Wow, this is really deep stuff.

I consider this sub-thread a prime candidate for a nice discussion in

Now, could we please go back to discuss boring stuff, like killng X


On 20 May 2002, Alex Shnitman wrote:

> On Mon, 2002-05-20 at 15:19, Moshe Zadka wrote:
> > Yes. But what both you and Uri are missing is: "Alphabets are supposed
> > to serve us, not the other way around"
> You are right. My point is that diversity is part of humanity, and even
> though in many cases it doesn't make sense from a practical point of
> view, it still continues to exist, because we as people like it that
> way: practicality is not our only criterion. And as much deficiencies as
> you can find in the Hebrew language / alphabet, you cannot argue that it
> does not work -- it's spoken by millions of people daily, and wonderful
> books, poetry and plays have been written in it. Each language /
> alphabet has its practical problems, yet they don't deny its right to
> existance. Our culture, history and folklore is worth something, and
> there's no reason why we should shed all that and start from scratch.
> *Especially* not triggered by some minor temporary difficulties in
> implementing the language on a computer.

Tzafrir Cohen

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