>when i say something is bloated, i mean it takes too many resources. as 
>you quite well know, two programs doing the same things can use different 
>ammounts of resources. in fact, the same program can do the same thing in 
>two manners - one optimized and one not.

And what would you say were the minimum system requirements for Mozilla
to run with (not too sluggish) ???

I can tell you exactly how the computers in the CC at TAU are behaving
with IE (the computers in the basement).
The are all P2's I think, and most of them act sluggish as well with IE, so
I wouldn't just come to Mozilla with complaints.


"There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.."
 - Dire Straits - "Brothers in Arms"

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