On Sat, 30 Nov 2002, guy keren wrote:

> the kde folks went over board with things, without caring if it runs on
> older hardware - hence, the bloat. when you have a new PC that runs very
> fast, you can loose awareness to how bloated your code is. i just bought a
> new computer a week ago, and suddenly things run fat, that i don't feel
Indeed ;-)

> the bloat on every spot - suddenly netscape 6 launches quickly. suddenly
> galeon does not slag behind. so you see - if i was developing on this new
> PC, it would hardly run on older hardware, cause i wouldn't _feel_ the
> bloat. only if i care about it, or try it on older hardware, will i notice
> this bloat properly, and be reminded to keep my code optimized.

Tzafrir Cohen

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