On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 06, 2003, Daniel Feiglin wrote about "Re: Home Page Failure":

> We can make a game out of it, to find the shortest useragent string that
> will invoke this bug. For example,
> $ curl -i -s -A "Mozilla/" http://jobinfo.co.il/
> also gives the same internal server error.

A real nice game could be if a page is not accessible due to a silly
formatting error, and you can make it accessible thrugh your own modifying
proxy. This may not apply in this case, but other pages come to mind.

You could make the page accessible only to browsers that can't view their
page properly (except adds). And then let them complain that you deny
customers from their page...

Tzafrir Cohen

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