On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 08:33:08AM +0200, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > If you send it to your boss, while telling him that, you might get
> > fired. The first document I prepared with LaTeX (an English one) I sent to a
> > TAU education professor in PostScript format. He told me he cannot read
> > PS and asked for the _MS Word Original_. I ended up ps2pdf'ing it, which
> > satisfied him.
> Did you send him a free clue with it? several technion professors
> *refuse* to accept Word documents, due to the inherent virus risk.

Like I said, he was a TAU professor in the school of education. If he were
a Mathemtics professor, I suppose he would not have had any problem
dealing with a PostScript file. I just pre-assumed he could.

> > Seriously, while PDF is not a panacea for many Windows kiddies who only
> > know of Word, it is still much more accesible than PostScript. Sending a
> > document to a Windows guy in PS format is like sending a document to a
> > UNIX guy in Word format. Not a nice thing to do.
> I disagree. Unless PDF comes by default on windows nowday, installing
> a postscript viewer should be no more and no less complicated than
> installing a PDF viewer.

Actually, installing GSview and getting it to print correctly is much
more complicated than installing Acrobat Reader. And the problem is that
few Windows people know what it is, while more have heard about PDFs.


        Shlomi Fish

> --
> Muli Ben-Yehuda
> http://www.mulix.org

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