On Mon, Sep 09, 2002, Oleg wrote about "Re: [OT] proposed israeli laws regarding 
internet and encryption":
> Here is the relevant text:
> Which means that if you bought F-Secure SSH in Israel then you can use SSH
> as long as you like.

What this basically means is that if a specific software (in your example
F-Secure SSH) got a license for its seller, then you can use it. Big deal...
That's even worse than what we said :)
The situation is actually better because the tsav also allows for declaring
"free means", software that anyone can sell and use without the seller
needing another license.

But don't count on your favorite small free-software project on being
licensed as "free means" or the site carrying it to get an Israeli license...
This is exactly the problem with this law. I thought I had seen some more
general text in the law (like "any encryption algorithm with a key of less
than ... bits is allowed") but I can't find it now, so perhaps I was wrong,
and using software not in this list (or not licensed by a specific seller)
is illegal.

Nadav Har'El                        |        Monday, Sep 9 2002, 3 Tishri 5763
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