Linux-Hardware Digest #699, Volume #13            Mon, 9 Oct 00 14:13:13 EDT

  Re: 46 gig hdd under linux on old pc ? (Andreas Leitner)
  Re: Stylus Color 760 (Grant Taylor)
  Re: stcolor epson860 (Grant Taylor)
  Re: Lexmark CJ3200 & Leadtek Winfast 3D S700 under Linux (Grant Taylor)
  Re: looking for terabit ethernet cards for linux (Karlo Takki)
  SB128PCI won't play under SuSE Linux 6.4 - why? ("Jens Wendler")
  USB Zip 100 (Romain Gallet)
  PCI UDMA controller recommendation (Edgar)
  Re: Setting amount of RAM in lilo/grub (Jens Leypoldt)
  problem when rebooting/general protection: 0000? (Jens Leypoldt)
  LILO Problems after replacing MB, etc. (Topher Cawlfield)
  Re: Setting amount of RAM in lilo/grub (James Luongo)
  Re: old P133 - Clustering? (Henrik Carlqvist)
  my mouse cursor disappeared?? ("time traveller")
  Re: Cable modem, ethernet, and DHCP ("time traveller")
  Network Card Problems ("Wadeegh Hendricks")
  changing modems ("larry")
  zip drive (Ken Siersma)


From: Andreas Leitner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 46 gig hdd under linux on old pc ?
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 17:05:07 +0100

Ernst Martin Witte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Linux 2.2.17 should work as well as 2.4-testx

Thanks for everybody that replied. Following your recommendation I
compiled 2.2.17 and it works like a charm.

Thanks alot,


From: Grant Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Stylus Color 760
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 15:19:47 GMT


> Well I seem to have an up to date PDQ description file.  Looks
> like we may be looking at the files in ~/.printjobs.

> Which one should I look at first?  What am I looking for?

So each file begins with the job number.  Find the number for one of
these jobs, and then look at the *converted and *filtered ones.  The
filtered data is what gets sent to the printer; it's the result from
after the filter_exec{} clause, where Ghostscript is.  The converted
one is from after the convert_exec{} clause, if any.

The *driver_filter one is the actual filter run on the job.  One
possible problem is some sort of syntax error in this due to a bug in
my filter writer code, so I should look at that too.  Of course, I
really don't see one, and it works for other people...

The *driver_convert one is the filter that turns your input into
Postscript.  If you printed a plain text file, this would be
something, and the *converted file would be a Postscript version of
your text job in *raw.

Anyway, mail me your raw, converted, filtered, and printrc driver
clause and I'll see if I can reproduce this here.

Grant Taylor - gtaylor<at> -
 Linux Printing Website and HOWTO:
 News, Discussion Forums, Support Database, Software, and more...


From: Grant Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: stcolor epson860
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 15:20:56 GMT

"Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> As gs just got itself a new maintainer, where is the code now, still at
>, or has it been moved?

The latest stable, public release is at

The latest CVS development code is on sourceforge.  But the 6.01 code
will be fine; use that.

Grant Taylor - gtaylor<at> -
 Linux Printing Website and HOWTO:
 News, Discussion Forums, Support Database, Software, and more...


From: Grant Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lexmark CJ3200 & Leadtek Winfast 3D S700 under Linux
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 15:22:26 GMT

frederic DELANOY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is it possible to find a driver for that printer and graphics card ?

The printer's driver, as always, can be found here:

Grant Taylor - gtaylor<at> -
 Linux Printing Website and HOWTO:
 News, Discussion Forums, Support Database, Software, and more...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karlo Takki)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,alt.religion.kibology
Subject: Re: looking for terabit ethernet cards for linux
Date: 9 Oct 2000 10:35:03 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (jtnews) wrote in 

>I'm wondering if there are any terabit ethernet cards for linux.
>Yes, terabit, not gigabit.

Terabit?  Ptui!  I spit on your puny Terabit Ethernet!

