On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 10:50:57 +0200
Eli Segal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> so after few attempts i turn to the bezeqint support, and, I was
> pleasenlty tell you  that they instruct me step by step through the
> installation on my Debian system I talk to this guy barak, who also
> has debian

Thanks for the report. Since that happens so rarely in our place
(encountering cluefull support people), I humbly suggest to
encorage this as much as we (rightfull) rant about cluelessness.

One option is to send a "thank you" mail to this guy and CC the
manager of the support department (email address anybody?). Even
more effective is a "paper-letter" sent to head of marketing
department. Obviously, any type of letter should indicate that
a large mailing list of Linux geeks as been notified and appreciated
the good service.

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Bezeqint or Bezeq. I normally
            tried to avoid the company whose long monopoly on long
            distance calls caused me a lot of grief for many years.
            That's why it's important for me to hear also about their
            (maybe rare) moments of wisdom (e.g: employing cluefull

Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  http://www.actcom.co.il/~oron

The use of Windoze cripples the mind; its use should, therefore, be
regarded as a criminal offence.  (With apologies to Edsger W. Dijkstra)

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