I don't recall having any problems dialing out from my home linux box 
to different places. Recently I added a dial-in capability, starting
mgetty on boot. More precisely, when there is an incoming call from a
particular place that logs in as a special user, pppd is started as
that user's shell, with a specific set of options (details below). 

It works fine. However, when after this incoming call is successfully
completed and terminated, I cannot dial out. Only after I comment out
the mgetty stanza in /etc/inittab (that I took from the mgetty info
pages essentially), and reboot, does the dial-out succeed.

I am including the details that seem to me relevant - the setup and
the syslog of the unsuccessful dial-out attempt. If anyone has any
idea what I am missing here, I'll be very grateful.

Oleg Goldshmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
"... We work but wit, and not by witchcraft;
 And wit depends on dilatory time." [Shakespeare]


Platform: RH6.2 on i586, with kernel 2.2.15

RPMs: mgetty-1.1.21-4, ppp-2.3.11-4 (from RH6.2)

Permissions (just before dialing out)::

crw-rw----    1 uucp     uucp       4,  65 Jul  1 20:16 /dev/ttyS1
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            5 Jun 27  1999 /dev/modem -> ttyS1
-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     root       140656 Mar  7 17:25 /usr/sbin/pppd

# in /etc/inittab (I think straight from mgetty info)
# Run mgetty for incoming modem connections
S1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -x3 ttyS1

Dialout PPP options :

connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chat/<out-peer>"

Dialin PPP options:

auth +chap


Jul  1 20:45:59 zaphod pppd[17895]: pppd 2.3.11 started by oleg, uid 101
Jul  1 20:46:00 zaphod chat[17899]: abort on (BUSY)
Jul  1 20:46:00 zaphod chat[17899]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Jul  1 20:46:00 zaphod chat[17899]: send (ATZ^M)
Jul  1 20:46:00 zaphod chat[17899]: expect (OK)
Jul  1 20:46:10 zaphod mgetty[16544]: mdm_read_byte: read returned -1: Interrupted 
system call
Jul  1 20:46:45 zaphod chat[17899]: alarm
Jul  1 20:46:45 zaphod chat[17899]: Failed
Jul  1 20:46:45 zaphod pppd[17895]: Connect script failed
Jul  1 20:46:46 zaphod pppd[17895]: Exit.
Jul  1 20:47:06 zaphod mgetty[17906]: tcsetattr failed: Input/output error
Jul  1 20:47:06 zaphod mgetty[17906]: tcgetattr failed: Input/output error
Jul  1 20:47:06 zaphod mgetty[17906]: tcsetattr failed: Input/output error
Jul  1 20:47:06 zaphod mgetty[17906]: do_chat: can't write to modem!: Input/output 
Jul  1 20:47:26 zaphod mgetty[17906]: tcsetattr failed: Input/output error
Jul  1 20:47:26 zaphod mgetty[17906]: init chat failed, exiting...: Interrupted system 
Jul  1 20:47:26 zaphod mgetty[17906]: failed in mg_init_data, dev=ttyS1, pid=17906
Jul  1 20:47:26 zaphod mgetty[17906]: tio: cannot flush queue: Input/output error

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