Linux-Hardware Digest #708, Volume #13           Wed, 11 Oct 00 07:13:04 EDT

  Re: stcolor epson860 ("Gene Heskett")
  Modem ("Roger De Rapp")
  Re: I wanna beeping the PC speaker at a given frequency (David_C)
  Re: Diamond Monster Sound mx300 (J Wendel)
  cm8330 install ("Avi Klein")
  cm8330 install ("Avi Klein")
  Boot Problems, LILO and fsck, need RECOVER help ("David N. Haney")
  Decision PC COM PCI 4 port serial card on RH 6.2 ("Eugene Mallinson")
  Re: Boot Problems, LILO and fsck, need RECOVER help (Svend Olaf Mikkelsen)
  Re: Linux Troubles! (Gary Sandine)
  linux on Compaq notebook 100 ("Serguei Vassiliev")
  Re: Boot Problems, LILO and fsck, need RECOVER help (Gary Sandine)
  Re: AAAAaaaaarrrgggggghhhhh (Bernhard Mogens Ege)
  Re: Yamaha 724 on RH 7.0? (Bernhard Mogens Ege)
  Re: SB Live! doesn't work under Red Hat 7.0 (New Information) ("Tage V. Madsen")
  MP3 player experience? ("Tage V. Madsen")
  Re: External ISDN Modem connection Help!! (Dietrich Timm)
  Re: DVD-RAM for storage?? (Richard D. McRoberts)
  canon bjc 250 (Christophe Beljouani)
  Re: Modem ("Adam Short")
  Re: isapnp.conf deleted accidently ("Adam Short")
  Re: VIA MVP4 chipset and XFree? (Sebastian Niehaus)


Date: 11 Oct 2000 0:31:3 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: stcolor epson860

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Grant Taylor;

 GT> "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> And that brings us upto date.  Now, is there a tutorial someplace
>> where it tells me what I have to do in printtool to get gs to use
>> the new drivers?  Or do I just wander in and push buttons for
>> effects? :-)

 GT> So you've got a gs with stp compile in hand?  Before fiddling
 GT> with printtool, try first just printing a Postscript file the
 GT> hard way with something like:

Yes, it renders in about 1/2 second here, and in
3/4ths of a second, all those font lookups waste a few milliseconds
each. :-)

 GT> gs -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sModel=escp2-860
 GT> -sOutputFile=/dev/lp0

I have a similar setup in a script here on this amiga :-)  But, its
still stuck at 5.10, and will be unless _I_ can make this compile here
for the 3rd time.  I failed miserably on 5.50 here. )-:

 GT> root, so you can write to the printer directly.

 GT> There are lots of other options detailed in gimp-print's
 GT> Ghost/README; in particular you need to use them to crank up the
 GT> resolution and so forth.

 GT> Once you get that working, we can pick a spooler integration
 GT> method for you.  Printtool will work rather poorly, since there's
 GT> no way to adjust the printing options, and there are many
 GT> printing options.  The simplest approach may be to use my own
 GT> lpdomatic, which does work with Red Hat's LPD.  Or we can get you
 GT> the LPD from VA Linux and try out my support for that one - it
 GT> handles options in a much nicer way.

 GT> Alternatively, we could set you up with PDQ or CUPS.  Either will
 GT> result in a nicer experience; CUPS, with XPP, is particularly
 GT> pretty.

I've looked longingly at CUPS, but the config looked like a bear with 4
sore paws.  But, I'll get the latest one from freshmeat tonight
and take another look.  Right now, only gimp-print seems to be working
although I may have that screwed up right now too, I recompiled gs after
removing the /local from the prefix in the makefile, trying to make it
look more like a redhat install, but that only works from the cli too.
lpd hasn't seen the printer since I removed gs5.50 by hand.  It won't
even put anything in the cue according to lpq.  Sigh.

Thanks again, Grant.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040, Linux @ 400mhz 
        email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net
#Amiga based X10 home automation program EZHome, see at:#
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From: "Roger De Rapp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modem
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 01:13:05 -0400

Hello , Im soon going out to buy a new modem, and Im reverting back to
linux, What one do you guys recommend that will run at 56k that is supported
under the redhat distribution series???




Subject: Re: I wanna beeping the PC speaker at a given frequency
Date: 11 Oct 2000 01:28:53 -0400

Dan Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Is there any way I can beep the pc speaker, other than echoing a
> '\a'??  I'd really like to be able to tell it what frequency and how
> long to do it.  I remember under BASIC, I could do that.  Does anyone
> know how?