PETAbit Ethernet.  Not only is it faster, but no animals were
harmed during development and testing.

k., a friend of the Ether Bunny.
"In spite of everything, I still believe that people are
 really good at heart."  - Anne Frank


From: "Jens Wendler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SB128PCI won't play under SuSE Linux 6.4 - why?
Date: 9 Oct 2000 15:49:12 GMT

Hi everybody,

Heaving read the net news I understand that Soundblaster 128 PCI in many
cases runs without trouble under Linux. Not so with me...

I've got a PIII-600-system with an Asus board and 256 MB of RAM. 
Although I cannot get the sound card to work under Linux, it performs fine
under one of Micr*soft's operating systems.

My Linux version is SuSE 6.4.
The precompiled Kernel must be alright since it works nicely on another pc
with an OPL3 sound card.

I downloaded and compiled the presumably newest Alsa drivers: Version 0.5.9c 
Ditto the newest Alsa library and Alsa utilities.

Alsaconf (Version 0.5.7) and Yast2 _recognize_ the card correctly. Alsaconf
"Found Card:
 Multimedia audio controller Ensoniq ES1371 [AudioPCI-97] (rev 06)

 Driver: snd-card-ens1371


 OK, 1 card(s) configured." 

Then the blue background of alsaconf vanishes, and you can read:

"Starting sound driver: snd-card-ens1371
 alsactl: cannot open configuration file '/etc/asound.conf'"

When I enter "modprobe snd-card-ens1371", insmod answers approximately this
way: "snd-card-ens1371: Device or resource busy".

I have repeatedly gone through the Sound-HOWTOs.
I tried to use a kernel that I compiled myself.
I even set the IRQ for the PCI card in the BIOS to a fixed value (10).
- Nothing made a difference.

After reading in Dejanews that there is a successor chip called ES1373,
I looked at the sound card with my own eyes. It had been sold to me as a
"Creative Soundblaster 128 Bulk PCI".
The interesting thing is that I cannot find any Ensoniq chip on it.
On the _card_ there is the Logo of Creative Labs, accompanied by the Label
"Model CT4810".
The chip with the most pins is labeled with the Creative logo and the text
"CT2518-DAQ   9924H".

Having spent a couple of evenings with this problem, I don't see any
further things to try. Who will be so kind as to give me a hint or two?

          Best regards -
                Jens Wendler
PGP key available on request   * * *   PGP-Schluessel auf Anfrage erhaeltlich


From: Romain Gallet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: USB Zip 100
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 16:56:30 +0100


I would like to know if someone here knows if there is now a way to have a
Iomega USB 100 drive working under Linux.



Subject: PCI UDMA controller recommendation
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 10:20:35 -0600

Hi there,

I'm planning on using Mandrake 7.1 and want to
buy a PCI UDMA controller, does any one has
any experience (good/bad) using this distribution ??

I'd appreciate any recommendation

thanks, jorge


From: Jens Leypoldt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Setting amount of RAM in lilo/grub
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 18:22:53 +0200

James Luongo wrote:
> I am using grub/lilo as a bootloader.  I really can't tell which one it
> is.  There is a GUI when I startup to choose the OS to boot to yet it
> uses /etc/lilo.conf.  But anyway, how do I set the amount of RAM?  I
> have 384M but its only seeing 66M.

Hi James -
As far as I remember, in lilo.conf you can specify the amount of memory
for Linux via the kernel parameters:
In your case you should add the line


in all sections that describe Linux boot images. At least for my 96M
system this did work (kernel 2.0.something).


From: Jens Leypoldt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: problem when rebooting/general protection: 0000?
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 18:38:58 +0200

Hi all,

I'm using a HOT 555 mainboard with Intel's i430VX chipset, 96M RAM and a
2.0.33 kernel. 

After having been switched off for some time (one hour or so), the
system comes up fine, 
but doing a reboot (shutdown -r now) leads to (up to now) irreproducable

        - sometimes it complains about NULL pointers that cannot be handled and
          the kernel kills the interrupt handler,

        - somtimes it stops with a "General protection: 0000"

        - sometimes it complains about hdd's not being ready and read errors
          (these errors usually soon lead to a complete crash),
          similar to what was described in the posting by 
          Ernst Martin Witte: "ide/dma Spurious and lost interrupts"

Halting the system and rebooting with the hardware RESET button shows
the same problems.

