Linux-Hardware Digest #802, Volume #14           Sun, 20 May 01 11:13:05 EDT

  installing my ehternet card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: yes, 2 SGI 1600sw LCD panels DO work in linux in dualhead mode! (Jon Leech)
  Re: Acer 8432A CDRW Problems (don keith)
  AC97 Onboard Sound ("Colin G.")
  Re: PCI NICs not networking! =( ("Glitch")
  Re: ATI All In Wonder 128 PCI card Help needed ("Glitch")
  Re: yes, 2 SGI 1600sw LCD panels DO work in linux in dualhead mode! (Bryan)
  Re: AC97 Onboard Sound (Markku Kolkka)
  TV-IN and OUT with NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 under linux?? (Dewitte Bjorn)
  Udma 100 - RH 7.1 ? ("theDude")
  cretive vibra 128 ("gonenc onay")
  Re: Udma 100 - RH 7.1 ? ("Colin G.")
  Re: cretive vibra 128 (Dances With Crows)


Subject: installing my ehternet card
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 07:32:36 GMT


(While I use Linux at work, I have never installed _anything_ before.)

I just installed RedHat Linux7.0 on my HP Pavilion 8770C
( for all specs) 

With Windows98, I was using Verizon's DSL service with a Westell
Infospeed modem. After searching Google, I intalled Roaring Penguin on
my linux, and installed it; Everytime I tried to connect, it timed
out. Then I ran 
(prompt) > ifconfig eth0
and got and error saying device not found. Basically I think the
ehternet card has not been detected by Linux. The card is a 
HP EN1207D-TX PCI 10/100 Fast Ethernet Adapter

The card IS supported. Please visit
and search for 1207D-TX.

>From the output of lspci
(prompt) > lspci
00:0f.0 Ethernet controller: Accton Technology Corporation SMC2-1211TX (rev 10)
        Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company: Unknown device 9207
        Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster- SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- 
SERR- FastB2B-
        Status: Cap+ 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=medium >TAbort- <TAbort- 
<MAbort- >SERR- <PERR-
        Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 0
        Region 0: I/O ports at 1400
        Region 1: Memory at f4000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable)
        Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 2
                Flags: PMEClk- DSI- D1+ D2+ AuxCurrent=0mA 
                Status: D0 PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0 PME-
Someone in the dsl group pointed out that the IRQ number might be
wrong. I have no idea how to change it.
Output of ifconfig -a
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
          RX packets:14 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:14 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
Output of netstat -n -r
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface       U         0 0          0 lo

What do I have to do to install the ethernet card?


PS. I need to have the linux floopy in a: or linux doesnt come
up. Or else, Windows loads by default. Usually I have seen people
having to type "linux" or "dos" to choose which OS they want to start
with. Anyone know what I did wrong in my installation?

PPS. If you want to send me email, please remove devnull. Thanks!

I just found a new way to get past the 4 line limit on signatures that
vm imposes. It was a piece of software that I downloaded from the
web. the logic is VERY simple. I am actually kicking myself for not
thing about it. But atleast I found it. You can download it at


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jon Leech)
Subject: Re: yes, 2 SGI 1600sw LCD panels DO work in linux in dualhead mode!
Date: 20 May 2001 07:48:54 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Bryan  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>linux IS supported; xfree86 has had support for the #9 i128 cards since
>3.3.6, I believe.  even a troll like you should be able to see that if the
>x-server is supported, then there's no good reason why something as mundane
>as a software-based brightness control can't be.

    The I128 XFree86 driver was not written by SGI. It is not supported
by SGI. It never has been.

>I made no 'demands'.  I'm irate, yes.  you would be too if something so
>simple was left out of a solution.

    I'm irate that I can't buy a laptop computer from Dell without
paying the Microsoft tax for an OS that I don't want and won't use. But
that's all they sell, so that's my only option if I want to buy a laptop
from Dell (which I just did - the Inspiron 2100 seems pretty nifty thus

    Despite my irateness, I do not pointlessly post to
every day demanding they refund the cost they passed on to me for
Windows ME, or that they *support* Linux on my laptop - despite the fact
they *do* support Linux on some other machines they sell. I'm sure it
would be "simple" for them to do so - from my perspective. After all,
Linux-Mandrake 8.0 installed easily and runs beautifully on the machine,
so what could *possibly* be hard about this for a big company like Dell?

