Few other ideas:
1. Try to write to an existing file. Create a file an a "stable" way
(e.g. after reboot - you said that works), then 'cat >' into it and
see if it stays there or returning to original content. When you do,
do umount and sync yourself before unplugging it. This should eliminate
FS-specific problems.
2. If you can, do the same to the device itself. dd into it and read
back. This will of course destroy whatever you have there, but is
easily fixable by reformatting it (either mkdosfs or from Windows).
3. Also, if you can, try to 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1024k' and
see what happens. If all is ok, you should see that it wrote exactly
the size of the device (IIRC - 128MB, which means it should say 128
records). If you get an error in the middle (either from dd or in the
output of dmesg), try repeating that a few times - sometimes, the
first write to a block on a flash device is problematic (only from my
experience - I haven't searched for a reason). Then, after you get no
errors, try also reading the entire device (dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/null)
and see that it read the same number of records. Note that doing this
to a new flash device, or even to a partly new device, causes errors
(again - I don't know the precise reason). After doing that you'll
obviously have to format it - fdisk and mkdosfs. You might want to do
all this to sda1 and not sda, if you suspect that the partitioning is
not completly standard. You'll get a bit less than 128MB in this case.
4. (unrelated) - I don't know exactly when kudzu deleted your entry
from fstab, but I think deleting the 'kudzu' option from the options
field will stop that from happening.

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