10x, continue reading....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shaul Karl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 11:54 PM
> To: Tzahi Fadida
> Subject: Re: PCMCIA trouble
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2003 at 04:38:29PM +0200, Tzahi Fadida wrote:
> >
> > i have another problem. after the base install i have 350mb left from 512,
> > tasksel loaded up.
>   Does that mean that base took 172mb? For some reason I believe it
> should be much much less.
i'v put 30mb swap.

> > the Tex/Latex is 180 mb and i need it so i installed it. (still in progress)
>   Can it be that you should format your fs to use smaller blocks? Have
> you seen the figures at
> http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/install.en.htm ?
i used whats default with the install.

> > however, i also need a desktop enviornment to see the result after the latex
> > formatting.
> > but, (probably) only 170mb will be left.
> >
>   Wouldn't X + an older fashion window manager suffice? That might also
> be a more reasonable usage of the scare resources and might help to have
> it run a bit faster.
yeah it will, and this is what i want but i don't know what to select in dselect
or do an apt-get to get the minimum i need.
do you have a suggestion? i will need a minimum X stuff and windowmanager that
would fit in 176mb that were left. ultimately allowing me to run xdvi and

> > The target system is a basic machine i can use to write transperencies and
> > documents since i have to TA ("metargel") in the technion this
> semester and we
> > ran out of computers. (budget)
> >
> > the dselect is too complex, it goes on and on....
>   I think that after some time with it you'll find out that it is
> friendlier then you thought. One key fact is that you should learn to
> wait for it. Don't push dselect. After pressing a key let it do its job.
> Given the resources of the machine, it will take a long time. Just wait.
> I believe that there are no Debian tools which will do the same job
> faster. Yet you might consider:
>     1) aptitude.
>     2) dpkg.
>     3) Giving up the tasks and go straight to dselect to choose only the
>        packages of direct interest. Since dependencies are no problem and
>        you are an experienced Linux user I believe that shouldn't be
>        hard. You might also look at packages.debian.org for packages
>        that contains your favorite tools.
well, i usually don't mess with the packages just install everything and forget
about it, so its my first time messing with space problems.

> > is there a solution?
> >
> > p.s: the box is thinkpad 755cx 24mb mem, 512hd p75, network card, and an
> > external cdrom x6. 640x480 screen.
> >
>   If there is an option to upgrade the machine I would install more RAM.
it was 8mb and was upgraded to 24mb.

> --
>     Shaul Karl,    shaulk @ actcom . net . il

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