    Nonetheless they're not *going* to support it, and if I run into
some problem with Linux on the machine in the future, I'll look
elsewhere for help.

>sgi talks a good game about linux.  I'm not the one that started them on this
>track of theirs; they voluntarily chose to support linux.  so, SUPPORT IT!
>don't do it half-assed - either do it right or quit trying to be a linux

    SGI doesn't support Linux on every piece of hardware we've ever
made. It never will. Nor will just about any other computer vendor in
the world - with the exception of companies that specifically exist only
to support Linux.

>if they never had released an x-server for the #9 i128-fp cards, then
>I wouldn't have bought any of these displays. and there would be
>nothing to 'whine' about since linux would clearly not be a supported

    SGI didn't release an X server for the #9 cards. We have never said
that Linux is a supported O/S on the 1600SW, with the #9 Revolution IV
card, using XFree86. If you want brightness controls on the 1600SW under
Linux, consider buying a Multilink adapter.

>but they DO claim linux support.

    SGI supports Linux *products* on specific hardware and software
configurations of servers and workstations. SGI supports the Linux
*community* by releasing source code that helps provide journaling
filesystems, ccNUMA support, compilers, kernel tools, 3D graphics, and
other features that are in line with our corporate directions and
skills. But we don't provide "linux support" for everything we make, and
never will. We don't provide "XFS support" for every hard disk and Linux
kernel in the world, and never will. We don't provide "OpenGL support"
for every graphics card in the world, and never will. And so on.

>you can argue semantics about WHO actually released the x-server code;
>was it #9 alone?  sgi?  both?  to the end user, it really doesn't

    There are no "semantics" to argue. SGI didn't release any such code.
#9 did. #9 did not formally support that code at any point. They gave it
to the XFree86 project, who has since then been responsible for it and
has evolved it somewhat even after the demise of #9. XFree86 is the only
place you will find any support for the I128 driver, now and

>(and the 320 box, as well) and now sgi's trying to preach credibility in the
>linux camp.  all I'm asking is that they put their money where their mouth is
>and release specs on the damned brightness control.  I'll implement the
>code - I'm not asking them for code - just specs so that SOMEONE who didn't
>sign an NDA can provide this useful utility to all the non irix and non NT

    You're not going to get specs by posting on Usenet. It's highly
probable that you're never going to get them.

    If that is so intolerable to you that you can't acknowledge all the
Linux products that SGI *does* support, or all the code that SGI has
offered up for the general benefit of Linux, that's unfortunate.

    But it won't change the facts.



From: don keith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Acer 8432A CDRW Problems
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 03:24:42 -0500

Young4ert wrote:

> So, if I were you, I would throw away the Acer 8432ACDRW and replace it
> with an inexpensive and faster CDRW drive that has a built-in Burnt Proof
> feature.  Certainly, I would like to hear from you should you be able to
> get the Acer 8432A CDRW to work under linux.
> Good luck.
Tonite I downloaded the current release of cdrecord (cdrtools-1.11a01) 
hoping that if it was a problem with cdrecord, it would be corrected.  No 
such luck, my Xcdroast still behaved exactly the same.  My next step was to 
install the program Gcombust.....Surprisingly, I was then able to burn a 
cd! .I had to use the "mkhybrid" option to get it to work, but I could 
create iso images and also burn direct to disk without creating an 
image.......I have come to the conclusion that Xcdroast and the linux 
kernel 2.4 just don't get along on my machine. After fighting with Xcdroast 
for over 5 days, it gave me great pleasure to wipe it off my system......


From: "Colin G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AC97 Onboard Sound
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 09:17:46 GMT

I'm in the market for a new motherboard and I'm seeing some with onboard
sound. For the most part these, the ones I'm seeing have an "AC97" audio
chipset. How well supported is this chipset? I have a suspicion that
support for it is found in the Maestro/Maestro2 kernel modules. True?

