This is all a bit odd. I installed SO5.2 way back from the SuSE 7.1 distro 
(which put it in /opt). I had no trouble bringing it it up subsequently, under 
both my superuser and regular accounts. It works like a charm. (Well, it aint 
exactly a winner for speed, but it gets the job done.) Maybe you should try the 
SuSE rpm? (Schlomo Schapiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> should have it on his ftp 


Adi Stav wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 08:04:01PM +0200, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:
>>Adi Stav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>It needs to be run as the same user who installed it and who owns its
>>Err... I thought Sun did UNIX... Apparently, as Geoff Mendelson
>>pointed out to me on a few occasions, Sun is a *hardware* company.
> Sun bought it from StarOffice, which did not UNIX but multiplatform.
> A big interest of Sun, the one that motivated the purchase, was not 
> UNIX per se, nor hardware, but so-called "middleware". I was not 
> interested in a word processor for my "middleware" at the time, I was 
> interested in a word processor for my Debian machine :)
> But I see Geoff commented that it might be possible to do a normal 
> UNIX installation in spite of that. 
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