On 11 Aug 1999, Adam Morrison wrote:

No, you're right.

I was referring to something else completely, and thus this

To better explain.

If you try backgrounding a process why it waits for input:

host:~> ftp host
ftp> ^Z
host:~> bg
[1]    ftp ftp &
host:~>  <newline>
[1]  + Suspended (tty input)         ftp ftp
host:~> exit
There are suspended jobs.
host:~> kill -9 $$

ssh host ...

host:~> ps ax|grep ftp|grep -v grep

Naturally, if you first do:

ftp> get somefile
host:~> bg
host:~> exit

it will work, since it's not suspended at tty input.

anyway, I apologize for this long thread, I was going to a rather
different direction than what was asked here...

and you are right of course Adam.


> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ariel Biener 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Second, ftp WILL exit when it loses the control terminal. Try it, from
> > bash or tcsh.
> I explained this behavior previously.
>       When the terminal goes away, the program will start getting
>       errors on write()s to the terminal.Whether it exits or not
>       at that point depends on how well it is written.
> Simply, if ftp attempts to receive input from the user and fails, it
> exits.This is correct behavior, why should it stick around?  
> Therefore, when using a shell with job control, it's quite
> straightforward to do the following:
>       ftp> get big-file
>       150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for big-file (lots of bytes).
>       ^Z
>       Suspended
>       % bg
>       [1] ftp
>       % exit
> When ftp finishes the transfer, it'll exit by itself because of the
> above mentioned condition.(It doesn't try reading from the terminal
> while transferring the file.)Come to think of it, I've been doing
> this forever!
> Because ftp is run in a background process group, the kernel doesn't
> send it a SIGHUP when the shell exits.Had you run something similar
> from a shell without job control (which isn't as simple as the example
> above, since you can't suspend and `bg' jobs in a shell WITHOUT job
> control!), then ftp would die immediately when the shell exited.
> > In fact, most Unix utilities will exit when losing the control terminal.
> If the application expects to get input, and it can't do so (because
> it lost its terminal), I'd expect it to exit.Like I said, that's
> correct behavior.
> To decide based on observing this behavior that job control doesn't
> work, which is basically what you were saying... that's quite a
> stretch.
> > You are welcome to prove me otherwise, and this way I might learn
> > something.
> I explained what's going on, twice.
> Which part were you disputing, exactly?
> The fact that background jobs started from a shell with job control
> don't die when the shell exits?
>       bash$ sleep 666 &
>       [1] 31187
>       bash$ exit
>       Connection to linux-box closed.
>       % ssh linux-box
>       Last login: Wed Aug 11 19:00:46 1999 from vortex
>       You have new mail.
>       bash$ ps -p 31187
>       PID TTY          TIME CMD
>       31187 ?      00:00:00 sleep
> Or my explanation of how job control works?
>       $ cat wrapper.c
>       #include <sys/types.h>
>       #include <unistd.h>
>       #include <stdio.h>
>       int
>       main(int argc, char **argv)
>       {
>             if (argc < 3) {
>                     fprintf(stderr, "usage: wrapper path args\n");
>                     return (1);
>             }
>             if (setpgid(0, getpid()) == -1) {
>                     perror("setpgid");
>                     return (1);
>             }
>             if (execv(argv[1], &argv[2]) == -1) {
>                     perror("exec");
>                     return (1);
>             }
>             /*NOTREACHED*/
>       }
>       $ gcc -o setpgid wrapper.c
>       $ ./setpgid /usr/bin/sleep sleep 666 &
>       9616
>       $ exit
>       Connection to solaris-box closed.
>       % ssh solaris-box
>       Last login: Wed Aug 11 11:23:52 1999from vortex
>       Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.6       Generic August 1997
>       You have mail.
>       $ ps -p 9616
>        PID TTY      TIME CMD
>       9616 ?        0:00 sleep
>       $ sleep 666 &
>       9624
>       $ exit
>       Connection to solaris-box closed.
>       % ssh solaris-box
>       Last login: Wed Aug 11 11:33:52 from vortex
>       Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.6       Generic August 1997
>       You have mail.
>       $ ps -p 9624
>        PID TTY      TIME CMD
>       $ exit
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Ariel Biener
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           Work phone: 03-640608
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