Any help is appreciated.



From: "Glitch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PCI NICs not networking! =(
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 02:44:24 -0400

In article <JDGN6.8379$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Unknown"

> Hi ppl,
> Here is the dewal, I have an old P-75 that runs just fine. I installed a
> Kingston kne100tx (10/100) NIC, but it doesn't sent nor receive any
> packets, I check ifconfig and everyting is fine so is /proc/iterrupts.
> The card uses IRQ 11 which makes a lot of sence. I tried a few different
> NIC 3com, Kingston and SMC none of them work. I also tried both PCI
> slots, but with no luck!
> What should I do next?

post the output of some commands

ping localhost
ping <your gateway's IP>


From: "Glitch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATI All In Wonder 128 PCI card Help needed
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 02:53:50 -0400

In article <9S2N6.3966$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Krishnan Subramanian"

> Hi,
> I have installed the ATI all in wonder 128 PCI video card. I installed
> Suse 7.1 Linux Professional edition. It doesn't recogonize my video card
> (I think) and hence I couldn't run X windows on it. If anyone can help
> me with a step by step instruction, please send the instructions to
> Krishnan.

run 'sax' as root from the will help u configure X


Subject: Re: yes, 2 SGI 1600sw LCD panels DO work in linux in dualhead mode!
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 09:59:07 -0000

In Jon Leech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>     SGI didn't release an X server for the #9 cards. We have never said
> that Linux is a supported O/S on the 1600SW, with the #9 Revolution IV
> card, using XFree86. If you want brightness controls on the 1600SW under
> Linux, consider buying a Multilink adapter.

perhaps THAT's the issue.  they want to force that over expensive multilink
box on us.  gee, lets see, $500 for a brightness knob.  uhm, sure...   sgi
in its truest form here ;-(  no wonder they're going down the tubes.  if that's
their attitude, then this will probably be the last sgi equip I'll ever buy
from them.

>     SGI supports Linux *products* on specific hardware and software
> configurations of servers and workstations. SGI supports the Linux
> *community* by releasing source code that helps provide journaling
> filesystems, ccNUMA support, compilers, kernel tools, 3D graphics, and
> other features that are in line with our corporate directions and
> skills.

that's great.  except that there's so much less 'technology' in the digital
protocol to turn brightness down - I simply can't understand why you would
release good stuff like xfs (arguably more valuable than a 'software-knob')
and yet claim that brightness controls are too proprietary to be released.

> But we don't provide "linux support" for everything we make, and
> never will. We don't provide "XFS support" for every hard disk and Linux
> kernel in the world, and never will. We don't provide "OpenGL support"
> for every graphics card in the world, and never will. And so on.

come on now, I'm not asking for deep dark secrets.  I'm not asking for kernel
tuning that makes linux scale like irix.  lets be real here.

>>you can argue semantics about WHO actually released the x-server code;
>>was it #9 alone?  sgi?  both? to the end user, it really doesn't

>     There are no "semantics" to argue. SGI didn't release any such code.
> #9 did. #9 did not formally support that code at any point. They gave it
> to the XFree86 project, who has since then been responsible for it and
> has evolved it somewhat even after the demise of #9. XFree86 is the only
> place you will find any support for the I128 driver, now and
> forevermore.

and this was done by #9 in a vacuum?  sgi had nothing to do with inventing
the protocol to talk from one vendor's card to its display?  what about other
cards (oxygen and other 'superwide saavy' cards)?

look, we're not talking about some special new technology that needs
to be kept secret.  I can think of lots of things that are much more
valuable than a software brightness protocol.  to release neat stuff like xfs
and yet to hide info on this simple item is craziness.  craziness big-company
style, I guess.

>>(and the 320 box, as well) and now sgi's trying to preach credibility in the
>>linux camp.  all I'm asking is that they put their money where their mouth is
>>and release specs on the damned brightness control.  I'll implement the
>>code - I'm not asking them for code - just specs so that SOMEONE who didn't
>>sign an NDA can provide this useful utility to all the non irix and non NT

>     You're not going to get specs by posting on Usenet. It's highly
> probable that you're never going to get them.

thanks, sgi, for helping its customers.  always appreciated (not).

