On 2003-01-16, Daniel Feiglin wrote:

> I think that this thread is a dealy bore! CHALAS! ( = Choder Leshem
> Sakranut).
Do you suggest it as an ackronym or a backronym :-)?

> So a hacker is a "choles", ani choles betoch kod shel Linus ...
> Six months after I have written some code, and have forgotten what it
> does, ani mitchales ...
> People who "cholef kesef" = chalfanim, so the the community of people
> who choles are chalsanim ...
> And of course,
> chalasti,
> chalasta,
> chalas (tartei mashma!)
> A "hack" is a chilus which often turns ot to be a chilutz.
> And just for fun, a dirty hack is rechilus!
Nice puns :-)

Beni Cherniavsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Holy resolution for a holy war: the Torah stores most numbers as
little-endian (e.g. "seven and twenty and a hundred years")!

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