I tested the RAM and cache, and both seem to be ok. I took off the
former hda (a quite old 210 MB Seagate drive which had lilo and windoze
on it only) and modified fstab, but the problems remained.

        Are there older kernels that have problems rebooting?
        Or is it a hardware problem:
        are there boards/chipsets known that have problems when rebooted
        by software?

Any hints for me?
Thanx in advance,


From: Topher Cawlfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: LILO Problems after replacing MB, etc.
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 11:35:08 -0500


I have just upgraded my computer by replacing its motherboard, CPU, RAM,
and video card.  It is set up as a dual-boot computer with two hard drives,
one for Win'98 and one for Linux.  Getting everything to work again under
Win'98 was relatively painless, but now in Linux:  Lilo is broken, the
sound card doesn't work, modem won't work, only ~ 64 of my 128MB RAM is
detected, and my Zip zoom SCSI card doesn't work.  I went from a Cyrix 6x86
150MHZ ("PR200") to a 550MHZ K6-2.  The good news is that everything else
works fine, and it seems to be running about 4 times faster judged by a
timed build of Eterm.

I also just upgraded from RH Linux 6.2 to 7.0, in hopes that at least LILO
might be re-installed in a way that worked, but that didn't help anything. 
At least I can boot into Linux from a boot disk.

I know I should focus this post to some specific question, so I guess I
would be happy enough to get LILO to work.  I have some ideas on how to get
the sound card, modem, and SCSI card working, so I'll have to fight with
those a little more before I beg for help.

Linux is on the primary slave disk, /dev/hdb.  Win '98 is on /dev/hda.  The
Linux disk is fairly old, and the Windows disk is somewhat newer, using
UDMA/33 now that I upgraded the motherboard.  I've installed Lilo into the
MBR on /dev/hda, which is what worked so well in the past.  The only thing
I know about Lilo is to play with the "linear" option.  In my previous
experience with RH 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, and Mandrake 7.1 on two different
computers, the installer reccommendation *always* gets it wrong, boot-up
freezes at "LI", I change it to what the installer didn't try, and
everything works.  This time with the "linear" option my bootup freezes
with "L".  If I take out the linear option, it gets to "L" and then starts
dumping out " 01 01 01 01 01...".  I've uninstalled and re-installed LILO
(uninstalling with "lilo -u" didn't work the first time, but "fdisk /mbr"
did.) but it didn't get any better.

If anyone has any advice for LILO, I'd love to hear it.  As for the RAM
detection problem, I see a post just upstream of mine that asks the same
question, so I'll follow that thread.  I've seen previous discussions of
this problem before but I never paid attention to them because I didn't
have the problem until now.  Also, if anyone has general advice for how
someone ought to go about a hardware upgrade like this, I'd be most


   Topher Cawlfield


From: James Luongo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Setting amount of RAM in lilo/grub
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 16:37:14 GMT

James Luongo wrote:

> I am using grub/lilo as a bootloader.  I really can't tell which one it
> is.  There is a GUI when I startup to choose the OS to boot to yet it
> uses /etc/lilo.conf.  But anyway, how do I set the amount of RAM?  I
> have 384M but its only seeing 66M.
> thanks

new problem, i tried to use KLILO to change it and also the default and
then rebooted, and instead ofgetting grub, i got lilo as the bootloader

it chose windows to boot, but then hung
i would like to get grub back as the bootloader, in which the default
drive to boot is windows, and the mem setting for linux is 384M

please help


From: Henrik Carlqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: old P133 - Clustering?
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2000 20:08:36 +0200

Elena Miele wrote: 
> About to change P133 tp PIII
> What to do  of the old machine?
> First possibility is to leave it on network,
> act as a firewall or other.
> Then heard about Linux clustering.
> Beowulf doesnt seem easy, but what about Mosix? No need to recompile
> anything I run.
> Somebody knows about so small clusters?

A cluster with one PIII and one P133 might do just as well without the
P133. Your new machine will probably be about ten times as fast as the
old one. Even if you wouldn't get any network overhead you would
probably not note the difference from that extra 10% performance that
the P133 would give you.

