Eli Marmor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If there will be enough answers, and they will make sense, I'll publish
> a summary. I ask in advance, that when such a summary is published,
> please don't take it's results as a proof for anything, and don't
> conclude that one product is superior.
> Disclaimer: I must admit that I have no opinion or idea what desktop is
> better; Otherwise, maybe I would not publish such a survey...  ;-)

I don't have an opinion either, and I don't mind being
public. Counting my two machines at home and my workstation at work,
I guess I control 3 machines. My answers are for all the 3.

> Questions:
> ==========
> My desktop environment management is:
> -------------------------------------
> 1. Only KDE.
> 2. I prefer KDE.
> 3. Both.
> 4. I prefer Gnome.
> 5. Only Gnome.
> 0. None.

Here I have a problem. Nominally, I am a KDE user, because that's what
starts up when I log in. I also configure look-and-feel and windows
behaviour and the KDE Panel etc via the KDE control center. However, I
don't use any KDE or GNOME app on a regular basis (XEmacs, plain old
xterm, Mozilla most often as my browser). I have used various KDE and
GNOME apps when I needed them on occasion, but normally none of them
is present on my desktop.

So I am somewhere between 1 and 0 here. You decide.

> Reasons (please check all that apply):
> --------------------------------------
> A.  Better Hebrew support.
> B.  Licensing.
> C1. Similarity to Windows GUI.
> C2. Difference from Windows GUI.
> D.  My company/organization dictates/recommends this desktop.
> E1. This is the only desktop coming with my distribution.
> E2. This is the default desktop that my distribution offers.
> E3. This is the desktop that is best supported by my distribution.
> F.  I use an application(s) that runs better under this desktop (please
>     detail - which app).
> G1. Historical reasons.
> G2. I've got used to this desktop.
> G3. I have a lot of existing configurations/customizations for this
>     desktop, and/or existing investments.
> H.  Another reason (PLEASE DETAIL)

I guess G1 and G2 (and they imply G3 - I know how to configure stuff
in KDE because I have been using it for quite a while) apply. None of
the others do.

When RH came out with GNOME, I tried it, but it slowed down my poor
old Pentium noticeably. At about the same time someone showed me KDE,
and I wasn't particularly impressed, thought tried it. I stayed with
fvwm2 for quite a while since then, but at some point switched. KDE
was less a resource hog than GNOME, and I didn't care that it was not
GPLed as long as I could use it legally.

Oleg Goldshmidt | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Taking any religion too seriously ... can be 
 hazardous to your health." [Richard M. Stallman]

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