On Sun, Nov 30, 2003 at 12:39:11AM +0200, Shlomo Solomon wrote:
> On Saturday 29 November 2003 22:55, Oron Peled wrote:
> > On Saturday 29 November 2003 20:17, Shlomo Solomon wrote:
> > > I then went to the **extreme** of re-booting and spoiling my uptime ;-)
> > > a few times with and without the device in the USB plug. What I
> > > discovered is that  the device seems to work as expected
> > > **out-of-the-box** the first time only,
> >
> > Instead of rebooting, see if:
> >     rmmod usb-storage
> > Make it behave nice again (because it reloads next time with hotplug). If
> > this "solves" the problem, than we know where the blame lies.
> That seems to be it. I'm hesitant to say this for sure after the auto vfat 
> solution **seemed** to work and then didn't. 
> BTW - I didn't try Yedidyah's advice since, as I wrote, this is not my device 
> and re-formatting is not an option. And Micha's additional advice to re-start 
> hotplug wasn't necessary after removing usb-storage (as both he and Oron 
> suggested).
> Thanks again - hopefully this time the problem really is solved 

I belive this is a bug (or maybe a feature ;-) with usb-storage. For
some reason it retains the devices data even after reload.
I ran into this problem trying to use more then one usb device, or
connecting it to a different usb port each time which caused two devices
to appear instead of one. I need to look into it but maybe an action can
be inserted into hotplug to force it to unload the usb-storage module
when the device is removed, although it is a work around.
A bug report should probably be reported to lkml or the usb mail list.

> -- 
> Shlomo Solomon
> http://come.to/shlomo.solomon
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