On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 10, 2002, Uri Bruck wrote about "Re: [OT] proposed israeli laws 
>regarding internet and encryption":
> > > In the US, supporters of the second amendment, like the NRA (National Rifle
> > > Association) and ESR (Eric S. Raymond ;) see http://tuxedo.org/~esr/guns/)
> > > have the saying "If guns were outlawed, only outlaws would have guns!".
> > 
> > Actually, the Second Ammendment says :
> > "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free 
> > state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be 
> > infringed."
> > 
> > It doesn't say that everyone run around waving guns.
> Tell that to the NRA :)
First I'll have to make sure I'm not within range :)
> See http://www.nraila.org/Faqs.asp?FormMode=Call&LinkType=Section&Section=17
> for their view of the second amendment. Obviously, the NRA being the American
> firearms lobby, their view is far from being impartial.
I'm familiar with their views
> But while the Second Amendment is quite controversial, the wording in its
> second half isn't that difficult to understand. 
The second half is just half a sentence, half a concept. Trying to 
interpret an ammendment by reading just half of it can take 180 degrees 
from the intention of the framers. In this particular instance, the 
framers provided us, or rather the American citizens, with their intent.
> anything to do with it (supposedly this part is a relic from the time when
> having a federal army was considered a Bad Thing).
Militias, as Oleg, I believe, pointed out in another post, have everything 
to do with it. Anyway, if you think the "well-regulated militia" is a 
relic, then why is the entire concept of the second ammendment not a 
Throwing away half of it changes its meaning completely.

> Note that all of this is about keeping and carrying guns - not about using
> them. Nowhere does it say people are allowed to actually shoot guns...
If a gun is seen in the 2nd ammendment it is bound to go off by the 4th .. 
> Look below for a relevant sig :)
I'd sooner trust Yogi with one. He sure is more sensible than the average 
NRA member .. :)

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