On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

> > Gentoo has been selected by you as the distro for the current Linbrew
> > project, which is obviously also newbie-oriented.
> I'm not following this therad very much, but picking gentoo for linbrew??
> like.. duh.. hello... the users who wants hebrew Linux (not talking about
> hebrew support!) are definately going to be hit their walls with gentoo!
> gentoo is for someone who knows Linux, not for someone who knows Windows
> only, double click on setup.exe, and reboot if he gets error...

No. The plan is not gentoo, but a binary distro based on gentoo.

I have my opinions regarding this, but I believe that linux-il is not the
place to discuss this. See the project's mailing list.

> If you want a "friendly" installation then you might want to look at "debian
> junior" distribution (if I understood Tal correctly, you don't like RPMS,
> Meir, am I right?)

(For those who don't know: debian-jr is a sub-project of debain that is
indented to make debian (or a debain-based distro) both children-friendly
and children-proof.)

The latest status report of debian-jr is not thriling. It is still not
something you can build a distro on.

> But again - I wish you and the linbrew a good luck.

Tzafrir Cohen

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