On 2003-02-21, Shlomi Fish wrote:

> I do hope it becomes available, but don't know the issues involved. When
> the Technion decided to teach the book "Computation Structures" from MIT
> Press, in the course "Logic Design" it received or licensed a few
> simulators from MIT. Now those simulators were for DOS, and came in
> binary only. And they actually suck quite a bit.
Ouch.  I remember them.  When I studied it (3 years ago) there were
acltually two simulators: for DOS and for windows.  The windows one was
user-friendly (no powerful commands to confuse you) and 10-20 times slower
yet the the DOS one, so nobody used it.  I applaud their ability to write
a simulator of a simple assembler that would be unberable to wait for
(minutes(?)) when runing a thousand-cycle loop :-----)

> At least students and faculty of universities can work on open-source
> projects (sometimes at the university's facilities) without the university
> being able to make a claim for it.
Great!  I was a little afraid that they can have some claims if I work a
lot in the farms (conveniently, they don't have up-to-date Python
installed anywhere so lately I always work at home :-).

Beni Cherniavsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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