Apparently, not by default.

According to the devices.txt document (part of the kernel docs) from my
2.2.16 kernel, there exists a driver that will provide this:

    115 char        Console driver speaker
                      0 = /dev/speaker      Speaker device file

                    Plays music using IBM BASIC style strings.

Unfortunately, this driver does not appear to be part of the basic Linux
source tree.  At least it's not installed with my RedHat 6.2

I don't know where you might get the driver from.  I don't know if it
will be part of the 2.4 release or not.

-- David


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J Wendel)
Subject: Re: Diamond Monster Sound mx300
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 06:07:24 GMT

On Mon, 9 Oct 2000 23:35:40 -0500, "colby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Does anybody know how to get a Monster Sound MX300 to work in Corel Linux?..
>any help would be greatly appreciated.
Get the driver from <>. Search for "aureal". Run
"make install" since you have an 8830 chip in the MX300. Watch your
machine lock up (maybe you'll be luckier than me)! Return card for
refund and buy sound blaster, or wait until the driver works better or
someone else writes a driver that works. Now that Creative bought the
remains of Aureal, maybe they'll write a working driver (I'm not
holding my breath).

Regards, John


From: "Avi Klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: cm8330 install
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 08:16:50 +0200

i'm trying to install my onboard c-media cm8330 on red hat 6.2. sndconfig
autodetects the card but when it tests it there is no sound. when i manually
put in the settings the voice test gives me static and the mpu401 test tells
me it timed out. can anybody help me?


From: "Avi Klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: cm8330 install
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 08:20:16 +0200

i'm trying to install my onboard c-media cm8330 on red hat 6.2. sndconfig
autodetects the card but when it tests it there is no sound. when i manually
put in the settings the voice test gives me static and the mpu401 test tells
me it timed out. can anybody help me?


From: "David N. Haney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Boot Problems, LILO and fsck, need RECOVER help
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 23:24:13 -0700

Linux Gurus:

I have an odd problem.  I have a machine (Compaq) with a 10G disk
that has been partitioned with hda1 as Win98, hda2 as Linux swap,
and hda3 as Linux native.

The Linux is Caldera 2.4.  While in windows something odd happened
and it went out to lunch (stupid MS).  Upon rebooting, the error of
"no operating system" is obtained.  I assume this means that the 
problem is LILO has gotten corrupted.

Attempting to boot with the Linux Rescue floppy yeilds an error:
"Kernel panic unable to mount root fs on 03:03"

I am guessing that perhaps the file system may need to be checked
before mounting (ie run fsck).  How do I recover and get around this
problem?  I have tried copying fsck to the boot floppy (on a different
system), but when I run in in the boot shell, I get segmentation fault.

Thanks for your assistance.
#########              David N. Haney, Ph.D.                 #########
#  Haney Associates                            Phone - 858-483-1197  #
#  5455 Westknoll Dr.                            FAX - 858-483-1046  #
#  La Jolla, CA 92037                       Email - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #
#################                                #####################


Reply-To: "Eugene Mallinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Eugene Mallinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Decision PC COM PCI 4 port serial card on RH 6.2
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 08:54:00 +0200


Has anyone had any success setting up a PC COM PCI Serial card on RedHat 6.2
?  I have downloaded and applied the kernel patches provided by the
manufacturers, (including replacements and changes to of serial.c, serial.h,
pci.h and oldproc.c) but this fix does not sem to work.  According to the
documentation, the serial ports should be addressable via /dev/ttyS44, 45,
46 and 47, but when I do a setserial /dev/ttyS44, I get "/dev/ttyS44: No
such device".

Has anyone had any luck out there?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Svend Olaf Mikkelsen)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Boot Problems, LILO and fsck, need RECOVER help
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 08:07:31 GMT

"David N. Haney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Linux Gurus:
>I have an odd problem.  I have a machine (Compaq) with a 10G disk
>that has been partitioned with hda1 as Win98, hda2 as Linux swap,
>and hda3 as Linux native.
>The Linux is Caldera 2.4.  While in windows something odd happened
>and it went out to lunch (stupid MS).  Upon rebooting, the error of
>"no operating system" is obtained.  I assume this means that the 
>problem is LILO has gotten corrupted.
>Attempting to boot with the Linux Rescue floppy yeilds an error:
>"Kernel panic unable to mount root fs on 03:03"
>I am guessing that perhaps the file system may need to be checked
>before mounting (ie run fsck).  How do I recover and get around this
>problem?  I have tried copying fsck to the boot floppy (on a different
>system), but when I run in in the boot shell, I get segmentation fault.
>Thanks for your assistance.