>     If that is so intolerable to you that you can't acknowledge all the
> Linux products that SGI *does* support, or all the code that SGI has
> offered up for the general benefit of Linux, that's unfortunate.

I do appreciate the generosity of sgi towards the opensource
community, in a general sense.  that's why I'm annoyed at this ultra
simple request being refused.  if sgi was/is cold toward the linux
and/or opensource community, I never would have considered buying
pc-style components from them and I would not be discussing this issue
here.  there are many companies that could care less about these
areas.  it was my understanding (probably incorrect, it seems) that
sgi wanted to WORK with its users to create a new market where it
never had one before.  but its little things like this lack of a
software-based brightness control for anything other than wintel and
irix boxes (and $500 accessories that are useless if you already have
a compatible digital video card) that really give a sour taste towards
sgi from its customers.

I remember sgi having a motto 'do the right thing'.  I hardly think they're
following this credo here.  this is just another example of sgi alienating
its customers.  never ever a smart business move; yet par for the course
with sgi (unfortunately).

My email addr can be found on my web page:  http://www.snmp
    Please DON'T send me email when you're posting a follow-up.


From: Markku Kolkka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AC97 Onboard Sound
Date: 20 May 2001 12:38:42 +0300

"Colin G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm in the market for a new motherboard and I'm seeing some with onboard
> sound. For the most part these, the ones I'm seeing have an "AC97" audio
> chipset.

It's not really a specific chipset, but a specification by Intel for
an audio codec interface
There are several chips that implement the AC97 specification.

> How well supported is this chipset?

Depends on the actual chipset implementing the AC97 spec.

> I have a suspicion that
> support for it is found in the Maestro/Maestro2 kernel modules. True?

No. There are separate ac97 and ac97_codec modules that are loaded by
the driver for the specific chipset you are using (e.g. es1371,
via82cxxx_audio, etc.)

        Markku Kolkka


From: Dewitte Bjorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TV-IN and OUT with NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 under linux??
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 10:09:37 GMT


Does anybody has any experience in getting the TV-in and out from a Cougar
video edition AGP (with NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 chipset) working under linux
(Mandrake 8.0)


Bjorn Dewitte


From: "theDude" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Udma 100 - RH 7.1 ?
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 14:21:28 +0200

I'd like to install Red Hat Linux 7.1 and would like to know will it work
with udma 100 controller (promise) ?

Did anyone have some problems with that configuration ?



From: "gonenc onay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: cretive vibra 128
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 12:36:59 GMT

mandrake 7.2 con not load sound module for my card(it see as es1371).is
there any solution for this ?
and and  how to setup  an internet connection  in kde?


From: "Colin G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Udma 100 - RH 7.1 ?
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 12:52:23 GMT

I've got a Promise UDMA/100 controller that works fine under Linux. It
did require some kernel tweaking, though.


In article <9e8cv7$9cf$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "theDude" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like to install Red Hat Linux 7.1 and would like to know will it
> work with udma 100 controller (promise) ?
> Did anyone have some problems with that configuration ?
> Hvala
> theDude


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: cretive vibra 128
Date: 20 May 2001 14:56:12 GMT

On Sun, 20 May 2001 12:36:59 GMT, gonenc onay staggered into the Black
Sun and said:
>mandrake 7.2 con not load sound module for my card(it see as es1371).is
>there any solution for this ?

es1371 is the correct module for this card.  What happens if you load
the module manually, with "modprobe es1371" from the command prompt?

>and and  how to setup  an internet connection  in kde?

I'll assume you mean a dial-up connection, and I'll assume you have a
modem that works, that is, not a LoseModem.  (If the modem is internal,
connected to the PCI bus, and came with your computer, it is almost
certainly a LoseModem.)

Start kppp, enter the correct values in all the "setup" fields, and push
"Connect."  The help for kppp is pretty good, read that first if you
have problems.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....



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