Quoth Evgeny Stambulchik:

> Lior Kesos wrote:
> I must admit I haven't seen a more cynical job offer. In a few words, it 
> can be summarized as follows:

Evgeney, hi. We have not spoken a long time now.

> Good luck and please let us know who the successful candidate is. I'll add 
> his name to my list of idiots (which already contains yours, of course).

I think you're being unkind to the kid. I know Lior from past
association and he's, in my opinion, the second-best person to have
worked for that benighted company.

In all likelihood, these conditions were set by the powers above him.
But even if they were not, he should not be flagelated with a scsi
cable, just a serial ATA one.



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