Are you certain that the "no operating system" message begins with a
lower case n? What is the exact message?

Well, if it is "Missing operating system" this is an error message
from a standard DOS MBR, when no boot signature is present in the
active partition. Then there is a chance that the Windows boot problem
is as simple as setting hda1 active using DOS fdisk.

You have the option to get Findpart at


findpart all +fat fp.txt

and post the content from fp.txt.
Svend Olaf


From: Gary Sandine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Troubles!
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 08:13:37 GMT

Meridian Accounting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

I think you should read as much about X as you can - but before
that, to get your Xserver running, I suggest the tool XF86Setup
(binaries in an .rpm for many distros).  You will need make sure
the VGA16 xserver is installed, and install the xserver particular
to your video card, too.  It's a good place to start.  Seeing the
running VGA16 server made me feel there was hope when I was first
trying to switch to Linux from Win95.  Interesting....  If you
install an rpm, rpm should check to see that the XF86Setup version
you are attempting to install will write the correct XF86Config
file for whatever version of XFree86 you have installed. (Cheap Linux boxes!)


From: "Serguei Vassiliev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux on Compaq notebook 100
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 10:19:10 +0200

anybody has tried to install RedHat or other linux
on Compaq notebook 100?

I would like to ask you some questions about hardware.



From: Gary Sandine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Boot Problems, LILO and fsck, need RECOVER help
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 08:18:55 GMT

In comp.os.linux.hardware David N. Haney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Attempting to boot with the Linux Rescue floppy yeilds an error...

Did you make "the Linux Rescue floppy" particular to your install??  (Cheap Linux boxes)


Subject: Re: AAAAaaaaarrrgggggghhhhh
From: Bernhard Mogens Ege <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 08:37:16 GMT

>>>>> "xyz32" == xyz32  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have been having the exact same problem you described.  Thank you for
> posting how you fixed it.  I will try to do the same thing.  Could you
> please tell me how exactly you disabled the USB function in RH Linux?
> Thank you.

I have disabled USB in the BIOS. Thats it. I guess it should be enough
just not loading the drivers. Looking through /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit, I
see that adding "nousb" on the lilo boot line should prevent loading
of usb drivers. Also, in /etc/modules.conf, adding the line 
"alias usb-controller off" should also prevent usb from being loaded.

So, 3 ways to disable usb in RH.

I hope this helps.


Bernhard Ege


Subject: Re: Yamaha 724 on RH 7.0?
From: Bernhard Mogens Ege <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 08:39:29 GMT

>>>>> "clarencekt" == clarencekt  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have successfully configured my soundcard on RH 7.0, I am now able to
> play audio cd, but When I try to play wave files, a strange sound
> occurs for continuously! What is wrong?

This is a kernel bug. I have read the 2.2.18pre9 kernel should have
fixed ymf724 support. Otherwise, you might want to take a look at (pay for sound drivers...).


Bernhard Ege


From: "Tage V. Madsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SB Live! doesn't work under Red Hat 7.0 (New Information)
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 10:46:35 +0200


I don't think the IRQ is your problem, with PCI cards IRQ's are allocated by the
OS when they find the hardware, W2K and Linux don't have to agree on which IRQ
to assign. On my PC W2K and Linux also use different IRQ's for my SB Live and it
works fine.

-Tage V. Madsen

Paul Kuliniewicz wrote:

> To reiterate, since this is likely a result of a mistaken IRQ, how do I tell
> the sound module what the proper IRQ is?  Thanks in advance.


From: "Tage V. Madsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MP3 player experience?
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 11:04:00 +0200


I'm considering selling my Samsung Yepp MP3 player and getting another
one with Linux support (with the USB adapter Yepp only supports W98, not
even W2K!) - but which one? I need at least 64 Mb and preferably USB. I
know that there is some support for RIO, but does it work with RIO 500
with USB?? Has anyone tried it? Has anyone tried another one (with

-Tage V. Madsen


From: Dietrich Timm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: External ISDN Modem connection Help!!
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 19:14:05 +1000

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder) wrote:

