Quoting Eli Segal, from the post of Wed, 26 Feb:
> Just one thought ...
> Why would anyone want users to leave windows ..

well, in a utopia, there will be a constant rise in the number of
computer users, each picking his OS and tools in a balanced way, causing
MS products to drop below the 50% share mark or so and allowing for real

However the world is in an economical drawback, and the digital gap
isn't narrowing, so instead of new users with freedom of choice I promote
also converting the existing ones if possible. more users for an OS
means buying power which encourages suppliers to write software and
support hardware.

don't you want more software and better hardware support?

> I say, if someone is happy with his windows .. let him be
> linux is alternative and that's the good part

true, but his choice of OS should not punish him by taking away good
apps. why should we NOT port good apps to his platform?

a developer like Felix saying his software should not be ported to
windows is like Arik Sharon saying he doesn't want election propaganda
posted in Me'a she'arim because he doesn't want their votes. It's
utterly rediculous, goes against the foundations of Free Software
Philosophy, and smells of fanaticism. It's also funny to read that from
a guy who's not fanatic about FS, as he works on DJB's code and supports
his licenseless habbits which are annoying many.

Worth a thousand words
Ira Abramov

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