On Sat, Dec 29, 2001 at 01:36:45AM +0200, Nimrod Simba Carmi wrote:

 [ snipped discussion ]

> > Some of them might do it eventually,
> > but others might prefer to get other jobs where they'll at least do
> > something useful - e.g., instead of writing code for a site that aims to
> > cheat in schools, they might go and become teachers!
> Oh comeon, we're an information source as much as a school library is, 
> whoever copies a paper from us and sends it as is - is stupid.
> Teachers dont have any ambitions towards trying to change ANYTHING in the 
> messed up education system -- We do !

How is that done, exactly? By providing regurgitated assignments for students
who would rather deceive than to actually learn something? Your disgustingly
disrespectful attitude towards teachers sets the tone of your site, which
aims at finding the easiest way to obtain good grades; yes, you're a great
social reformer. It is such "Hutzpa" to claim that your site is more valuable
to the education system than teachers are. 

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