On Friday 08 November 2002 18:51, guy keren wrote:
> mplayer has an option that specifies how it will send images (the '-vo'
> option). you can run it and tell it to use something other then 'xv', and
> see if the problem goes away.

I tried that at first. BTW, mplayer is the only one that had a useable option: 
"X11 (XImage/Shm)". However, mplayer reported that the codec is incompatible 
with the output device; don't understand that, never mind.


It is absurd to seek to give an account of the matter to a man 
who cannot himself give an account of anything; for insofar as
he is already like this, such a man is no better than a vegetable.
           -- Book IV of Aristotle's Metaphysics

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