I see that we (the Linux-IL participants) are being subjected to a yet
another peculiar Linux-IL tradition:

Each time someone suggests that we go to eat something, people start
arguing which kinds of foods or restaurants to reject.  Then there is a
religious war which gets as obnoxious as the vi vs. emacs or Mac vs. PC
wars (or even much more obnoxious, because for us Jews and former Jews,
food IS a religious issue!).

May I propose that the next time someone gets to be choosy about
restaurants and food, he/she gets to be beaten with Marc's Differntial
SCSI Cable (another Linux-IL sacred traditional instrument).

Also, can anyone add to the Linux-IL FAQ a prohibition about discussing
what kinds of food one doesn't want to consume?

On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 09, 2003, Shlomi Fish wrote about "Re: IBM lecture(s) rant":
> > Can you please not go to Sushi? Chinese food or Italian Food or Pizza or
> > Nando's or Mizrahi or whatever will be much better for me. I cannot think
> And if Muli prefers Sushiover Italian/Nandos, isn't he entitled to suggest
> his favorite too?
> You're lucky I wasn't asked to choose - I would have chosen a Mexican
> restaurant (now *there*'s so really dangerous food :))
[... rest was snipped ...]

                                             --- Omer
There is no IGLU Cabal.  People got tired of being very hungry when
leaving the secret IGLU Cabal meetings, due to inability to find anything
besides water newly synthesized from H2 and O2, which is acceptable to
everyone in the meetings.
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