On Tue, Sep 10, 2002, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote about "Re: [OT] proposed israeli laws 
regarding internet and encryption":
> Absolutely. As I mentioned, in most places carrying (concealed)
> weapons is forbidden. Basically, you can only keep a gun at home.
> Interestingly, carrying weapons openly is often allowed in the US,
> which leads to a curious situation where carrying a pistol under your
> jacket is forbidden, but walking around with a rifle is perfectly
> legal.

It does make some sense. If you start a bar brawl with a guy, and suddenly
he takes out a gun from under his shirt and shoots you, all hell is going
to break loose. But if that guy was carrying his weapon *in the open*, you
wouldn't pick a fight with him in the first place, would you?

In many cases you hear about people (especially young people) killing each
other in fights with knives or guns, one side did not know in advance that
the other side was "packing". They "wanted" an honest fair fight, and got

Anyway, making carrying conceiled weapons illegal is also a very convenient
technicality for which to arrest criminals you can't pin an actual crime on.

Nadav Har'El                        |      Tuesday, Sep 10 2002, 4 Tishri 5763
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