Quoting Nadav Har'El, from the post of Mon, 24 Mar:
> It's a strange explanation, because Redhat just sent out the new glibc

that's one reason of many not to touch .0 RHL, yada yada :)

> Maybe the real explanation is that they are trying to beat Mandrake's
> version number ;)

much more likely :-)))

rediculous if you ask me.

and yes, we got the same mail from Red Hat here at work. I'll try to DL
and put it in a public place if anyone is interested.

we just discovered a computer next to IGLU at actcom is already
mirroring all of Red Hat 6 through 8 and kernel.org, so once we
coordinate with them we may be finally able to clear out a lot of IGLU's
problematicly small space and mirror interesting stuff

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Ira Abramov

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