On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo wrote:


FInally a sane voice among the croud.

What I meant is that most Unix utils are designed to DO SOMETHING when
they look for the control terminal (waiting for input, or write output),
and they have a decision making clause when they don't find it anymore.

Most just exit when they don't find it.....


> AB>> In fact, most Unix utilities will exit when losing the control terminal.
> Depends on what do you mean on "losing". If you do the following:
> run ftp
> background it while it's busy (i.e., not reading from terminal, like in
> downloading)
> desintegrate parent shell process (like kill -9)
> then ftp will happily survive. You'll lose any communication ability to
> it, though, and it will exit as soon as it tries to read user input
> (like, on finishing download). So it's practical to use screen when
> available.
> The point is that the absence of the controlling terminal by itself won't
> kill ftp, it's the shell that is losing it would. If you prevent shell
> from touching ftp, it will happily proceed until it needs terminal by
> itself. Then it discovers that it's gone and will decide what to do.
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]    \/There shall be counsels taken
> Stanislav Malyshev    /\Stronger than Morgul-spells
> phone +972-3-9316425  /\              JRRT LotR.
> http://sharat.co.il/frodo/    whois:!SM8333
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