Use the P133 as a firewall, fileserver, X-server, mailserver or
web-server instead. However, if you use it as firewall you shouldn't
combine it with any other services.

regards Henrik
spammer strikeback:


From: "time traveller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: my mouse cursor disappeared??
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 17:08:26 GMT

Sometime between my installation of Linux and a week or so ago, my mouse
cursor disappeared. Used setup to try and reconfigure, and the autoprobe
finds it and reports back as MS compatible, but the cursor just doesn't show
Also when I StartX, the cursor is there, but not response to mouse movement.
Do X and the terminal interface have separate access to mouse?




From: "time traveller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cable modem, ethernet, and DHCP
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 17:12:13 GMT

maybe your looking for dhcpcd, which I hear is better for dhcp. This came
with my RH 5.2 install

James wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hi Ray, thanks for your response.  I also tried using pump (with help from
>how-to) but I was unable to find the command in any of my directories.  I
>did a "find / -name pump" and found nothing.  Where can I get this utility?
>ray wrote:
>> James wrote:
>> > Arg, linux newbie here with some problems setting up my cable modem
>> > dhcp.  I have Mandrake 7.1.  I type in "netconf" which takes me to the
>> > network configurator.  In "Basic Host Info" there is a "hostname +
>> > domain" entry which is set to "localhost.localdomain".
>> > Under the "adapter1" tab is the following info:
>> > net device: eth0
>> > kernel module: 3c509
>> > irq: 10
>> > ip: my ip
>> > the dhcp radio button is selected
>> >
>> > When I close out of netconf and tell is to activate changes I get an
>> > error.  Here it is:
>> >
>> > Executing /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S10network reload:
>> >     > Bringing up device eth0 Determining IP information for eth0 via
>> > dhcp...faile
>> >     > [FAILED]
>> >
>> > And that's that.  No internet connection.  I've already read a couple
>> > how-to's (especially cable modem, dhcp mini-howto, and the ethernet
>> > howto) and they didn't help.
>> >
>> > I have a 3com Etherlink III (3c509B)
>> >
>> > Any help is appreciated!  Getting frustrated and wanting to switch back
>> > to Winblowz.
>> >
>> > James L
>>     I use RedHat, Mandrake "was" very tightly based on it. I have a 3C905
>> and cable modem.
>> Here, what makes the connection to the DHCP server and gets the
>> needed is a utility named pump. Like this: pump -i eth0. After that
pump -s
>> will reveal a lot of interesting stuff. An lsmod will show if the eth
>> drivers are loaded. If they are, pump should cause furious blinking on
>> modem, for maybe 3 seconds, while information transfers to you. Your
>> /etc/resolv.conf will have been re-written after this, with the DNS IP's
>> filled in.
>> --
>> Ray R. Jones
>> Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.
>> HTTP://


From: "Wadeegh Hendricks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Network Card Problems
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 19:39:50 +0200


I am running a Redhat 6.1 sytem with a DEC Tulip card.  My old card which
was an NE2000 clone was giving problems so I replaced it witrh this card.  I
am new to Linux and have only been using it for a few months.  Although my
kernel supports the card, it does not seem to pickup the card when I boot
up.  I desperately need to sort out the problem.  What configuration tool do
I use or is there another way of specifying the card to the machine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Wadeegh Hendricks


From: "larry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: changing modems
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 06:57:49 -1000

I am changing from an external 28.8(unknown brand) to a Viking 56K
external... Is there something special I need to do so that x and KDE will
know I have a new modem?


From: Ken Siersma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: zip drive
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 17:53:47 +0000

Strange things with my zip drive now that I've upgraded to RH 6.1:

Here's /etc/fstab:
/dev/hdb4               /mnt/zip                vfat    noauto,user,rw
0 0

Can't mount it as normal user or root, even though I could last week.  I
get the following error:

mount: /dev/hdb4 is not a valid block device

Another strange thing is that RH 6.1 won't boot unless a zip disk is in
the zip drive.  It doesn't matter what disk is in there.

Strange . . .



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