>John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>I hava an Eicon Diva T/A external ISDN modem I would like to get working 
>>properly on my
>>Mandrake 7.1 side. This modem is working fine on my Widows2000 prof 
>External ISDN modems can be used just like standard serial modems;
>that is, you may use whatever program you want, as long as you are
>pointing the communication program to the correct device. If this
>modem is connected to your primary serial port, use /dev/ttyS0 (e.g.).
>You can then just send standard AT sequences to it, and/or use the
>program's functions to initialize a connection.
>>The How-to's
>>leave a lot to be desired and very confusing at the least. 
>Depends. The Serial-HOWTO goes into great details over the internals
>of serial communications, though it rarely mentions ISDN modems,
>as these are not very common. 
>>Is there 
>>someone who knows how to
>>correctly install this modem on a Linux box. I am a little surprised by 
>>the somewhat lack
>>of experienced techies in this group. 
>How would you know this?
>>If there is a qualified support 
>>company that knows what
>>they are doing  and charges reasonable fees that can help I am open to 
>>this also.
>There are many companies offering professional Linux support, but
>they are all asking real money for it - just like all support services
>do, regardless of the OS used.

Sorry to disagree, Michael. I have an ISDN modem "The Open Group" NZ ,
model "NT1 Plus" which under kppp any linux flavour sees the modem when
queried but on every response line immediately after the answer is
'ERROR', why I don't know. Got it to work from command line but after
initial burst of speed after about 15secs it slows to a crawl. The
bloody thing is driving me up the wall. Maybe I would be better off
putting an ISDN adapter card in the machine and run it through that if
possible. Same modem under Win98 and BeOS5.03 goes like the clappers,
Just my 2cents worth,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard D. McRoberts)
Subject: Re: DVD-RAM for storage??
Date: 11 Oct 2000 04:27:57 -0400

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000 12:36:58 +0200, Roberto De Leo

>Now I passed to 2.4.0b9 and apparently I cannot write anymore
>in my dvd's because no scsi disk letter is associated to my

I have seen the same thing in transitioning from 2.2.14 to 2.2.17.
/dev/sdb no longer works, but /dev/scd0 *does* work.  In other words,
the device's CD-ROM function and R/W function are now accessed through
the same device.

Unfortunately this change makes a DVD-RAM cartridge difficult to
partition.  You can do it, but (I think) you can't access the
resulting "devices" (the partitions) without going through /dev/loop0
and specifying a suitable offset.  That's what worked for me, thanks
to someone else's previous note in this group.

It's easiest just to put a filesystem on the whole device.

Richard D. McRoberts
Union, WV USA


From: Christophe Beljouani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: canon bjc 250
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 12:18:14 +0200


Does anyone know if the canon bjc 250 works fine with linux ? also, is
it a good printer ?

Thanks for any help,


From: "Adam Short" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modem
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 10:57:55 GMT

I've heard good things about the Diamond modems. Don't know how true it is
but they seem to be pretty handy. Never tried setting one up for Linux

My own modem is my ever-faithful Texas Instruments ISA PnP hardware modem.
Its a little ancient and its probably slowing my system down a little but it
works flawlessly every time, is a doddle to set up and I couldn't bear to
part with it even for one of the new fangled ones.


Roger De Rapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:dHSE5.2627$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hello , Im soon going out to buy a new modem, and Im reverting back to
> linux, What one do you guys recommend that will run at 56k that is
> under the redhat distribution series???
> Thanks
> Roger


From: "Adam Short" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: isapnp.conf deleted accidently
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 11:00:18 GMT

If you haven't got it anywhere you'll have to recreate it with:

pnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf

I assume you know the settings your hardware requires or you wouldn't have
been able to set it up in the first place. Just edit the file when its done,
run isapnp and you should be away again


Siukong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8s0dis$4i1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> hi there,
>    Dummy V got a new trouble recently.
>    I accidently deleted isapnp.conf and isapnp.conf.bak. well, it
> affected my system by that the sound system still worked fine but i
> couldn't configure the sound setting by neither setup nor sndconfig
> anymore. everytime i tried these programs and after it probed the sound
> chip and ready to stepped further, the program crashed. everytime.
>    and one more thing, everytime i listened to mp3 and then closed the
> xmms, the cpu power was still mostly busy, which is abnormal to my
> system. i guessed it's the problem of the resource management related to
> isapnp.
>    is there any command that i can generate the isapnp.conf file again.
> because the sound still works fine, i believe that the isapnp setting is
> still in some part of the system. if not, any better idea you guys could
> advice me?
> Dummy V
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


From: Sebastian Niehaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VIA MVP4 chipset and XFree?
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 11:49:48 +0200

> It works on my Compaq Presario 1200XL-106 notebook, at 800x600 (the
> screen's maximum resolution). The chipset is actually an integrated
> Trident CyberBlade (aka Blade 3D). I've got a web page on it, including
> a link to my XF86Config file, at

Thank you very much, Rod!




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