In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Itamar Shtull-Trauring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I heard a talk by Ted T'so in New York, where he talked a bit about XFS.  He
> said that XFS is extremely integrated with Irix's VM system, so that adding
> it to Linux using the existing codebase may require major changes to the way
> Linux works, changes which Linus Torvalds might not approve.  He suggested
> that if this happens they might just use the XFS code as a reference and
> rewrite it from scratch, but the capability of guaranteeing read speed might
> not make it.

There are separate issues here.  XFS was designed according to a
``think big'' principle (e.g. deal with terabytes of storage and
hundreds of MBs/sec I/O speeds).  But XFS as a filesystem doesn't know 
about all the disk array muck that makes this possible (e.g. striping
or concatenation) -- there's a separate subsystem (XLV) for that.

Second, if you are not as big as XFS expects then you may not want
that bloat.

Finally, XFS is tainted.  I believe this is what is holding up the
release; SGI needs to clean the code of any tainted parts and
reimplement these parts under the GPL before it can release the code.

P.S.  Do you remember more specifics about this VM integration stuff?
AFAIK, this is relevant only to `direct I/O' XFS property.

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