Title: RE: Redhat 9 going out next week???

My friend compiled a program on RH8.0 and was not able to run
it on RH 7.2.
Should there be such an incompatibility?
Is there a workaround

-----Original Message-----
From: Hetz Ben Hamo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: Redhat 9 going out next week???


> That's what I thought, until I, just to be safe, sent my browser to
> http://www.redhat.com. And lo and behold, what do I see there?
>       "Today: Get Red Hat Linux 9 early"
> Linking to the following page:
>       http://www.redhat.com/mktg/rh9iso/

Try this: http://www.redhat.com/index2.html

> Which says Red Hat 9 will be available on March 31, 2003 for "Red Hat
> Network" subscribers, and generally available in April 7, 2003.
> Weird. Very weird. Can anybody confirm or deny, or venture guess why the
> sudden version number jump?

The jump was due to the incompatibilities rolled - like the famous glibc which
is NOT backward compatible, etc...

So Red Hat was basically forced to jump to 9 instead of 8.1, since "8.1" is
not compatible with 8.0, so they moved to 9.0


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