
> the net.  I am currently running 2.2.16, this has been the same since
> 2.2.13.

W. Christopher Everhart

(you know what to get rid of)


From: sideband <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netgear FA-310TX with Tulip chip
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 14:11:46 -0400

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Ok... according to the site, there's a built in EtherFast 10/100 4 port
<p>You may have to telnet in to the router and turn on full duplex capability...
Like I said... I've never had an FA310TX fail to detect full duplex...
<p>However, I have an old Linksys ethernet adapter (One of the NE2000 compatibles,
I think it's an Ether16), that was Full Duplex capable, but you had to
MANUALLY turn it on... I did, once, just for grins, and guess what? My
NETGEAR FS108 Fast Switch saw only 10Base-T Half Duplex, and alot of collisions.
I manually set the switch for full duplex on that port, and there were
no problems after that.. So, I see a couple things that could be the problem
<p>1. NETGEAR and Linksys use incompatible protocols to sense full duplex.
<br>2. Linksys sucks.
<br>3. NETGEAR sucks. (I know this isn't true... I used to work for their
tech support dept. Ok. I'm biased.)
<br>4. Linksys relies on a manually set full duplex in order to operate
at full duplex.
<p>I think 1, 2, and 4 are the most probable... Because I've used NETGEAR
products with 3-com, Cisco, etc, with no ill effects. the NETGEAR card
has always sensed the duplex capability of the switch/hub/router that it's
been hooked to.
<p>I've had trouble getting the Linksys card to do its job properly, and
had to force another manufacturer's product to change the way it operates
in order to get it up and running full duplex.
<p>SO, if you can't telnet to the DSL router to force the ports to full
duplex mode, and get the FA310TX to sense full duplex automatically after
that's been set, then the fault most likely lies with the Linksys equipment.
(See #2 above)
<p>Just for S&amp;G, after you get to your login: prompt after booting,
look on the back of the machine at the FA310TX and count the number of
lights that are lit.... See if one of 'em says FD. If not, I'd call Linksys
and ask them why it is their equipment doesn't autosense properly.
<p>heyday wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Yest it is a least that is what they
say on their
<br>web site.
<br>This cutting-edge combination of router and switch technology
<br>eliminates the need to buy an additional hub or switch and
<br>serves your network as a completely dedicated, full duplex
<br>backbone. Now your entire network will enjoy blazing Broadband
<br>Internet connections supported by its robust switched backbone.
<br>With the dual-function speed and power of the EtherFast
<br>Cable/DSL Router, your network will take off at speeds faster
<br>than you ever imagined possible.
<p>I have an extra 3com 3c905b-tx card and I'm thinking of
<br>replacing the Netgear card with it to see if I can correct the
<p><a href=""></a>
<p>Got questions?&nbsp; Get answers over the phone at
<br>Up to 100 minutes free!
<br><a href=""></a></blockquote>



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