I agree about schools being a good place to teach people about open software, but going trough the MoE has a lot of problems, the biggest being bureaucracy, the system is full of bureaucrats who will drive any sane man nuts. In my high school the Talmud teacher wanted to publish a text book to be used by other schools and ran into so much problems with the system, he gave up and published everything online.

The best course of action is to bring CS and other science teachers into the picture. Many CS teachers also have a say at general computer policy in their schools and can help with building the program and implementing it.
Science teachers tend to use the PCs in schools more then other teachers and if given the tools would use switch to open source.
Writing software that would help the teacher demonstrate the effects of gravity to physics the class, or software that simulates genetic changes during several generations for the biology class , or a math software that explains linear approximation to math students studying derivatives, all that things can make the change for FS in schools. You won't convince any school principal or teacher not to use FS because they don't have to give illegal copies to students, our society simply doesn't understand this fact. But give the teachers a cause to switch to FS and they'll gladly do it.

I'll try to dig out the e-mail of my CS teacher from High School, and introduce him to this discussion, he may have a valuable insight on the issue.


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