New thread..

I set up a DynDNS service on my box operated by email.

My "client" (with his dyndns record) has his own zone file, and my box's
DNS updates just fine.

My Q is why, in spite of his zone file saying:

@       1D       IN      SOA (
                        2001041121      ;YYYYMMDD + todays serial
                        60              ; refresh
                        90              ; retry
                        60              ; expire
                        30              ; minimum

foreign DNS's keep his entry cached more than the said 
"expire" (or is it "refresh"?) given 60 seconds, and when he updates my
DNS, they don't update off me. 

If it has any meaning, I'm running latest version of bind9 on a
heavily modified SuSE 7.0/2.4.2 kernel



---= Miki Shapiro =------------------
 ---= Cell: (+972)-56-322433 =--------
  ---= ICQ: 3EE853 =-------------------
   ---= Windows Programmer in Rehab =---

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