> I use "Mozilla 1.3a: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US;
> rv:1.3a) Gecko/20021212"
> I looked at two pages because they show different behavior:
> 1. http://www.mechon-mamre.org/c/ct/c0101.htm
>    with Hebrew only

Looks perfect on Konqueror. I hope the win32 version of the KHTML version will 
be published soon. 

> For what it's worth: I also tested this in 2 other browsers:
> MS Internet Explorer 5 displays both pages correctly (with the same
> default font). Not that I give MS the credit for this, it might be
> the only browser the page-authors tried ;-)

Probably. Mozilla in Linux shows it very bad.

> Opera 7 (the Bork edition) renders the niqud correctly below the
> letters but has another funny "feature". The letters within each word
> are ordered correctly right-to-left, but the words within on line go
> from left-to-right: A whole new reading experience. It's the same on
> both pages.

Opera Still doesn't have Bidi support (despite their promises to have it by 
Opera 7), and the hebrew in text is using Windows bidi engine (but not fully, 
as you can see)..


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